
book chapters:


  • y. zhou and f. yuan, "a frequency-domain study of injection-locking of non-harmonic oscillators," pp. 92-97, in image, vision and computing, ed. l. xu, iacsit press, 2012.

journal papers(legend: underlined authors : 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ):

  • p. parekh, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "bi-directional gated ring oscillator time integrator, " ieee trans. on circuits and systems i - regular paper,  vol. 70, no. 09, pp. 3461-3473, sept. 2023. doi: 10.1109/tcsi.2023.3300225
  • p. parekh, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "delta-sigma time-to-digital converter with current-steering vernier time integrator," analog integrated circuits and signal processing (springer),vol. 14, pp. 325-343. 2023. doi: 10.1007/s10470-022-02116-w
  • h. s. choi, t. ngoy. zhou, "power efficiency characterization with various gate oxide thicknesses in class de amplifiers for hifu applications," electronics11(19), oct. 2022, doi: 10.3390/electronics11193191
  • p. parekh, f. yuan and y. zhou, "true-single-phase-clock d-flipflops of improved metastability with applications in vernier time-to-digital converters," ieee trans. on circuits and systems i - regular paper, vol. 69, no. 3, pp.1102-1114, mar. 2022.doi: 10.1109/tcsi.2021.3122340
  • p. parekh, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "gated vernier delay line time integrator with applications in ΔΣ time-to-digital converter," microelectronics journal (elsevier), vol. 119, jan. 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.mejo.2021.105316
  • d. lee, f. yuan,  and y. zhou, "all-digital successive approximation tdc in time-mode signal processing," microelectronics journal(elsevier), vol. 114, oct. 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.mejo.2021.105152
  • d. lee, f. yuan, g. khan, and y. zhou, "a n8-bit digital-to-time converter with pre-skewing and time interpolation," iet circuits, devices & systems, online, apr. 2021.doi: 10.1049/cds2.12063
  • f. sun,y. zhou, z. bai, y. chen, "a 190.3-dbc/hz fom 16-ghz rotary traveling-wave oscillator with reliable direction control", iet electronics letters, vol. 57, no. 5, jan. 2021.doi: 10.1049/ell2.12089
  • j. mercier and y. zhou, "low-power multiband injection-locked wireless receiver," iet circuits devices and systems, online, mar. 2021. doi: 10.1049/cds2.12048
  • f. yuan and y. zhou, "injection signaling in relaxation oscillators," analog integrated circuits and signal processing (springer), vol, 100, no. 1, pp.133-148, jul. 2019.
  • c. christoffersen, t. ngo, r. song, y. zhou, s. pichardo and l. curiel, " efficient driving of hifu transducer arrays," ieee trans. on biomedical circuits and systems, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 214-224, feb. 2019, doi: 10.1109/tbcas.2018.2888990
  • y. zhou, n. m. filiol and f. yuan, " a quadrature charge-domain sampling mixer with embedded fir, iir, and n-path filters," ieee trans. on circuits and systems i - regular papers, vol.62, no.5, 1431-1440, 2015.
  • y. zhou and f. yuan, "a study of injection-locked non-harmonic oscillators using volterra series,''  iet circuits devices and systems, vol.9, no. 2, pp. 119-130, jan. 2015.
  • y. zhou and f. yuan, "cascaded charge-domain sampling mixer with embedded 3rd-order sinc fir and 4-path filters for software-defined radio,'' electronics letters, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 216-218, jan. 2014.
  • y. zhou and f. yuan, "design techniques for high-speed i/os : challenges and opportunities,'' j. electrical and electronics (omics), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-5, dec. 2013.
  • f. yuan and y. zhou, "frequency-domain study of lock range of non-harmonic oscillators with multiple multi-tone injections,'' ieee trans. on circuits and systems i - regular papers, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 1395-1406, jun. 2013.
  • f. yuan and y. zhou, "a phasor-domain study of lock range of harmonic oscillators with multiple injections,'' ieee trans. on circuits and systems ii - express briefs, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 466-470, aug. 2012.
  • y. zhou and f. yuan, "a study of lock range of injection-locked cmos active-inductor oscillators using a linear control system approach,'' ieee trans. on circuits and systems ii - express briefs, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 627-631, oct. 2011.

conference papers:

