dr. chris southcott: publications

recent selected publications (since 2006)


southcott, c. et al. (eds.) extractive industry and the sustainability of canada’s arctic communities, kingston and montreal: mcgill-queen’s press, 2022, 372 pp.

southcott, c et al. (eds.) resources and sustainable development in the arctic, london: routledge, 2018, 304 pp.

abele, f. and southcott, c. (eds.)  care, cooperation and activism: cases from the northern social economy, edmonton: university of alberta press, 2016.

southcott, c. (ed.) northern communities working together: the social economy of canada's north, toronto: university of toronto press, 2015.

beaulieu m. and southcott, c. north of superior: an illustrated history of northern ontario, toronto: lorimer , 2010.

heininen, l. and southcott, c. (eds.) globalization and the circumpolar world fairbanks: university of alaska press, 2010.

huskey, l. and southcott, c. (eds.) migration in the circumpolar north: issues and contexts, edmonton: cci press, 2010.

southcott, c. the north in numbers: a demographic analysis of social and economic change in northern ontario, thunder bay: centre for northern studies press, 2006, 242 pp.

book chapters

*southcott, c. et al. 2022 “extractive industry and the sustainability of canada’s arctic communities: an introduction” in southcott, c, et al (eds.), extractive industry and the sustainability of canada’s arctic communities, pp. 2-23, kingston and montreal: mcgill-queen’s press.

 *southcott, c. et al. 2022 “what must happen for extractive industry to help the sustainability of northern communities?” in southcott, c. et al (eds.) extractive industry and the sustainability of canada’s arctic communities, pp. 357-368, kingston and montreal: mcgill-queen’s press.

 * petrov, a., southcott, c. cavin, p. and simpson, b. 2022 “measuring the social and economic impacts of extractive industry in the arctic: developing baseline social indicators for the inuvialuit settlement region” in southcott, c. et al (eds.) extractive industry and the sustainability of canada’s arctic communities, pp, 310-334. kingston and montreal: mcgill-queen’s press.

 *southcott, c. 2022 “the social economy and renewable resource development in nunavut: barriers and opportunities” in natcher, d. and koivurova, t. (eds.) renewable economies in the arctic, pp, 99-122, london: routledge

 * southcott, c. 2020 “chapter 4: sustainable resources” in greybill, j. and petrov, a. (eds.) arctic sustainability, key methodologies and knowledge domains: a synthesis of knowledge vol. 1, london: routledge.

 * southcott, c. et al. 2018 “chapter 1: introduction” in southcott, c. et al. (eds.) resources and sustainable development in the arctic, pp. 1-22, london: routledge.

 * huskey, l. and southcott, c. 2018 “chapter 8: resource revenue regimes around the circumpolar north: a gap analysis” in southcott, c. et al. (eds.) resources and sustainable development in the arctic, pp. 156-174, london: routledge.

 * southcott, c. 2018 “chapter 15: resource development and climate change: a gap analysis” in southcott, c. et al. (eds.) resources and sustainable development in the arctic, pp. 271-289. london: routledge.

 * southcott, c. et al. 2018 “chapter 16: how can extractive industry help rather than hurt arctic communities?” in southcott, c. et al. (eds.) resources and sustainable development in the arctic, pp. 291-297, london: routledge.

 *abele, f. and southcott, c. “introduction” in abele, f. and southcott, c. (eds.) care, cooperation and activism: cases from the northern social economy, edmonton: university of alberta press, 2016.

southcott, c. 2016 “y-a-il possible d’échapper la malédiction de ressources dans l’arctique? » dans fortin, m.-j., chiasson, g., flamand-hubert, m., fournis, y. et l’italien, f. (eds.) ressources naturelles, gouvernance et collectivités: refonder le développement des territoires, rimouski : Éditions du grideq, pp. 9-27.

r*abele, f. and southcott, c. 2016 “introduction” in abele, f. and southcott, c. (eds.) care, cooperation and activism: cases from the northern social economy, edmonton: university of alberta press.

southcott, c. 2015 “introduction” in southcott, c. (ed.) northern communities working together: the social economy of canada’s north, toronto: university of toronto press.

southcott, c and walker. v. 2015 “chapter 2 the changing nature of social economy organizations in canada’s north: a portrait of non-profit, voluntary and cooperative organizations” in southcott, c. (ed.) northern communities working together: the social economy of canada’s north, toronto: university of toronto press.

keskitalo, c. and southcott, c. 2014 “globalization and the arctic”, arctic human development report ii, akureyri: arctic council.

southcott, c. 2013 “arctic globalization” in encyclopedia of quality of life research michalos, a. (ed.) heidelberg: springer.

southcott, c. 2013 “chapter 2: regional economic development and socio-economic change in northern ontario” in conteh, c. and segworth, r. (eds.) governance in northern ontario: economic development and policy making, toronto: university of toronto press.

