lakehead’s bora laskin faculty of law hosting revitalizing indigenous law through language lecture
march 1, 2018 – thunder bay, on
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ’s bora laskin faculty of law is hosting a lecture by john borrows, canada research chair in indigenous law at the university of victoria law school in british columbia.
called revitalizing indigenous law through language, the free lecture will be held on thursday, march 1 from 7 to 9 pm in the john n. paterson auditorium, third floor, paci.
“the language used in law plays an important role in what the laws mean and how they are interpreted – especially for indigenous people,” said angelique eaglewoman, dean of the bora laskin faculty of law. “this will be an exceptional talk that i hope faculty, staff and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 attend along with members of the general public.”
borrows has published recovering canada; the resurgence of indigenous law (which earned him the donald smiley award for the best book in canadian political science, 2002), canada's indigenous constitution (canadian law and society best book award 2011), drawing out law: a spirit's guide (2010), freedom and indigenous constitutionalism (donald smiley award for the best book in canadian political science, 2016), the right relationship (with michael coyle, ed.), all from the university of toronto press. he is the 2017 killam prize winner in social sciences.
john is anishinaabe/ojibway and a member of the chippewas of the nawash first nation in ontario, canada.