emtr - 2011  

measurement and instrumentation

instructor:  dr. wilson wang, cb-4057, 766-7174

email:  wilson.wang@lakeheadu.ca

webpage:  http://wwang3.lakeheadu.ca/emtr2011.htm

lectures:  1:00-2:30pm, monday & wednesday, rb-1021

teaching assistant: habiba yeasmin <hyeasmin@lakeheadau,ca>

lab instructors:  jason clement <jcclemen@lakeheadu.ca>

office hours:  3:00-4:00pm, wednesday & friday, or by an appointment


  1. pic microcontroller and embedded systems, m. a. mazidi, d. causey, r. mckinlay, 2nd edition, microdigital ed, 2016.

  2. fundamentals of digital logic with verilog design, s. brown and z. vranesic, mcgraw-hill, 3rd edition, 2014.

  3. teaching materials


introduction to microcontrollers and digital logic for mechatronics systems. specific topics include: digital systems and number representation; logic gates, boolean algebra; karnaugh maps; flip-flops, registers and counters; pic architecture, microcomputer structure and operation, memory, addressing, i/o port programming, pic18 timer programming, serial port programming, interrupt, adc, dac, and sensor interfacing. assembly language and c will be used for pic programming.

student learner outcomes

grading policy:

assignments: 15%;

labs: 20%;

midterm exam: 25;  

final exam: 40%


week topics readings notes
1 introduction. number systems


2 logic gates and networks; karnaugh maps


2.1-2.8, 2.11 (book 2)

assignment 1
3 combinational circuits; computer structures

2.11; 4.1-4.2 (book 2); 0.3 (chapter 0)

solution 1
4 flip-flips; registers;pic microcontrollers

5.1-5.9(book 2) chapter 1 (book 1)

assignment 2
5 pic architecture; data format


solution 2
6 assembley language programing. midterm exam


assignment 3
7 reading week


8 status registers, counters, directives


9 program rom; branch, looping and stack

2.9-2.10. 3.1-3.2

solution 3
10 ai/o port programming

3.3, 4.1-4.2

assignment 4
11 pic programming in c; pic timers

7.1-7.4. 9.1

solution 4
12 pic counters and programming


assignment 5
13 serial port programming; interrupts

10.1-10.3; 11.1-11.2

solution 5
14 adc and sensor interfacing

11.3; 13.1-13.2; 13.4