southcott, c. 2012 “globalization and rural change in canada’s territorial north” in parkins, john r. and reed, maureen g. (eds.) social transformation in rural canada: new insights into community, cultures and collective action, vancouver: university of british columbia press. 

southcott, c. 2013 “langue et pouvoir dans le nord canadien : la communauté francophone du nord-ouest de l’ontario » in language and power: for a linguistic regime in north america , s. sberro and r. harpelle (eds.) thunder bay: centre for northern studies press.

southcott, c.  “demographic and social change in canada’s northern resource dependent communities: 1971-2001” in pulp friction: communities and the forest industry in a globalized world, r. harpelle and m. beaulieu (eds.) thunder bay: centre for northern studies press, 2012.

southcott, chris 2011 “immigration, integration and inclusion in thunder bay” in immigration, integration and inclusion in ontario cities, caroline andrew, john biles, meyer burstein, vicki esses  and erin tolley (eds.) montreal and kingston: mcgill-queen’s press.

southcott, c. “history of globalization in the circumpolar world” in globalization and the circumpolar world, in heininen, l. and southcott, c. (eds.) fairbanks: university of alaska press, 2010.

southcott, c. “migration in the canadian arctic: an introduction” in migration in the circumpolar north: issues and contexts, huskey, l. and southcott, c. (eds.), edmonton: cci press, 2010.

southcott, c. “old economy/new economy transitions and shifts in demographic and industrial patterns in northern regions”, in transitions in marginal zones in the age of globalization: case studies from the north and south, t. dunk, ed., thunder bay: centre for northern studies press. 2010.

southcott, c. “the social economy and economic development in the canadian north: constraints and opportunities” in the political economy of northern regional development, winther, g. (ed.), copenhagen: nordic council, 2010.

southcott, c. “the socio-economic impacts of climate change and sustainable development in canada’s northern communities” in climate change and arctic sustainable development, d. nakashima (ed.) paris: unesco, 2009.

southcott, c., (lead author) et al. “science plan 11: arctic science in the public interest”, the arctic system in a changing world: science plans of the second international conference on arctic research planning, stockholm: international arctic science committee, 2006.


*natcher, d., bognan, a.m., southcott, c. 2022, “trends in subsistence research in northern canada: a systematic literature review” arctic, 75 (3), 320-329.

 *southcott, c., abele, f., natcher, d., & parlee, b. 2018. “beyond the berger inquiry: can extractive resource development help the sustainability of canada’s arctic communities?” arctic, 71 (4), 393- 406.

 *southcott, c, 2018 “dealing with resource development in canada’s north” northern review 47, pp.3-8.

 *southcott, c. and natcher, d. “extractive industries and indigenous subsistence economies: a complex and unresolved relationship” canadian journal of development studies, 39:1, pp. 137- 154.

 r*dowsley, m. and southcott, c. 2016 “challenging the perception of ‘female flight’ as a demographic problem in eastern canadian arctic communities: are inuit women finding a different development path” polar geography, 40:1, online version january 12, 2017.

r*shirley, s., natcher, d., rodon, t. and southcott, c. 2017 “constraints to wildlife harvesting among aboriginal communities in alaska and canada” food security, 8:6, pp. 1153-1167.

r*huskey, l. and southcott, c. 2016. “‘that’s where my money goes’: resource production and financial flows in the yukon economy” polar journal, 6:1, pp. 85-101.

r*southcott, c. 2015. “resource development and northern communities – an introduction”, northern review, 41, pp. 3-12. 

r*jones, c. and southcott, c. 2015. “mobile miners: work, home, and hazards in the yukon’s mining industry”, northern review, 41, pp. 111-137.

r *southcott, c. 2014. “socio-economic trends in the canadian north: comparing the provincial and territorial norths” northern review, 38:2, pp. 159-177.

r * laflamme, s. southcott, c. et roggero, p. "le rapport aux médias et la profession exercée. le cas des francophones du nord-ouest de l'ontario", revue canadienne de sociologie, printemps, 2010.

r* southcott, c. “introduction to the special issue on the social economy in northern canada” northern review, 30: spring, 2009, pp. 3-11. (guest editor)

r *southcott, c. and walker, v. “a portrait of the social economy in northern canada”, northern review, 30: spring, 2009, pp. 13-36.

r shaw, l., southcott, c., townsend, e. “a community panel on occupations to consider economic opportunities outside major urban centres”, journal of occupational sciences, 16:1, 2009, pp. 12-17.

r *corbett, n., laflamme, s. et southcott, c. « usage des médias et langue de communication dans la communauté francophone du nord-ouest de l'ontario », revue du nouvel-ontario, numéro 33, 2008, p. 69-94.

