michael p. stubley hbsc thesis abstract
the area of investigation is located at the interface of the quetico and wabigoon subprovince of the canadian superior province in northwestern ontario.
the quetico metasedimentary belt comprises a monotonous sequence of thin to medium bedded turbidite deposits characteristic of a submarine fan environment, within the study region. this metagreywacke-metapelite sequence gradually passes into biotite schist to the south.
the wabigoon metavolcanic - granite belt consists of intermediate volcanic flows and felsic volcaniclastic deposits. (some metavolcanic rocks are, in part, conformable to the quetico metasediments).
greenschist facies metamorphism in the study area is chlorite zone in the north and biotite zone in the south.
one deformation event in the northern part of the quetico subprovince was accompanied by a smooth, penetrative, discrete planar cleavage in the quetico metasediments. an antiformal syncline and a synformal anticline are located in the northwest of the present study area with vertical, ene striking axial planes. the folds plunge moderately from the horizontal. these overturned, folded structures may have evolved in response to differential strain within the axial planes.