
friday, april 23, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #2010-4

friday, april 23, 2010

2:30 p.m. - senate chambers


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved with the following amendments:

item #4.4 - add parts 1 and 2

item #11 and 12 - there will be no reports. j. lanphear and l. hayes sent regrets.

item #15 - delete "the development of"


minutes of senate meeting #2010-3 held on march 26, 2010

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #2010-3 held on march 26, 2010 be approved

with the following amendment:

item #15 - the first sentence be replaced with "dr. gilbert summarized the fall 2009 counts for eligible 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . there were 7485 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 - 454 graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and 7031 undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ."




business arising from the minutes

the motion to approve general regulation 1 (n) was postponed to the april 23rd senate meeting. this matter is being reviewed by the senate academic committee's regulation sub-committee and will be brought to the may senate meeting.

moved that the motion to approve general regulation 1(n) be postponed to the may senate meeting.

chair of education programs in the faculty of education in orillia

at the march 26, 2010 meeting, this item was referred to the senate academic committee to consider. the senate academic committee has recommended that senate approve the main motion brought to senate by the senate academic committee.

report from senate academic committee



reports of senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes

senate academic committee report

moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.


senate budget committee report (d. alexandrov)

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.


senate undergraduate studies committee report (r. koster)

(part 1, part 2, part 3)

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of science and environmental studies

  • economics- program changes to conform to new faculty (dec. 4, 2009 senate undergraduate studies and senate budget committee reports to senate)
  • economics- hbsc in resource and environmental economics
  • articulation agreement -hbsc (water resource science) with a specialization in applied environmental water management (parts 1 & 2)
  • general science 0350 & 0370 (see senate budget committee report march 26, 2010)

faculty of education

  • education4410
  • education- police background, tb test

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • music- restructuring of music history courses
  • women's studies - 2112, 2711, 4113, 4010, 3111


moved that the following graduate calendar change be approved:

  • faculty of graduate studies regulation - thesis examination


senate nominations committee report (a. carastathis)

moved that the recommendations for appointments to the senate standing committees 2010-2011in the report of the senate nominations committee be approved.

items for information


cou academic colleague report (t. bauer)

cou media release on provincial budget's pse priority




adjunct professor renewals (information only)

dr. dave morris' appointment as an adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resource management has been renewed from july 1, 2010 fora 4 year term through june 30, 2014.

dr.peter mcghee`s appointment as an adjunct professor to the department of physics has been renewed from july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.


internal program review

the master of science biology program review has been completed .


annual report of athletics (t. warden)


president's report (dr. f. gilbert)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (dr. l. hayes)


report of nosm (dr. j. lanphear)


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. k. fedderson)


report of the senate representative to the board of governors(j. leggatt)


notice of motion

a motion to approve the development of diversity awareness policy will come forward to the may 14, 2010 senate meeting.




friday, march 26, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #2010-3

friday, march 26, 2010

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers

guest speaker - mr. don campbell, board of governors nominating committee


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.


minutes of senate meeting #2010-2 held on february 26, 2010

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #2010-2 held on february 26, 2010 be approved.


business arising from the minutes




proposedcalendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of engineering

faculty of science & environmental studies

moved that the following graduate calendar change be referred to the appropriate committees:

  • fgsc regulation - thesis examination (from fgsc report to senate february 26, 2010)


faculty of forestry and the forest environment name change - at the february 26, 2010 senate meeting this item was postponed to the march meeting of senate

moved that the faculty of forestry and the forest environment be changed to the faculty of natural resources management.



reports of senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes

senate academic committee report (a. den otter)

moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.


senate budget committee report (d. alexandrov)

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.


senate undergraduate studies committee report (r. koster)

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.


moved that the following calendar changes be approved:

faculty of education

  • educ-3296 - requirement notes

faculty of science and environmental studies

  • biology 4231
  • biology 3219

faculty of business administration

  • business - 3058, 2018, 3018

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • northern studies - include in sections of calendar
  • indigenous learning - 1312 & 1314
  • northern studies - prerequisites 3112, 3212, 3312deleted kr march 26, 2010

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • history- deletions, additions and changes

faculty of health and behavioural science

  • psychology 4531 - name change and course description
  • kinesiology - updates to regulations (except item#3)
  • kinesiology - co-op and course descriptions

