health and technology in rural and remote contexts
discussion panel and lunch
join us in the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
faculty lounge on february 25th from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm for an engaging panel discussion on the topic of health and technology in rural/remote contexts. this event will feature researchers from a broad range of disciplines who are working to develop and utilize new technologies with the goal of improving health care in canada’s remote and rural regions.
in addition to highlighting some of the innovative research being done at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
, this event aims to create a dialogue that will identify pressing health care needs in the face of rapidly changing technology, and to highlight areas for action and collaboration.
space is limited so please register your attendance by february 18th 2019, at
dr. batia stolar
associate vice-president, research and graduate studies
associate professor, department of english
(prof. tim caulfield was not able to attend due to weather-related issues).
dr. vijay mago, dept. of computer science

dr. mago conducts research in areas including big data analytics, machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, medical decision making and bayesian intelligence. the main themes of his research are social data mining, text analysis, natural language processing and mathematical modelling, and their practical applications to fields including, but not limited to, health care and patient health monitoring.
dr. sasha bubon, radialis medical inc.

radialis inc. is a joint venture of the thunder bay regional health research institute (tbrhri) and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
founded to design, manufacture, and sell advanced imaging systems from thunder bay. radialis has developed a novel, large low-dose positron emission tomography (ld-pem) sensor that ‘tiles’ numerous independent sensor blocks to achieve full coverage of an entire breast without gaps and dead zones. highly sensitive radiation detection enables high-resolution, low-dose molecular breast imaging that is also rapid, thereby increasing clinic throughput.
dr. rachid benlamri, dept. of software engineering

dr. benlamri’s lab is working to develop an innovative geo-mapping system to facilitate air/land transfer of patients with acute stroke from the vast area of nwo to the closest and most appropriate care facility capable of providing optimal care services. the system uses artificial intelligence (ai) techniques to suggest the optimal air/land routing options based on stroke care access policies and rules, options for treatments at each close facility, existing transport protocols, stroke team qualifications at the site, and weather conditions. the goal of this technology is to enable various emergency communications centres in nwo to get stroke patients to the appropriate level of care in the shortest timeframe.
dr. aislin mushquash, dept. of psychology

dr. mushquash's applied health research focuses on ensuring adequate access to, and benefit from, pediatric weight management interventions. in particular, dr. mushquash is studying the experiences of parents from remote first nations with a group-based parenting intervention delivered via telemedicine.
dr. vicki kristman, dept. of health sciences

work stress and mental health are pressing challenges for much of the canadian workforce. nearly 40% of long-term disability claims in canada are related to psychological health. the changing demographics of the canadian workforce mean that we require new and innovative ways to foster and support a healthy and productive workforce now and in the future. the goal of dr. kristman’s research is to develop innovative, evidence-informed, gender-responsive and culturally-appropriate digital mental health solutions that foster the labour force participation of women, men and gender-diverse indigenous people at risk of or struggling with workplace stress or mental health concerns.
michel bédard, dean, faculty of health and behavioral sciences