winter 2025 newsletter released

the department of gender and women's studies released their 2025 winter newsletter today! to access the pdf newsletter, please click this link.

page 1 preview of gws winter newsletter webpage

important notice regarding wome-2111-fa

please note that wome 2111 fa (diversity & inclusion) being offered in the fall of 2024 is for pre-approved 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 only: these 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 participated in an overseas trip in australia and this course is following up on this trip. if you have not participated in the australia trip with dr. kimani-dupuis in the summer of 2024, please do not submit a special request. (pdf poster)


gws 2024-25 course offerings

friendly reminder to register for your fall and winter classes for the upcoming academic year. below is the list of courses offered by the department of gender and women’s studies:


  • wome 1100 ya, madonna to madonna (in-person) (r. kimani): an interdisciplinary introduction, the course explores intersections of gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, age and other socially/historically shaped dimensions of identity. discussions will include such topics as media, health, work, poverty, body and sexuality, violence, law and creativity, in local and global contexts.
  • wome 1100 yde, madonna to madonna (web) (dr. j. chisholm): an interdisciplinary introduction, the course explores intersections of gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, age and other socially/historically shaped dimensions of identity. discussions will include such topics as media, health, work, poverty, body and sexuality, violence, law and creativity, in local and global contexts.
  • wome 2113 (fall 2024) women, popular culture, and counter culture, (vid) (dr. j. roth): an interdisciplinary exploration of women, popular culture and resistance, this course examines the relationship between feminism, femininity and historical and contemporary cultural texts such as films, television, pulp fiction, magazines, advertising, music, blogs and zines. group work and on-line assignments are integral to the course.
  • wome 2114 wde, wdf, ecofeminism, (zoom) (c. hughes): using an interdisciplinary approach and a foundation in feminist theory, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will explore the connections between women and "nature" in north america and transnationally. opportunities are presented for pursuing more specialized and/or applied topics of interest. format includes critical analysis of the scholarly literature, class discussion, presentation, and writing assignments, including reflexive work.
  • wome 3030 fde, fdf, housewives, radicals and gender-blenders: theorizing equality, (web) (dr. j.roth): an introductory examination of the questions, tensions and debates within contemporary feminist theory from the late 20th century to the present. this course considers multiple feminisms' arguments, strategies and politics to understand how contemporary theoretical positions account for material inequalities and lived experiences of marginalization, and how they work towards social justice in gender.
  • wome 3133 (winter 2025) women, technology and cyberculture, (vid)  (a. gollat): an interdisciplinary examination of gender and technology, past and present, this course considers cyborgs, posthumanism, cyber-performance, avatars, and the gendering and gendered effects of technology in a gendered world.
  • wome 3214 (winter 2025), queer studies, (zoom) (m.dudeja): an overview of queer challenges to binary definitions of gender and sexuality. queer theory will be explored and applied to popular culture.
  • wome 3357 (fall 2024)  law & women's lives, (zoom)  (dr. k. younes): provides an historical and sociological overview of the development of the law with regard to issues of particular relevance to women and explores the extent to which law has limited women's lives. course reading include case law, statutes and jurisprudence. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are not expected to have knowledge of these issues prior to taking this course.
  • wome 4010 (winter 2025), women, gender, and social justice, (vid) (dr. j. chisholm): advanced colloquium for fourth-year gender and women's studies 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . contemporary issues in the field of gender and women's studies will be explored. the specific thematic focus of the course will be negotiated annually in relation to student interests.
  • wome 4214 (fall 2024) regulating reproduction & families, (vid) (dr. l. chambers): 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are provided with an overview of the regulation of reproduction and family formation and dissolution, and of law and public policy impacting women's autonomy in these domains. resistances will also be discussed. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are not expected to have a developed knowledge of law prior to taking this course.

for more information such as delivery times, please consult the academic timetable:

gws hosted feminisms at the lakehead

the department of gender & women's studies teamed up with lusu's gender equity and pride centre to host the annual one-day conference, feminisms at the lakehead on april 10, 2024. visiting keynote artist ojo agi shared her experiences centring black feminist art as both an artist, and curator at the ago. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and community activists also presented their work for a day of wide-ranging topics, music, and celebration.

feminisms at the lakehead

  • when: april 10th (wednesday)
  • where: uc 1029g faculty lounge (阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay* campus)
  • doors open at 8:30am for coffee, tea and muffins
  • presentations from 9am to 4pm
  • vegetarian and non-vegetarian food options will be available
  • please note that registration is required: email dr. roth at
  • *orillia and beyond: all are welcome! we'll send you a zoom link upon registration.
keynote speakers:
visiting keynote speaker:
  • ojo agi, a nigerian-canadian artist whose work challenges the white patriarchal colonial gaze
local keynote speakers:
  • kris tonkens (lwc)
  • mz molly poppinz (storytime with drag queens)
  • lady fantasia lapremière (storytime with drag queens)
event details on the poster with the gender and women's studies logo. event details are provided on the webpage.

upcoming feminist dialogues speaker series with dr. sarah olutola

please join the gender and women’s studies department for the second speaker in our feminist dialogues speaker series, dr. sarah olutola!

compassion and courage: writing in tough times

 at this important juncture in history, these are the times when our words matter more than ever. what are the responsibilities of writers in today's world? in this talk, dr. sarah olutola speaks a little bit about writing with compassion and courage.


event date: tuesday, february 27, 2024 - 11:30am to 1:00pm est

event location: online (zoom)

zoom link:

dr. sarah olutola, poster contains qr code but text is provided on website details.

gws winter course (reproductive justice)

course starts january 2024
delivery time: tuesday & thursday 10:30am - 12:00pm
course code: wome-2111-wa
delivery method: in-person (thunder bay)
instructor: dr. rosemary kimani-dupuis

event fee: please contact student central for affiliated fees at

image of large blue wave mixed with brown

gws winter course (housewives, radicals and gender-blenders)

course title: housewives, radicals and gender-blenders: theorizing equality 
course code: wome-3030-wde 
delivery: online (web course) / jan. 2024 - april 2024
instructor: dr. jen roth

course description: an introductory examination of the questions, tensions and debates within contemporary feminist theory from the late 20th century to the present. this course considers multiple feminisms' arguments, strategies and politics to understand how contemporary theoretical positions account for material inequalities and lived experiences of marginalization, and how they work towards social justice in gender.

please contact student central for any applicable fees at or (807) 343-8500.

three images: one of protestors, a second one with a pie regarding equal rights and the third image, a person holding out a washroom sign reading "all gender restroom"
