there shall be no treatment without consent - s. 10 health care consent act, 1996 (hcca). consent must be from:
the person who will receive the treatment if the person is capable with respect to the treatment, or |
the substitute decision-maker if the person is not capable. |
"treatment" is defined in s. 2(1) hcca |
the test for whether a person is capable with respect to a treatment is defined in s. 4(1) hcca
presumption of capacity (s . 4(2) hcca) |
reliance on presumption (s. 4(3) hcca) |
obtaining consent to treatment |
substitute decision-makers are listed in s. 20(1) hcca |
sdm shall give or refuse consent based upon (s. 21 hcca)
incapable person's prior wishes (s. 5 hcca); |
incapable person's best interests |
the liability of health practitioner is limited by s. 29(1) hcca |
consent and capacity board |