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • history- "major research project" - graduate


faculty of graduate studies report (p. hicks)

moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.


faculty of education - request for chair of education at the orillia campus (j.o'meara)

moved that the position of chair of education programs in the faculty of education in orillia be approved.


courses outside canada guidelines (g. siddall)

moved that the academic: courses outside canada - guidelines (approved sept. 29, 2000) be withdrawn and that a new policy be developed by a sub-committee of the senate academic committee and brought back to senate for approval.


articulation agreement policy and procedures (a. den otter) revised kr march 26, 2010

moved that the articulation agreements: college/university policy and procedures be approved as revised.


approval of regulation 1(n) (a. den otter)

moved that the revisions regulation 1(n) be approved.

items for discussion


cou academic colleague report (t. bauer)

items for information


adjunct professor renewals (information only)

dr. mary ann mountain's appointment as an adjunct professor to the department of psychology has been renewed retroactively to july 1,2009 for a 4 year term through june 30, 2013.


secretary of senate - report on appointments of faculty senators and senator on the board of governors (k. roche)

the following faculty have been appointed to senate for the term march 2010 through june 30, 2011: dr. r. delaney; dr. n. sayed; dr. m. uddin

the following faculty have been appointed to senate for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2013: dr. d. ivison; dr. r. h. lemelin; dr. s. mohammed

dr. s. d. stone has been appointed as the faculty senator representative to the board of governors for the term october 2010 through the annual meeting of the board of governors in 2013.


president's report (dr. f. gilbert)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (dr. l. hayes)


report of nosm (dr. j. lanphear)


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. k. fedderson)


report of the senate representative to the board of governors(j. leggatt)



friday, february 26, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #2010-2

friday, february 26, 2010

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers

with revisions


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.


minutes of senate meeting #2010-1 held on january 29, 2010

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #2010-1 held on january 29, 2010 be approved.


business arising from the minutes


proposed graduate calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of health and behavioural sciences


reports of senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes


senate budget committee report (d. alexandrov)

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted with the following addition: 2(b) approval of the hbsc in forestry.added kr feb 25 2010


senate undergraduate studies report (r. koster)

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of forestry and the forest environment

  • new degree and revision of an existing degree (hb environmental management

    hb environmental management and revision of hbsc in forestry

    kr feb 25 2010

department of interdisciplinary studies

  • new program in environmental sustainability (hbasc in environmental sustainability)

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • sociology - life course studies



faculty of graduate studies report (p. hicks)

moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.


moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • sociology - program requirements

faculty of business administration

  • msc mgmt program admission requirement changes

faculty of forestry and the forest environment

  • forestry mscf, mf program requirements





senate organization committee report (g. colton)

moved that the senate honorary degrees committee terms of reference be revised to add one full-time faculty member from the orillia campus (bringing the total of full-time faculty members on the committee to five).kr feb 25 2010

moved that all senate committees' terms of reference pertaining to graduate student representation "from the gsa" be revised to indicate "from lusu in consultation with the graduate student commissioner." kr feb 25 2010

moved that the report of the senate organization committee be accepted.






report of the joint senate committee for nosm (j. lanphear)

moved that the following amendment to the nosm code of student conduct (section 1.4 b) and (1.6 last bullet) be approved as presented.

moved that the proposed revisions to the university calendars: nosm phase 1-3 course descriptions be approved as presented.

moved that the addendum to the student assessment and promotion committee guidelines entitled "grade assignment procedure for a student missing a summative assessment for circumstances involving illness, other medically-related issues, family emergencies, and academically-relevant events" be approved as presented.

moved that the amendments to the nosm student admissions policy, section: transcript requirements be approved as presented.




senate academic committee report (g. siddall)

moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.

moved that the articulation agreement policy and procedures be approved.moved that the faculty of forestry and the forest environment be changed to the faculty of natural resources feb 26 2010




approval of adjunct professors

faculty of forestry and the forest environment

moved that dr. iain davidson-hunt be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of forestry and the forest environment for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.

moved that dr. gordon putz be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of forestry and the forest environment for the term july 1, 2009 2019 through june 30, 2013.


