meet the professors lecture series schedule - winter 2010
january 7, 2010 - dr. sonia mastrangelo
families of children with autism: outcomes of intervention
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january 28, 2010 - dr. tom kondzielewski
chromaesthesia in musicians without perfect pitch
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feb 18, 2010 - dr. fiona blaikie
knowing bodies: a visual and poetic inquiry into the professoriate
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march 4, 2010 - dr. rocsana pancescu
aerosols and global warming
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march 25, 2010 - professor adam stibbards
play and adult learning
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april 8, 2010 - dr. herminio meireles teixeira
sovereignty, the state of exception and the politics of indigenous peoples.
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all presentations will be held in council chambers, heritage place
1 colborne st. west
orillia, on
l3v 7x5
phone: (705) 330-4008
time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
(unless indicated otherwise)
no charge
no registration
park at city hall