geol3311 - environmental geology archived links this page contains links to news stories that appeared on the main course page for geol3311/enst3312. natural disasters deadly tsunami strikes in pacific australian concerns over uranium carried in dust storms deadly tsunami strikes in pacific australian concerns over uranium carried in dust storms landslide filmed destroying homes tsunami in 2004 'not the first' deadly earthquake hits kyrgyzstan predicting earthquakes killer clouds from iceland snakes in china "predict earthquakes", earthquake rocks hawaii samoa quake triggers tsunami quake hits venezuela full moon may cause mayon volcano to erupt san francisco prepares for the next big quake taiwan's tallest tower may cause earthquakes global warming polar warming 'caused by humans' alaska village faces eroded future global methane rise slowing down climate talks a tricky business water map shows billions at risk of 'water insecurity' uranium mining near the grand canyon global warming and canada's water resources chaotic world of climate truth greenhouse gases hit record high china's greenhouse gas emissions the stern review at-a-glance humans 'causing stronger storms' map details global water shortages ocean changes to cool europe is coal making a comeback? co2 'highest for 650,000 years' ocean changes to cool europe an inconvenient truth about global warming polution how to dismantle a nuclear plant world's 10 most polluted places 9/11 air pollution is coal making a comeback? scientists say ozone hole is stabilising chernobyl 'shows insect decline' alternate energy sources wave power