schedule for senate executive committee meetings and senate meetings in 2010-11

revised kr feb 26 2010

moved that the schedule for senate executive committee meetings and senate meetings in 2010-11 be approved.

items for discussion


senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries report (s. strickland)

items for information


senate teaching and learning (b. stolar)

report on the development of the new instrument to test the student evaluation of teaching at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .


report of the secretary of senate

a correction has been to the may 15, 2009 senate meeting minutes to acknowledge the senate approval of the following graduate calendar changes which were included in part i of the senate budget committee's report to senate:

  • computer science msc calendar entry

  • mathematical science ma/msc calendar entry

[the faculty of graduate studies had included its approval in the fgsc report to senate in march 2009.]


president's report (dr. f. gilbert)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (dr. l. hayes)


report of nosm (dr. j. lanphear)


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. k. fedderson)



friday, january 29, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #2010-1

friday, january 29, 2010

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.


minutes of senate meeting #2009-9 held on december 4, 2009

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #2009-9 held on december 4, 2009 be approved.


business arising from the minutes



proposed calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of health and behavioural science

faculty of education

faculty of social sciences and humanities


moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of social sciences and humanities



reports of senate standing committees on proposed calendar changes

senate academic committee reports

moved that the senate academic committee reports january14, 2010 and january 21, 2010 be accepted.

senate budget committee report


moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.

senate undergraduate studies committee report



moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.

moved that senate approves the early childhood education articulation agreement with confederation college.


senate cedl report

moved that the senate cedl report be accepted.


moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of science and environmental studies

  • biology 4111
  • mathematics co-op
  • mathematics -remove apprenticeship and internship
  • mathematics nnep
  • geography 4431
  • geography -limiting clauses removed

faculty of engineering

  • engineering - 4539

faculty of education

  • one-year bed degree type
  • educ 4509 title change (additional qualifications)
  • educ 4708 outdoor experiential education
  • educ 4847 senior curriculum and instruction



faculty of graduate studies report

moved that the faculty of graduate studies report be accepted.


moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

  • kinesiology academic program changes


referrals of internal ocgs reviews

moved that the following ocgs review documents be referred to the senate budget committee and the faculty of graduate studies council:

faculty of health & behavioural sciences




senate organization committee report (g. colton)

moved that the revisions to the senate scholarship and bursaries committee's terms of reference be approved.

moved that the revisions to the senate research committee's terms of reference be approved.


senate teaching and learning report (b. stolar)



moved that the revisions to the process for selection contribution to teaching award be approved.

moved that the senate teaching and learning report be accepted.


lusu appointment to the senate academic committee

moved that paul sequeira replace angela leishman as the lusu representative on the senate academic committee.




approval of adjunct professors

faculty of science & environmental studies:

  • moved that dr.david gauthier be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the department of geology for the term january 1, 2010 through december 31, 2013.

faculty of social sciences and humanities:

  • moved that dr.michel beaulieu be appointed as an internal adjunct professor to the department of philosophy for the term january 1, 2010 through december 31,2013.

items for discussion

items for information


cou academic colleague report


adjunct professor renewals (information only)

  • dr. gabriel dakubo appointment renewed as external adjunct professor to the department of anthropology for the term july 1, 2009 through june 30,2013.
  • dr. ryan parr appointment renewed as external adjunct professor to the department of anthropology for the term july 1, 2009 through june 30, 2013.
  • dr. j.m. haggarty appointment renewed as internal adjunct professor to the department of psychology for the term july 1, 2009 through june 30, 2013.
  • dr. l. maxfield appointment renewed as external adjunct professor to the department of psychology for the term july 1, 2009 through june 30, 2013.
  • dr. f.r. schmidt appointment renewed as external adjunct professor to the department of psychology for the term july 1, 2009 through june 30, 2013.
  • dr. patrick rapley appointment renewed as external adjunct professor to the department of physics for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.
  • dr. peter a. voros appointment renewed as an external adjunct professor to the department of psychology for the term july 1, 2009 through june 30, 2013.added jan 29, 2010 kr


the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary. the list will be distributed at the meeting.


honorary degrees committee - update on honorary degree recipients (j. nicholas)


president's report (dr. f. gilbert)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (dr. l. hayes)


report of nosm (dr. j. lanphear)