  • w. wu, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "0.6-v 100-khz sub-threshold delay-locked loop with linearization and time-mode proportional-integral locking," in proc. 20th ieee asia-pacific conf. circuits syst., 2024, accepted, taipei.
  • w. wu, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "a 0.6-v 108-nw 100-khz sub-threshold delay-locked loop with digital linearization for low-power sar adc," proc. 67th ieee mwscas, accepted in may 2024, springfield, ma. usa.
  • p. leduc, x. fu, and y. zhou, "a 3.04-fs fom hybrid ldo regulator with fast transient algorithm and wide load range," proc. 67th ieee mwscas, accepted in may 2024, springfield, ma. usa.
  • z. williams, l. chen, y. zhou, and z. bai, "a 580-na quiescent current low-dropout regulator with zero-tracking for wide load applications," proc. 22nd ieee international newcas, accepted in april 2024, sherbrooke, qc. canada.
  • p. leduc, x. fu, y. zhou, and kamal elsankary, "a dual loop current mode feedback capacitor less ldo for high current applications," proc. 22nd ieee international newcas, accepted in april 2024, sherbrooke, qc. canada.
  • d. lee, f. yuan, and y. zhou, " cyclic vernier digital-to-time converter for time-mode successive approximation tdc," proc. 66th ieee mwscas,  aug., 2023, phoenix, arizona, usa
  • d. lee, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "time-interpolated vernier digital-to-time converter with applications in time-mode sar tdc," proc. 21st ieee newcas,  jun., 2023, edinburgh, scotland
  • x. fu, y. zhou, pierre leduc, and kamal elsankary, "a high-speed capacitor less ldo with multi-loop fast feedback and bandwidth enhancement control," proc. 56th ieee international symposium on circuits and systems, pp. 1-5, monterey, ca, usa, 2023. doi: 10.1109/iscas46773.2023.10181422. (invited to tcas2)
  • x. fu, y. zhou and k. el-sankary, "design of high-bandwidth, high-dc gain single-stage amplifier for high-speed adcs", proc. ieee ccece, accepted for publication in aug. 2022.
  • y. chen, y. zhou, c. c. boon, p. i. mak, and r. p. martins, "a 2-mw 0.3-to-1ghz wide-injection-locking multi-mode transmitter with a 1-mb/s data rate", proc. 2022 ieee international  conference on circuits and systems, pp. 195-199, chengdu, china. doi: 10.1109/iccs56666.2022.9936064.
  • p. parekh, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "bi-directional gated ring oscillator time integrator for time-based mixed-signal processing,'' proc. 65th ieee mwscas, pp. 1-4, may 2022. doi: 10.1109/mwscas54063.2022.9859404
  • p. parekh, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "all-digital bi-directional gated ring oscillator time integrator for mixed-mode signal processing," proc. ieee newcas, pp. 25-29, april 2022. doi: 10.1109/newcas52662.2022.9842064. (invited to tcas1)
  • d. lee, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "successive approximation register tdc in time-mode signal processing," proc. 64th ieee mid-west symp. circuits syst., pp. 845-948, east lansing, mi. aug.2021.
  • p. parekh, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "gated vernier delay line time integrator for time-mode signal processing," proc. 64th ieee mid-west symp. circuits syst., pp. 1082-1085, east lansing, mi. aug. 2021. (invited to analog integrated circuits and signal processing)
  • d. lee, f. yuan,  and y. zhou, "all-digital successive approximation tdc in time-mode signal processing," proc. ieee int’l symp. circuits syst., pp. 1-4, may, 2021. daegu, korea. doi:10.1109/iscas51556.2021.9401207 (invited to tcas2, student best paper award)
  • p. parekh, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "all-digital time integrator using bi-directional gated vernier delay line," proc. 63rd ieee mid-west symp. circuits syst., pp. 331-324, springfield, ma, 2020 (invited to tcas1).
  • p. parekh, f. yuan, and y. zhou, "area/power-efficient true-single-phase-clock d-flipflops with improved metastability," proc. 63rd ieee mid-west symp. circuits syst., pp. 182-185, springfield, ma, 2020 (invited to tcas1).
  • j. mercier and y. zhou, "35 uw linearized lna for wsn applications," proc. 62 nd ieee midwest symp. circuits and systems, pp.97-100, aug. 2019, dallas.
  • r. riddiqui, f. yuan and y. zhou, "a 500-ms/s 8.4 ps double-edge successive approximation tdc in 65 nm cmos," proc. 62nd ieee midwest symp. circuits and systems, aug. 2019, dallas.
  • y. zhou, j. mercier and f. yuan, " a comparative study of injection locked frequency divider using harmonic mixer in weak and strong inversion," proc. 61st ieee midwest symp. circuits and systems, pp.97-100, aug. 2018, windsor.
  • c. christoffersen, t. ngo, r. song, y. zhou, s. pichardo and l. curiel, " suboptimal class de operation for ultrasound transducer arrays," proc. ieee 16th newcas,  pp. 234-237, jun. 2018, montreal. 
  • y. zhou and f. yuan, " adaptive 4pam decision feedback equalizer with reduced number of slicers," proc. ieee midwest symp. circuits and systems, pp. 775-778, aug. 2017, boston.
  • y. zhou, n. filiol and f. yuan, " low-power programmable charge-domain sampling mixer with embedded n-path bandpass filter for software defined radio," proc. ieee int’l symp. circuits syst., pp. 1934-1937, may. 2013, beijing.
  • y. zhou and f. yuan, " a frequency-domain study of lock range of harmonic oscillators with multiple injections," proc. ieee newcas, pp. 29-32, apr. 2012, montreal.
  • y. zhou and f. yuan, "a comparative study of lock range of injection-locked active inductor oscillators," proc. ieee midwest symp. circuits and systems, pp. 793-796, aug. 2010, seattle.
  • y. zhou and f. yuan, "subthreshold cmos active inductors with applications to low-power injection- locked oscillators for passive wireless microsystems," proc. ieee mid-west symp. circuits and systems, pp. 885-888, aug. 2010, seattle.