academic standing

your academic standing plays an important role in your academic future and keeps you informed about your progress towards graduation.

every spring, you are assessed by your academic department to determine your academic standing for the academic year (september-april). your academic standing keeps you informed of your academic progress and controls registration for the next academic year.  academic standing determines whether you are in good standing, able to continue conditionally or on probation, require academic advising before proceeding, or are ineligible to continue in your current program.

what determines your "standing"?

how academic standing is communicated

  • in june, your academic standing can be seen in your myservices/myportal account by viewing my program details & academic standing. some departments make additional notes specific to your program which will also be available to view.

  • we ensure your standing is released before registration opens for the next fall/winter registration session so that you have time to arrange a meeting with your chair if necessary.

  • you may also receive an email from our office and/or your department with further information about your academic standing and how to proceed.

  • your academic standing is not recorded on your official transcript.

what your academic standing means

elig - eligible to continue
you have met minimum requirements for your program and are considered in good academic standing. you may continue in your program and register for the next academic year. it is suggested that you review your progress through your myservices portal and calculate your major average to determine your future goals in your program. to calculate your major average, please refer to the section below.  
cond - proceed conditionally
you do not meet all the minimum requirements of your program suggesting either your marks are below the required average and/or you may be missing some program requirements. you may proceed under the condition that you raise your average and/or complete the missing program requirements in the next academic year. it is suggested that you meet with student central professional or your program chair to determine ways to get back on track. 
prob - probation
your average is too low. you can continue in your program and register for courses under the condition that in one year, you must increase your average to meet the minimum program requirement. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can only be on probation for one year. if you do not reach the program requirements after one year, you may be subject to a program change as suggested by the department. it is strongly suggested that you speak with a student central professional or your program chair to determine ways to be successful in your program moving forward. 
majr - you must choose a major
you must meet with a student central professional to select a major before proceeding.
advi - must seek course selection advice
you must meet with your chair/program advisor about course selection before proceeding with registration. you will not be able to register for the next academic year until you have met with your chair/program advisor.
fayr - failed year
you will not be eligible to progress to the next year level as you have failed all or some of the courses you took in the past year. to proceed to the next year level, you will need to repeat required courses for your program. before selecting courses, you must consult with your program chair/director to determine if you can proceed in the program or if you require a program change. it is strongly suggested that you consult with a student central professional who can assist you in getting back on track in your current program and/or look at other paths which may better suit your interests and academic strengths. 
inel - ineligible without consultation
your major average is significantly below the minimum requirements, and you may not be able to graduate if you do not increase your average moving forward.  before selecting courses, you must consult with your program chair/director to determine if you can proceed in the program or if you require a program change. it is strongly suggested that you consult with a student central professional who can assist you in getting back on track in your current program and/or look at other paths which may better suit your interests and academic strengths. 

what is your major average?

your major average is the average of percentage grades from all courses taken toward your major. for example, if you are in a biology program, your major average is calculated using all of the courses that fall under biology.  

how to calculate your major average? 

find “my unofficial transcript” in myinfo under grades and transcript and copy the entire range of course information into an excel document. in a fresh column, copy all the courses that are within your discipline, omitting all courses that do not have a numerical grade and all courses that were repeated (keep the most recent mark of the repeated course). any courses worth 1.0 fce must be included twice as they are worth twice as much as 0.5 fce weighted courses. calculate the average of these courses and that represents your major average. 

what is your cumulative average? 

your cumulative average is the average of percentage grades from all courses taken towards your program including major courses and elective courses. all grades that you would find in your student planning portal are included in the cumulative average calculation. it is important to maintain your minimum cumulative average to adhere to your specific program requirements and university regulations.

student planning (previously degree audit)

what is student planning?

the student planning is a tool, found within myservices/myportal, that allows you to plan your course selection and helps in making sure you are on track towards completing the right courses for your program.  

  • the tool is a guideline only, and should be used in combination with meeting with your faculty advisor, program advisor or student central professional.  
  • the degree audit will use all courses you have completed to-date and all courses you are currently registered for and fit them into an outline of your program requirements.  
  • the degree audit will show you what program requirements you have outstanding.

if you require assistance in understanding your student planning tool, please use our student planning guide.  

what does "view a new program" mean?

the student planning tool not only allows you to audit your current program, but, you can select an alternate program to see how your completed credits and registered courses fit into the program selected. the "view a new program" selection allows you to choose from any program 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 offers.

what are the components of student planning?

the top portion will have your personalized information including; name, program of study, student number, email address, and "catalog" year which reflects the year you started the program

the program summary portion gives you an overview of the program requirements, what you have already completed and what you have remaining to complete

the degree audit then outlines your program requirements in the hierarchy of:

  • major requirements
  • other requirements - this section lists any program requirements which are outside of the major subject, and may be composed of specific course numbers, subjects, groups or types
  • open electives - courses which you have flexibility in choosing the subject matter
  • major average calculation - this section shows all courses in your major subject area and calculates the average. note that all courses taken in your particular major will contribute towards the major average regardless of whether is it required to fulfill program requirements. normally, the major average must be a minimum of 70% for an honours degree and a minimum of 60% for a bachelor degree
  • list of first year credits - this section shows all courses you have taken at the first year level. it is important to note that every program has a maximum number of first year credits that can be applied to your degree requirements. any courses over the program maximum will not be used towards the degree requirements
  • the bottom of the degree audit will list "other courses". these reflect any failed/repeated courses or courses that are not used/needed for your program requirements