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. k. fedderson)


report of the senate representative to the board of governors(j. leggatt)



friday, may 14, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #2010-5

friday, may 14, 2010

2:30 p.m. - senate chambers


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved with the following additions and deletions:

item #11 deleted - faculty of graduate studies report

item #11 added - 11. renewal of institutes and research centres (r. wang)

11.1moved that senate approves the 5-year renewal of the centre for educationand research on aging and health (cerah)

11.2moved that senate approves the 5-year renewal of the lakehead social history institute (lshi)

item #21 under items of information - cou academic colleague report (all remaining items will be renumbered accordingly)


minutes of senate meeting #2010-4 held on april 23, 2010

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #2010-4 held on april 23, 2010 be approved:


business arising from the minutes


general regulation 1(n)

(see #5 -senate academic committee report for additional information)

moved that regulation 1(n) be approved.



proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of social sciences and humanities


proposed graduate calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of education

faculty of health & behavioural science


senate academic committee report (g. siddall)

moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.




senate budget committee report (d. alexandrov)

proposed university operating budget 2010-11 (part 2) (revised part 2 - distributed at the may 14th meeting)

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted. (part 1)


senate undergraduate studies committee report (r. koster)

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.


approval of undergraduate calendar changes

moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of science and environmental studies
ba and bsc programs - non4-year programs

faculty of natural resources management
transition option (added - see susc report feb. 26, 2010)

faculty of science and environmental studies
anthropology - adjustments
anthropology - a3150
geology 3310 & 2112

faculty of science and environmental studies
geography prerequisites

northern studies - prerequisites 3112, 3212, 3312

faculty of engineering
electrical engineering -addition of course number and description (2011-12)

faculty of science & environmental studies
math- remove hba mathematics of finance option (2011-12)
physics - additional text entry - minor in physics (2011-12)


the diversity awareness policy (g. siddall)

moved that the diversity awareness policy be approved.


email policy (d. jobin-bevans)

moved that the revisions to the email policy be approved.


faculty of graduate studies report (p. hicks)

moved that the faculty of graduate studies council terms of reference be referred to the senate organization committee.

renewal of institutes and research centres (r. wang)

11.1moved that senate approves the 5-year renewal of the centre for educationand research on aging and health (cerah)

11.2moved that senate approves the 5-year renewal of the lakehead social history institute (lshi)




senate organization committee report (j. o'meara)

moved that the revised senate honorary degrees committee's terms of reference and procedures be approved.

moved that the revised senate research committee's terms of reference by approved.


department of lifelong learning/department of professional development in education (j.o'meara)

moved that the recommendation from the faculty of education faculty council to change the name of the department of lifelong learning to the department of professional development in education be referred to the senate academic committee.


removal of the february courses policy ( b. winter)

moved that the february courses policy (approved september 2000) be removed from the current policies as listed on the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 website.


appointment to the joint senate nosm committee

moved that____________ be appointed to the joint senate nosm committee for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2011.


lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing

committees for2010-2011

moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2010-2011 be approved.


approval of adjunct professors

faculty of science and environmental studies

  • moved that dr. jae kim be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the department of physics for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.




undergraduate degrees and diplomas(b. winter)

list will be distributed at the meeting

moved that the candidates on the list distributed by the university registrar be awarded the undergraduate degrees or diplomas indicated.


graduate degrees (p. hicks)

list will be distributed at the meeting

moved that the candidates on the list distributed by the university registrar be awarded the graduate degrees indicated.


medals (m.ryks-szelekovszky)

moved that the 2009-2010 medals indicated on the distributed list be approved.

governor-general's gold medal

awarded to the graduate student who achieves the highest academic standing in a master's degree program.

governor-general's silver medal

awarded to the highest-ranking student in the honours bachelor's degree or equivalent.

vice-chancellor's medal

awarded to the highest-ranking graduating student in the three-year bachelor's degree.

chancellor's medal

awarded to the highest-ranking part-time student in an undergraduate degree or equivalent.

governor-general's college bronze medal

awarded to the highest ranking student in the graduating class of the diploma program.

