as the new school year begins, be sure to make your health a priority! a suite of health and wellness services are available to you on campus through student health and wellness to help you stay healthy and get the most out of your lakehead experience.
nurse practitioner
the nurse practitioner is available for all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
and provides many primary care medical services, including:
- physical/medical exams
- sexual health, education, sti testing
- mental health concerns
- birth control, paps, pregnancy testing
- gender affirming primary care for trans and non-binary 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
- immunizations
- chronic health concerns
- cold, sore throat, flu
- musculoskeletal injuries
- skin conditions, warts, and mole treatments
free, short term, non-judgmental, client centered mental health counselling is available in person or virtually for all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
naturopathic doctor
dr. michelle provides free naturopathic services to lakehead 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
on wednesdays. naturopathic services include:
- health assessments
- nutrition and lifestyle counselling
- acupuncture
- cupping
- support with energy, hormone health, mood, digestion, and stress
dr. tara and dr. allison offer chiropractic services on thursdays at a student rate of $55/appointment. chiropractor services are covered by most extended health benefits plans. services include hands on adjustment, therapeutic exercises, and muscle stimulation techniques to address concerns including:
- headaches
- neck and back pain
- sports injuries
- foot pain
- exercise rehab
booking an appointment
all health services offered through student health and wellness are by appointment only. you can request an appointment through mysuccess, then student health and wellness staff with contact you to book your appointment.
where do appointments take place?
all in-person appointments occur in the wellness centre in or 1012, on the first floor of the residence building. some of the services are available virtually if that is preferred.
have questions? for more information about health and wellness services, please visit or email