get involved

yoca is about creating the possibility for change that is amplified when we work together.

yoca is an invitation, a call to action, and an opportunity for faculty, staff, administration, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and our larger community to collectively join together to listen, learn, share, and most importantly act on climate change.

will you join us?

there are the four main ways to get involved in the yoca:

  1. mobilize your department, office, or individuals to coordinate an initiative at any time during the yoca (september 2021-june 2022). the yoca is an invitation to incorporate climate change and action into your existing engagements, teaching, and research, or to imagine new possibilities to engage in the climate conversation. use this form to submit your ideas and receive the yoca toolkit to help support you.
  2. participate in any of the yoca’s activities and events.
  3. follow our social media campaign, #36climateactions, and complete a climate action challenge each week over the 36 weeks of the yoca
  4. the yoca coordinating committee will be reaching out to academic units across the university to identify climate champions that will provide guidance to colleagues as they consider how to integrate a connection to climate change into their courses. inspire and guide your colleagues to integrate climate change into their teaching as the "climate education champion" for your academic department.

the following is a list of confirmed contributions to the yoca:

  • the yoca research awards supported by the office of research and innovation;
  • teaching and learning week: emphasis on faculty training on climate change, integrating climate change into teaching;
  • storytelling and climate change circle with local elders;
  • one year commemoration of commitment to divest hosted by fossil free lakehead;
  • a virtual climate action book display and research guide developed by the lakehead library;
  • climate action book club hosted by faculty members in the english department;
  • a youth sustainability summit, organized by sustainable orillia's youth council;
  • research and innovation week;
  • yoca inspired in-class projects;
  • guest speaker hosted by the science speaker series;
  • and more!

want to coordinate an initiative? we are conducting this yoca ideas and involvement form to create a large list of ideas for events, initiatives, course projects, etc. that could be part of the yoca. if you prefer to discuss your idea first, no problem! please reach out to ledah mckellar, sustainability coordinator, at

we look forward to hearing from you!

frequently asked questions

how will initiatives be organized and resourced?

while the office of sustainability and the yoca coordinating committee will launch and conclude the yoca, we expect that departments, faculties, offices, and individuals who volunteer to participate will take the lead on their initiatives.

departments, faculties, offices, and individuals that submit ideas are responsible for organizing, coordinating, and (if needed) budgeting for these events.

the coordinating committee will provide guidance as needed and ensure that initiatives/events are spread throughout the year and diverse in terms of content and format.

what supports will be available?

following completion of the form, the yoca coordinating committee will reach out to the liaison (i.e., primary contact person) identified in the form to discuss and confirm format, content, and scheduling in order to create a comprehensive year-long plan for the yoca. you will also receive the yoca toolkit with supports for advertising, branding, and other materials relevant for launching and reporting on your initiative.

what to expect following the form

filling out this ideas and involvement form is the first step toward getting involved in the yoca. a member of the yoca organizing committee will follow up with additional details. the liaison (i.e., primary contact person) will be invited to meet with the coordinating committee on an as-needed basis to ensure open communications.

if you have any questions, please email ledah mckellar, sustainability coordinator, at