dean braun's medals

awarded to the highest-ranking graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the following programs:

bachelor of administration

honours bachelor of commerce

bachelor of engineering

engineering technology

bachelor of environmental studies

(forest conservation)

honours bachelor of environmental studies

(forest conservation)

honours bachelor of science in forestry

bachelor of science in nursing

honours bachelor of kinesiology

honours bachelor of social work


three-year program

four-year program

william a. west education medals

awarded to the highest-ranking graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in education

bachelor of education (primary-junior)

bachelor of education(junior-intermediate)

bachelor of education (intermediate-senior)

bachelor of education (native teacher education)

native language instructors' diploma

master of education

phd in education studies

the dean of science and environmental studies medals

to the highest-ranking graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in science and environmental studies:

three-year program

four-year program

the dean of social sciences and humanities medals

to the highest-ranking graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in social science and humanities:

three-year program

four-year program

the orillia campus dean's medal

to the highest-ranking graduating student at the orillia campus.

items for discussion


senate teaching and learning committee report (b. stolar)

items for information


cou academic colleague report - m. l. hillkr may 17 2010


joint senate committee for nosm report

a report was submitted by the joint senate committee for nosm, which included the list of nosm graduands, but the joint senate committee for nosm has no authority in this regard, therefore the report was not included with the senate meeting materials.


removal of courses not offered within the past 5 years (b. winter)


adjunct professor renewals (information only)

faculty of science and environmental studies

faculty of natural resources management

  • dr. guy larocque's appointment as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management has been renewed for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.
  • dr. robert rempel's appointment as an external adjunct professor to the faculty of natural resources management has been renewed for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.


president's report (dr. f. gilbert)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (dr. l. hayes)


report of nosm (dr. j. lanphear)


notice of motion

(see item #5 - senate academic committee report for additional information)

a motion to approve the policy on academic accommodation of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with disabilities will be brought to senate for approval at the october 1, 2010senate meeting.


report o f the dean orillia campus (dr. k. fedderson)



friday, december 3, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #8- 2010

friday, december 3, 2010

4:30 p.m. � senate chambers

guest � colin bruce,senate liaison committee, board of governors chair.


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.


minutes of senate meeting #7-2010 held on november 5, 2010

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #7-2010 of november 5, 2010 be approved.


business arising from the minutes



proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of engineering

faculty of education

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

faculty of science & environmental studies

interdisciplinary studies



proposed graduate calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of business

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

faculty of science and environmental studies




senate undergraduate studies committee (dr. wayne melville)

moved that the senate academic committee review the curricular rationale for course prerequisites and their effect on smaller departments and programs, in order to develop a course prerequisites policy.

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be accepted.




senate budget committee report (dr. laure paquette)see dec 3, 2010 minutes & jan 2011 senate meeting agenda

movedthat the proposed changes to the terms of reference for the senate budget committee be referred to the senate organization committee.

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.



approval of undergraduate calendar changes

moved that the following undergraduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of business administration

  • business 3293, 4233, and cross-calendar with engineering

faculty of social sciences and humanities

  • sociology- prerequisites
  • languages, new courses (from dec 4, 2009)

faculty of science and environmental studies

  • computer science 0314
  • computer science 3473
  • renaming mathematics 1210 and 1230
  • splitting mathematics 1160 and 1180 into 2 - 0.5 fce courses
  • minor program in mathematics



faculty of graduate studies council report (dr. philip hicks)

- revised masters of public health � mph

- revised chemistry, phd in chemistry and materials science

moved that the faculty of graduate studies council report be accepted.



approval of graduate calendar changes

moved that the following graduate calendar changes be approved:

faculty of natural resources management

  • �advisory committee� changed to �supervisory committee�



proposed four-year non-direct entry degree programs (dr. andrew dean)

moved that "for all 4-year non-direct entry degrees in the faculty of science and environmental studies, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be moved into these programs only when they are no longer academically eligible to stay in an honours program." be referred to the senate academic committee and the senate budget committee. amended (see the minutes for dec 3rd meeting) kr dec 3, 2010



senate continuing education and distributed learning committee report (dr. jo-ann vis)

moved that the proposed changes to the senate continuing education and distributed learning committee be referred to the senate organization committee.



