emtr - 2017  

robotics and automation i

instructor:  dr. wilson wang, cb-4057, 766-7174

email:  wilson.wang@lakeheadu.ca

webpage:  http://wwang3.lakeheadu.ca/emtr2017.htm

lectures: 2:30-4:00pm, tuesday, at-2004

11:30am-1:00pm, thursday, rb-1021

teaching assistant: amel abi <aabi@lakeheaduc>, melika afshari <mafshari@lakehead.ca

office hours:  3:00-4:00pm, wednesday & friday, or by appoitment


  1. robot modeling and control, m. spong, s. hutchinson, m. vidyasagar,2nd edition, john wiley & sons, 2020.

  2. teaching materials


this course introduces the fundamental theories of robot manipulator modeling and control, as well as their applications in automation. the topics covered in this course include: structures of robot manipulators, rotational transformation, motions of rigid manipulators, forward kinematics, velocity kinematics, inverse kinematics, trajectory planning, independent joint modeling and control using pid controllers.

student learner outcomes

grading policy:

assignments: 15%;

labs: 20%;

midterm exam: 25;  

final exam: 40%


week topics readings notes
1 introduction


2 rotation representation; rotation transformations


3 rotation composition and parameterization


assignment 1
4 euler angles; rigid motion; kinamatic chains

2.5-2.7; 3.1

solution 1
5 dh conversion; forward kinamatics examples


assignment 2
6 dh conversion for manipulators; velocity kinematics

3.3-3.4 ; 4.1-4.2

solution 2

assignment 3
7 reading week


8 skew-symmetric matrices
midterm exam


solution 3
9 jacobian for angular and linear velocities


assignment 4
10 inverse kinamatics


solution 4
11 inverse orientatios; singularities

5.4; 4.9

lt pairs
12 independent joint control


assignment 5
13 joint model; pid control


solution 5