 studying together preparing for an exam


prepare for your exams like a pro with our one-stop resource hub tailored to your success! from keeping track of crucial dates to decoding your grades, requesting transcripts, and understanding the options available to you, we've got everything you need to conquer your exams with ease. 

all about exams

depending on the courses in which you are enrolled, they may have midterm exams and/or final exams. as a student, it is your responsibility to ensure you are aware if you have an exam, the location, date and time of the exam as well as the rules that govern the exam process. for most programs, final exams are normally conducted twice during the fall/winter term during a december exam period and an april exam period. you must remain available for your exams and ensure any travel plans do not conflict with the exam dates and periods including the exam contingency dates.

exam timetables

for most programs, final exams are normally conducted twice during the fall/winter term during a december exam period and an april exam period. you must remain available for your exams and ensure any travel plans do not conflict with the exam dates and periods including the exam contingency dates. the exam timetable is released in mid-october for the fall term, and mid-february for year long courses and the winter term.

special exams overview

special exams may provide you with the opportunity to "retake" an exam for a particular course, should you meet the specific criteria. you must be approved to write a special exam based on the criteria set out in the special exam regulation.