share your feedback, take the wellness strategy pulse check

dear lakehead 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty and staff,
response collection has ended - thank you to everyone who shared your feedback!
lakehead launched its first wellness strategy in 2020. since that time, it has guided the university’s efforts to support the wellbeing of the communities we work, study and live in. as we enter into the last year of the five-year strategy, we want to hear from you!
you’re invited to take the wellness strategy pulse check - share your insights into our progress so far and identify key areas for focus in the upcoming year.
please complete the pulse check before tuesday, oct. 22 to ensure your response is included in our review.
click here for the wellness strategy pulse check
thank you for taking the time to share your insights, your feedback is invaluable!
if you have any comments about the pulse check or would like to learn more about the wellness strategy, please contact:
jonathon racine
wellness strategy coordinator
phone: 807-343-8010 ext. 7246