health technology forum: technologies engaging communities exhibition: innovations in research dissemination and knowledge mobilization

event date:
monday, february 25, 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm est
event location:
cases (new lakehead gallery space)
about the event
- curated by dr. pauline sameshima
- canada research chair in arts integrated studies
- february 25th: 2:00pm-3:00pm in cases
- please meet on 2nd floor under the big light (cases building)
etymologically, the word technology comes from the greek phrase the “science of craft”. techne means art and skill. the word technology refers to techniques, skills, methods, and processes in the production of goods or services to meet objectives more effectively. the simplest form of technology are basic tools. technologies like the wheel, printing press, telephone, and internet have created pathways of communication bringing people together. this exhibition walking tour shares how the arts, as a technology, can engage communities in research to better our lives.
(re)creating the self: an art program for people with dementia
dr. elaine wiersma (lakehead associate professor, health sciences)
leah clement (alzheimer society, thunder bay)
this art is created by a group of people living with dementia in an art program facilitated by eleanor albanese. the project shares the experiences of relationships, creativity, and being.
teachers, risk & wellbeing in the creative economy
dr. pauline sameshima (lakehead canada research chair in arts integrated studies)
dr. kathryn ricketts (university of regina associate professor)
emilee de sommer-dennis (lakehead education masters student)
dr. sean wiebe (university of prince edward island, associate professor)
charity becker (university of prince edward island, education phd student)
using a multimodal research framework including dance, paint, poetry and ceramics, this sshrc-funded pan canadian project in 7 sites researches pathways that enable the reconceptualization of teachers’ roles in the creative economy.
equity in birthing experiences and outcomes
dr. helle moeller (lakehead associate professor, department of health sciences)
dr. manal alzghoul (lakehead assistant professor, school of nursing)
dr. pamela wakewich (lakehead emeritus sociology and women's studies)
dr. pauline sameshima (lakehead canada research chair in arts integrated studies)
barbara benwell (lakehead social justice studies master’s student)
this project is to understand from women’s perspectives, the experiences, needs, preferences, and challenges pregnant women in northwestern ontario face in relation to pre-conception, pre, peri- and post-natal knowledge and education.
picturing climate change in thunder bay: urgency, hope and action
dr. lindsay galway (assistant professor, lakehead health sciences)
amy coomes (earthcare thunder bay)
a photovoice project was developed and conducted by lakehead researcher lindsay galway and earthcare thunder bay. the project has been integrated into earthcare's "climate change connection" website which aims to connect information, actions, and stories to inspire climate engagement in the thunder bay region.
nurstory: reflections on early clinical experience
dr. manal alzghoul (assistant professor, lakehead school of nursing)
this 3-min video describes three significant compelling moments of learning in manal’s early clinical experience and is an example of a narrative pedagogical tool.
3d printing human fossils
dr. matthew tocheri (lakehead canada research chair in human origins)
discovered 6 metres beneath the ground on a remote indonesian island, ct scanned at a hospital in jakarta, 3d printed at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
: homo floresiensis comes to thunder bay.

dancer: dr. kathryn ricketts
project: teachers, risk & wellbeing
in the creative economy
photo by p. sameshima