proposed revisions to the calendar changes � required information policy

moved that the proposed revisions to the calendar changes � required information policy be referred to the senate academic committee.



senate nominations committee report (dr. aristocles carastathis)

moved that sreekumari kurissery faculty member from the orillia campus be appointed to the senate honourary degrees committee for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2012.




joint senate committee for nosm report (dr. joey farrell)

moved that the academic calendar of events � 2011-2012 academic year be approved as presented.

moved that the following revision to the nosm course calendar: curriculum description: phase 3 electives be approved as follows: that the required rotation in family medicine (meds 5712) be removed from the current course calendar and replaced with the proposed required elective in family medicine as outlined in the attached revised curriculum description: phase 3 electives.

items for discussion


calendar changes ad hoc committee report

items for information


fall 2010 late additions to graduand list

the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation motion is necessary. the list will be distributed at the meeting.


senate research committee report (dr. ron harpelle)


president�s report (dr. brian stevenson)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (acting) - (dr. moira mcpherson)


report of nosm (dr. william mccready)


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. kim fedderson)


aboriginal management council report (dr. sandra wolf)


report of the senate representative to the board of governors (dr. christine gottardo)




in-camera session

moved that senate temporarily adjourn to enter an in-camera session to consider names to be added to the list of candidates for honorary degrees at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .

moved that the in-camera session be adjourned.


moved that the senate meeting be adjourned.



friday, november 5, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #7-2010

friday, november 5, 2010

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers

present presidential awards - dr. brian stevenson

guest - ms. frances picherack, board of governors


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved.


minutes of senate meeting # 6-2010 held on october 1, 2010

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #6-2010 of october 1, 2010 be approved.


business arising from the minutes





undergraduate degrees and diplomas (ms. brenda winter)

moved that the proposed list of individuals to receive undergraduate degrees be approved as presented.

graduate degrees (dr. philip hicks)

moved that the proposed list of individuals to receive graduate degrees be approved as presented.




proposed calendar changes for referral

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of science and environmental studies

faculty of social sciences and humanities

faculty of education

moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

masters of public health

faculty of science and environmental sciences

faculty of social sciences and humanities

faculty of natural resources management




senate undergraduate studies committee (dr. wayne melville)

moved that the senate academic committee consider creating a policy governing when and how academic units should cross-list courses, such as for interdisciplinary programs.

moved that the senate undergraduate studies committee report be approved.


faculty of graduate studies council (dr. philip hicks)

moved that the following calendar changes be approved:

faculty of natural resources management

  • removal of mf program


proposed change to regulation vii (h) special examinations (ms. brenda winter)

moved that the proposed change to regulation vii (h) special examinations be referred to the senate academic committee.


definition of full-time vs part-time status (ms. brenda winter)

moved that the university regulations addressing the definition of full-time and part-time 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 be referred to the senate academic committee.


proposed 2011-2012 academic schedule (ms. brenda winter)

moved that the proposed 2011-2012 academic schedule be approved.


approval of adjunct professors

faculty of engineering

dr. k. scott butcher be appointed as an external adjunct professor to the department of electrical engineering for the term november 1, 2010 through october 31, 2014.

items for discussion

items for information


senate academic committee report (dr. gillian siddall)


senate budget committee report (dr. laure paquette)


senate teaching and learning committee report (dr. craig mackinnon)


cou academic colleague report (dr. mary louise hill)


adjunct professor renewals (information only)

faculty of health and behavioural sciences

dr. neelam khaper (nosm) be renewed as an adjunct professor for the master of health program for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.

faculty of natural resources management

dr. mahadev sharma be renewed as an external adjunct professor for the faculty of natural resources management for the term july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.

faculty of social sciences and humanities

dr. jenny roth be renewed as internal adjunct professor for the term june 1, 2010 through june 30, 2014.


president's report (dr. brian stevenson)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (acting)- (dr. moira mcpherson)


report of nosm (dr. william mccready)


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. kim fedderson)


aboriginal management council report (dr. sandra wolf)


report of the senate representative to the board of governors(dr. christine gottardo)


moved that the meeting be adjourned.



