an academic timetable provides a listing of classes scheduled for the term. please note that scheduling changes may happen and academic timetables are subject to change. to register for your classes, go to myinfo (or take a look at our registration guide).
welcome to the 2024/25 academic timetable.
continues to offer its signature small class size experiences delivered on-campus, hands-on experiential learning opportunities, as well as hybrid course offerings and a mix of online and zoom courses.
some of your courses may be on-campus, which you will find on the timetable specific to your location. you may also find online or remote courses if they are specific to your campus. you may also search online delivery for any remote or online course that is not campus specific. regardless of delivery or campus, take a look at the "method" column to understand what to expect. you can click on the "method" to learn more about it but here’s a quick summary!
on-campus courses – to be delivered on-campus
lecture (lec)
laboratory (lab)
performance (per)
practicum (pra)
research (res)
video conference (vid)
seminar (sem)
tutorial (tut)
online courses – to be delivered online or remotely
web-based (web)
zoom (zom)
don’t worry if you don’t see days/times for all your courses! we will populate those as they are confirmed but will make sure you stay conflict free!