international student services

nail it!

hello wonderful 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ! 😁⁠

lakehead international is conducting a fun filled event. opportunity to bring out your creative side and portray at your nails. 💅⁠
design beautiful and artistic nails.⁠

the activity will take place at international lounge on february 01, 2023 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. ⁠

movie night

who’s looking to enjoy a movie night with friends, popcorn, and pizzzzaaaa!!!!
come join us at the international lounge for an interesting movie.

we welcome all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to join us for this event 

can't wait to see you there

webinaire pour les personnes à revenu modeste

l’agence du revenu du canada organise un webinaire interactif qui portera sur les sujets suivants :

• l’allocation canadienne pour enfants;

• le crédit pour la tps/tvh;

• l’allocation canadienne pour les travailleurs;

• le supplément unique à l’allocation canadienne pour le logement et la prestation dentaire canadienne (nouveau)

• les différentes façons de faire ses impôts, l’aide fiscale gratuite, et les autres services de l’arc;

• l’importance de garder ses renseignements à jour auprès de l’arc.

webinar for individuals with a modest income

the canada revenue agency (cra) is hosting an interactive webinar to share information on the:

  • canada child benefit (ccb)
  • gst/hst credit
  • canada workers benefit (cwb)
  • one-time top-up to the canada housing benefit and canada dental benefit (new)
  • ways to do your taxes, free tax help, and other cra services
  • importance of keeping your information up to date with the cra

participants will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the webinar and we will be providing responses live.


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