sociology speaker series talk by dr. antony j. puddephatt -
the sociology speaker series proudly presents the first winter 2016 talk, featuring: dr. antony j. puddephatt
title: "critical nexus or pluralist discipline?: institutional ambivalence, sociology, and the future" abstract: is the traditional discipline of sociology outmoded in the emerging world of trans-disciplinary research?
given all of the problems in the world, should we embrace only that research which is realist, critical and progressive in its orientation? we consider these possibilities, but discard them in favour of an alternative model for sociology based on the notion of institutional ambivalence. within this context, we consider how to promote fair reward structures to improve intellectual coherence and knowledge production in an otherwise chaotic field.
date: friday, january 29
time: 10-11:30 am location: at 5035 (tbay) / oa 2005 (orillia)
for more information about the talk, please get in touch at: