dr. michael hoechsmann
+1 (705) 330-4010ext. 2640
academic qualifications:
phd, oise/ university of toronto, 1998
research interests:
recent publications:
(2021) the handbook of media education research (eds. with d. frau-meigs, s. kotilainen, m. pathak-shelat and s. poyntz). hoboken, nj: wiley/iamcr.
(2021) education for democracy 2.0: changing frames of media literacy (eds. with g. thesee and p.r. carr). rotterdam: brill/sense.
(2019) "pedagogy, precarity, and persuasion: the case for re/mix literacies." international journal of critical media literacy 1(1), 93-101. <https://brill.com/view/journals/jcml/1/1/article-p93_93.xml>
(2019) “tan lejos pero tan cerca: the missing link between media literacy and educomunicación.” in (eds.) mateus, j.c, andrada, p. & quiroz, m.t. media education in latin america. london: routledge, 259-267.