other initiatives

 join lakehead's climate caucus

the teaching commons website states: communities of practice (cops) are groups of practitioners who “share a passion for something they know how to do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better” (wenger, 2015).

consider joining lakehead's climate caucus where 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty, staff, and community members are supporting each other about climate change.

year of climate action launch event: "colonization caused climate change, and indigenous rights are climate justice" keynote with clayton thomas-mueller

teaching and learning week: "why hope matters to climate action in the age of eco-anxiety and climate doom" keynote with dr. elin kelsey

watch the keynote by dr. elin kelsey.

carbon reduction initiatives at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜

learn about projects and policies lakehead has implemented to save energy and enhance sustainability performance, as well as future plans we have in store. 

presented by hugh briggs, director of physical plant.



the worlds' future--interactive social simulation for classes

the world's future - a social simulation being offered to classes

climate change book club

join faculty members from the department of english to discuss important books about climate action!

all are welcome!

all events will take place on thursdays, 7 pm to 9 pm, on zoom. register at https://bit.ly/climatecbc today!

climate change book club poster

year of climate action (yoca): research awards – applications due friday, october 29

the office of the vice-president, research and innovation is pleased to announce the launch of the year of climate action (yoca) research awards.

to support yoca, the office of the vice-president, research and innovation is providing funding of up to $5,000 each for six research projects that generate knowledge about and/or support climate action. proposals from all disciplines are encouraged.

when applying for this grant, key things to consider are:

-       the interdisciplinary approach to the research project;

-       the relationship of the project to the broad themes of climate change and climate action; and

-       community involvement or the impact of the project on communities.

eligibility: faculty members with tenure-track, tenured, and 3-year limited-term appointments are eligible to apply. a student or team of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 may apply; however, an eligible faculty member must agree to supervise the project as the principal investigator.

specific guidelines and evaluation criteria for this funding opportunity are available here. applications are only available through the romeo research portal. to access the portal, please log into myinfo and select “romeo research portal” under the web utilities icon.  

applications are due on friday, october 29 at 11:59 pm.

for additional information regarding the application process, please contact ea.vpri@lakeheadu.ca.