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economic, social, and other domestic policies; and media. you will consider the following questions (among others): how and why do people vote? how does a leader of a political party do his job? what is the role of the media in elections? you can find more information in the learner outcomes section below. course content using role play simulation and individual written exercises, the course content will answer the following questions for two industrialized liberal democracies inside europe. for the political system: what are the main characteristics? what are elements of its political culture? what is the type and composition of the executive branch? the legislative branch? how is society stratified? what are its social cleavages? what are the main issues? for each political party: what is the party's name? who is the party leader? where is the party on the political spectrum? who are the party's main supporters? what is the party's present standing in each of the legislative chambers? in public opinion? what is the party's electoral history? what are the party's main issues? what is the party's platform? social? health care? domestic and foreign policy? national security? for the electoral process: what is the type of electoral process? when is the next election? what is the length of the term in the upper house? the lower house? the executive? how many ridings are represented in the upper house? the lower house? using instructor-generated worksheets, political analysis will allow you to answer the following questions: who are the significant political actors in the country, individuals or groups? how does the analyst distinguish between significant and insignificant actors? what influence do various actors have on a particular action? what are the resources on which the political system rests? which are scarce? which are essential? how do political actors manage them? what factors favor which political actors? texts and readings readings as indicated on course calendar to be retrieved through zotero; ten core worksheets, and more strategic activism, by laure paquette, available at mycourselink.lakeheadu.ca and the bookstore; extra material on reserve or on zotero or courselink; and all available relevant material, and supplementary and further supporting information found through your own research. course format to support your learning the course content, you will be provided with: classroom instruction; access to research materials and instructor-prepared worksheets; opportunities to participate in role-playing exercises; and individual and group written assignments. typical course schedule note: this course schedule may change because of holiday schedules, unforeseen circumstances or other reasons without notice. periodic topical talks from the librarians at paterson library is part of the course. consult the course calendar available on d2l for details. week 1-2introduction to the course structure and requirements, theory and history of comparative politicsweek 3introduction to worksheets, team formation and team workweeks 4-6role play simulation iweek 8worksheet workshop iweek 9-11role play simulation ii; workshop iiweek 12end of role play simulation ii; awarding of professionalism grade learner outcomes in this course, you will learn: independent critical thinking through the use of research and written assignments; social awareness by requiring that you know the social and environmental policies of the countries studied, how those policies are advocated by different political parties, and how it affects voting behavior; and leadership through the team work required of role play simulations. at the end of this course, you will be able to: collect authoritative information about a political party of an industrialized liberal democracy inside europe; identify its history, position on the political spectrum, main supporters, standing in the legislative and executive branches, and its economic, social and other policies; identify and assess the mains issues in the polity, elements of political culture, social cleavages and other political characteristics; identify the type of electoral system and process for each branch; distinguish between significant and insignificant political actors, and what influence each wields; identify and assess resources needed for the polity to function (including identifying which ones are scarce), and what factors affect the functioning of the policy; and apply these skills research and analyze political parties and election campaigns. grading componentpercentageof total markworksheets 2,3,4,580role play simulation i presentations and professionalism10role play simulation ii presentations and professionalism10bonus assignment: skills gridup to +5% of final gradetotal100 there is a written guide at mycourselink.lakeheadu.ca on worksheets, as well as instructional videos on youtube, which are to be completed individually. worksheets must be typed, in point form, and in 10 or 12 point font. all assignments must be properly sourced using the chicago manual of style. the balance of the grade reflects the presentations and background preparation in the role-play simulations, which include political speeches, media interviews, political advertising, and other types of presentation. there may be bonus assignments. in general, the instructor awards grades on assignments and presentations on the following criteria: the student did an excellent job: 8/10 when reading the students work, the instructor learns something: 9/10 the students work is better than the instructor could have produced: 10/10 in addition, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are required to attend one 15-minute team consultation with one of the universitys librarians in preparation for the second simulation. failure to attend will result in a 5% penalty to the final grade. the professionalism grade is given by the instructor after receiving feedback from teammates according to the following rubric. a student will receive 0 if the student fails to follow the following university policies: 1. academic appeals; 2. student code of behavior; 3. absences from course.; 4. academic dishonesty. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 may find these ant other policies at policies.lakeheadu.ca. in addition, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will incur the same penalty in the following scenarios: disrupt or distract entire class; make factually incorrect or defamatory remarks to instructor in presence of other 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 once; raise voice or other unacceptable behavior. for repeated behavior, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 may receive a grade of 0 on the second professionalism grade or the bonus assignment. learning objective9-10/10 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 receiving excellent will:7-8/10 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 receiving good will:5-6/10 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 receiving satisfactory will:3-4/10 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 receiving poor to failure will:attendanceattend every class miss only 1 class miss several classesmiss many classesbe on time and prepared to start classbe on time and prepared to start classarrive late for one or two classesarrive late for many classif ill, give notice prior to due dateif ill, give notice prior to due dateif ill, give notice after the due dateif ill, give no notice or notice after an absence pay attentionpay attentionpay attention most of the timetalk to others, sleep, eat, check cell phone, use computer for other tasks or give your attention to other work or activities preparation read assignments in advanceread assignments in advanceread most assignments in advancefrequently not do required readings in time for classask questions in a timely mannerask questions in a timely mannerasks questions close to deadlineoften asks questions when it is too lateread instructions before asking questionsread instructions before asking questionssometimes fails to read instructions thoroughlyoften ask questions without consulting the course materials firstuse feedback and to improve all future workuse selected graded feedback to improve future workuse selected graded feedback to improve some future workignore instructor feedback and/or disputes grade without a careful critique of your own work assessment and role of the instructor i believe that you learn only through what you yourself say, do, write or read, so i will use classroom time as much as possible to help you learn what you cannot learn any other way on your own. my responsibilities on this course are to: design the course and course requirements; set clear expectations for you to meet; coach you during your course work (developing strategies, role plays); help you prepare for components listed in the grading section above, as well as exams and classroom participation; and resolve any conflicts or answer any questions regarding student activities in the course. my performance is assessed through: formal student evaluations done at the end of the course; informal short discussions from time to time during the class; interactions (talk and e-mail) with individual or groups of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ; and ongoing monitoring of your performance and that of other 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the class in all your work. i commit to: ongoing reflection on my practice as a teacher; creativity, innovation and experimentation in the classroom; taking chances and making mistakes while i try to find the best way for you to learn; and being accountable to you and other 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 regarding these commitments. if your work is late if there is no date stamp each page of any late assignment (available from the department secretary or from the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 security services office), the applicable date/time penalties will be assessed based on when i receive the assignment. late penalties are as follows: 20 percentage points deducted for submissions up to 24 hours late; 40 percentage points deducted for between 24 and 48 hours late; only if i have not completed grading for all assignments handed in. once all assignments are handed in are graded, i will not accept late assignments. less participation in class work will result in a lower participation grade. however, if you are responsible for a significant task as part of group work, and you do not fulfill that task, you will fail the course.     -  page 6 - tu # 4 r l e6*t)yuwpstf³|||hgy56cjojqj^jhs\cjojqj^jhgy6cjojqj]^jhgy6cjojqj^jhgy5cj ojqj^jaj hgyhgycjojqj^jmh sh h\5cjojqj^jajhgy5cjojqj^jajhgycjojqj^j078vw! 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