friday, october 1, 2010 - 12:00am
senate chambers

senate meeting #6- 2010

friday, october 1, 2010

4:30 p.m. - senate chambers

in memoriam - dr. chris jecchinis

guest speaker - mr. gerry munt - planning at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜

recognition of the recipients for the 2010 teaching and learning awards (dr. moira mcpherson & dr. craig mackinnon)


approval of agenda

moved that the agenda be approved with the following amendments:

  • item #4 will be changed to indicate both undergraduate and graduate calendar changes for referral to senate committees by adding "4.1" as undergraduate referrals and adding "4.2" graduate referrals. under 4.2 add faculty of natural resources management - removal of mf program
  • item #11 - ms. jaimi penny will speak to the lusu appointments
  • add item #22 - late additions to the may graduands

the senate's "enabling motion graduands on record" empowers the dean of the faculty and registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary.


minutes of senate meeting #5-2010 held on may 14, 2010

moved that the minutes of senate meeting #5-2010 of may 14, 2010 be approved.


business arising from the minutes


senate information systems committee - email policy (dr. dean jobin-bevans)



proposed undergraduate calendar changes for referral kr revised, oct 1, 2010

moved that the proposed undergraduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of business administration

moved that the proposed graduate calendar changes be referred to the appropriate committees:

faculty of natural resources management


reports of standing committees on proposed calendar changes


senate budget committee report (dr. laure paquette)

moved that the senate budget committee report be accepted.


faculty of graduate studies council (dr. philip hicks)

moved that the following calendar changes be approved:

faculty of education

  • graduate studies in research in education

faculty of health and behavioural science

  • kinesiology - type iii diploma
  • psycology phd science comprehensive requirements




report senate academic committee report (dr. gillian siddall)

moved that the department of lifelong learning name be changed to the department of professional development in education.

moved that the senate academic committee report be accepted.


senate nominations committee report (dr. aristocles carastathis)

moved that the following individuals are appointed to senate committees:

  • senate undergraduate studies committee - dr. rupert klein for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2012.
  • senate undergraduate studies committee - dr. nandakumar kanavillil for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2013.
  • senate academic committee - dr. yin chen for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2013.
  • senate research committee - dr. amanda maranzan for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2012.
  • senate academic appeals (alternate) - dr. tamara varney for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2011.
  • senate undergraduate scholarships and bursaries committee - dr. chander shahi for the term commencing immediately through june 30, 2013.





joint senate committee for nosm (dr. joey farrell)

moved that the policy for the appointment of a professor or librarian emeritus in the northern ontario school of medicine be approved as presented.

moved that the policy for the appointment of professor honorarius in the northern school of medicine be approved as presented.

moved that the nosm academic council constitution be approved as presented.


academic accommodation of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with disabilities (mrs. marian ryks-szelekovszky)

moved that the academic accommodation of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with disabilities policy be approved.


lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing

committees for 2010-2011 (ms. neva bassingthwaite) (ms. jaimi penny) kr oct 1, 2010

moved that the lusu recommendations for student representatives on senate standing committees for 2010-2011 be approved.




approval of adjunct professors

moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of health and behavioural sciences be approved:

moved that the following adjunct professors for the faculty of natural resources management be approved:


approval of professional associates

moved that the following professional associates for the faculty of science & environmental studies be approved:

  • mark smyk be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013.
  • bill addison be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013.
  • greg brumpton be appointed as a professional associate with the department of geology for the term january 2010 through january 2013.

items for discussion

items for information


cou academic colleague report (dr. tony bauer)

report on may 27 & 28, 2010 meeting

report on august 2010 meeting


adjunct professor renewals (information only)

faculty of natural resources management
faculty of health and behavioural sciences


senate teaching & learning (dr. craig mackinnon)


president's report (dr. brian stevenson)


report of the vice-president (academic) & provost (acting-dr. moira mcpherson)

student evaluation of teaching at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 2009/10, [formerly course evaluations (student satisfaction survey)]


report of nosm (dr. william mccready) dr. roger strasser


report of the dean orillia campus (dr. kim fedderson)


aboriginal management council annual report (dr. sandra wolf)


late additions to the list of graduands added kr oct 1, 2010

the senate's enabling motion graduands on record empowers the dean of the faculty and the registrar to approve late additions to the graduands' list who had not appeared on the convocation list. no motion is necessary. the list will be distributed at the meeting.
