lakehead engineers place first among international entrants at bridge-building competition
on may 25 and 26, lakehead competed at the prestigious 2012 national student steel bridge competition (nssbc) as the reigning 2011 champions. this year's inter-collegiate challenge required civil engineering 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from 47 american and three canadian universities, as well as a chinese and mexican university to design and construct a steel bridge.of the five teams invited to participate from outside the united states, our engineers finished first among all international entrants.

lakehead 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 pose in the carolina sunshine with their entry at the nssbc at clemson u (l-r: dr. tony gillies, raquel almeida, xaver kargl, peter luckai, brian glavish, tim klassen, norman fong, conrad hagstrom)
overall, lakehead placed 11th
in the field of 52 teams, with 2nd and 4th place results
in this rigorous competition's "˜lightness' and "˜efficiency' categories,
"the team had one of the top engineered bridges at the competition, as evidenced by their fourth place ranking in structural efficiency," said dr. tony gillies, faculty advisor to the lakehead team. "they just could not build the bridge fast enough. each year the competition gets more intense as designs get more refined."
at the end of the two day event, engineers from u of california, berkeley would capture the nssbc 2012 crown, repatriating the title from thunder bay to berkeley.

peter luckai and brian glavish apply the load test of 2500 lbs. to their bridge
lakehead's engineering team
would like to express their appreciation to the many sponsors who supported
their participation at the regional and national competitions.
our team members included
raquel almeida, norman fong, brian glavish, xaver kargl, timothy klassen and
peter luckai, with faculty advisor, dr. tony gillies and civil engineering
technologist, conrad hagstrom.
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media: for more information, please contact hugh mullally, communications officer, at (807) 343-8148 or
about lakehead
lakehead is a comprehensive university with a reputation for a multidisciplinary teaching approach that emphasizes collaborative learning and independent critical thinking. more than 8,700 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
and 1,850 faculty and staff learn and work at campuses located in orillia, and thunder bay, ontario, which is home to the west campus of the northern ontario school of medicine. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
promotes innovative research that supports local and regional socio-economic needs. in orillia, development continues on building a campus that meets leadership in energy and environmental design (leed®) standards.