r southcott, c. “globalization, culture, and northern identities”, polar geography, 29:2, 2005, pp. 103-118.

non-refereed publications

southcott, c. sernnoca 2023 portrait of the northern social economy: census and survey summary report, sernnoca (www.sernnoca.ca)

 *southcott, c. walker, v., beairsto, b., chua, s., dutton, j. and pike, s. (eds.) 2019, resda knowledge sharing toolkit guide, resda and yukon research centre: whitehorse, yt. (www.resda.ca)

 *southcott, c. and pike, s. (eds.) 2019 resources and sustainable development in the arctic (resda): a summary of projects, resda and yukon research centre: whitehorse, yt. (www.resda.ca)

 *southcott, c. (ed.) 2019 resda-ᑯᑦᑐᓴᖅᑎᑦᑎᔾᔪᑎᖏᑦᑕᒪᐃᓐᓂᒃᑕᐅᑐᓐᓂᖅ  (summary of resda gap analyses in inuktitut) iqaluit: resda and nunavut research institute. (www.resda.ca)

*wegeberg, s.; southcott, c. and aastrup, p. 2018. chapter 7: non-living resources. in: adaptation actions for a changing arctic: perspectives from the baffin bay/davis strait region. pp. 201-222. arctic monitoring and assessment programme (amap), oslo, norway

southcott, c. et al. 2016 “what do we need to know about extractive resources in the north?” northern public affairs, fall, pp. 55-57.

southcott, c. 2015 “nunavut” in markey, s. et al (eds.) state of rural canada report, brandon: canadian rural revitalization foundation, pp. 93-98.

southcott, c. 2015 “can resource development be good for arctic communities? - the resources and sustainable development in the arctic (resda) project” in heininen, l et al. (eds.) arctic yearbook 2014: human capital in the north. akureyri, iceland: northern research forum, pp. 487-489.

huskey, l. and southcott, c. 2014 “resource revenue regimes around the circumpolar north: a gap analysis.” whitehorse: resda gap analysis report #4.

southcott, c. 2014 “the canadian north and future challenge areas in the social sciences and humanities: a report prepared for the social sciences and humanities research council of canada”, ottawa: sshrc.

southcott, c. 2014 “resource development and climate change in the arctic: a gap analysis”, whitehorse: resda gap analysis report #13.

southcott, c., walker, v. and staples, k. 2013 the social economy and the yukon : a portrait whitehorse : resda community reports, 63 pp.

southcott, c. 2012 “can resource development help make arctic communities sustainable? resources and sustainable development in the arctic” northern public affairs, spring, pp. 48-49.

southcott, c., abele, f., and natcher, d. “the social economy and canada’s north: researching new possibilities in development”, northern notes, 30, 2009, pp. 16-21.

specialized and technical reports

elson, p., hall, p., southcott, c., walker, v., and wamuc, p. 2016 “northern territories nonprofit social enterprise sector survey report”, calgary: mount royal university institute for community prosperity.

southcott, c. the aboriginal population and the economy of northern ontario: census research paper series report #12, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, april 2009, 25 pp.

southcott, c. francophones and the economy of northern ontario: census research paper series report #11, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, april 2009, 28 pp.

southcott, c. and irlbacher-fox, s. changing northern economies: helping northern communities build a sustainable future, victoria, bc: northern development ministers forum, april 2009, 35 pp.

southcott, c. la communauté francophone du nord-ouest de l’ontario en 2006 : une communauté en transition, association des francophones du nord-ouest de l’ontario, fév. 2009, 26 pp.

southcott, c. women and the economy of northern ontario: census research paper series report #10, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, july 2008, 37 pp.

southcott, c. trends in northern ontario’s income levels: census research paper series report #9, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, july 2008, 48 pp

southcott, c. trends in northern ontario’s education levels: census research paper series report #8, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, april 2008

southcott, c. the changing occupational structure of northern ontario: census research paper series report #7, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, april 2008

southcott, c. the changing industrial structure of northern ontario: census research paper series report #6, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, april 2008

southcott, c. labour force participation trends in northern ontario: census research paper series report #5, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, april 2008

southcott, c. migration and mobility trends in northern ontario: census research paper series report #4, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, december 2007

corbett, n., laflamme, s., et southcott, c. l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies de communication et la vitalité linguistique et communautaires des francophones dans le nord ouest de l’ontario : rapport du sondage thunder bay : association des francophones du nord-ouest de l’ontario, septembre, 2007

southcott, c. aging population trends in northern ontario: census research paper series report #3, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, september 2007

southcott, c. youth out-migration trends in northern ontario: census research paper series report #2, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, september 2007

southcott, c. the changing population of northern ontario: 2006 census research paper series report #1, thunder bay: local boards of northern ontario, may 2007.