four year program
first year:
(a) environmental studies 1150 and 1190
(b) geology 1111 and 1131
(c) chemistry 1110 and 1130
(d) mathematics 1210 and 1230 or 1151 and 1152 or 1171 and 1172
(e) english 1015 or 1016
(f) one-half fce from type e courses
1. chemistry
who lack gr. 12 u chemistry or its equivalent must register for chemistry 1050 and 1070. after successful completion of chemistry 1050/1070, one of the following will apply:
(a) in year 2, chemistry 1110 and 1130 are taken as electives
(b) if the final mark in chemistry 1050/1070 is 80% or higher, the department may waive the chemistry 1110/1130 requirement.
2. mathematics
who lack high school mhf4u (advanced functions) or its equivalent must register for mathematics 1051 and 1077. mathematics 1210 and 1230 or 1151 and 1152 or 1171 and 1172 is taken in year 2.
second year:
(a) biology 1050 and 1051
(c) geology 2214, 2215, 2217, 2219, 2310, 2318
(d) physics 1211 and 1212 or physics 1113 and 1133
third year:
(a) environmental studies 2013, 2210, 2610, 3094
(b) geology 2112, 3310, 3410
(c) geography 2351
(d) mathematics 2310 and 2311
fourth year:
(a) environmental studies 4810
(b) geology 3311, 4181
(c) two fce from: geology 3110, 3130 3313, 3217, 3218, 4011, 4132, 4137, 4411
(d) one fce elective
note: the indigenous content requirement is being met by the inclusion of environmental studies 1190, a type e course, taken in the 1st year of the program.