robert stanley bennett hbsc thesis abstract

thesis title: 
the geology and structural history of archean rocks, gunnar grid, beresford lake, manitoba
robert stanley

volcanic rocks in the area form part of an archean volcano-sedimentary succession.  the rocks have been subjected to three episodes of deformation.  minor folds in the area have formed on the southwest limb of a regional anticlinal structure.  the axial surface of the regional anticline strikes north-northwest and dips steeply to the northeast.  the minor folds were superimposed by small-scale folds and chevron folds of a later folding episode.  a prominent crenulation cleavage and kink banding accompanied this folding event.  the final deformation is expressed by the development of kink bands which are overprinting pre-existing structures.

plutonic rocks were emplaced and their outcrop pattern is elongated parallel to the axial surface of the regional anticlinal structure.