research & publications
- journals
- monograph books, chapters in books, and encyclopedia entries
- technical reports
- conference and workshop publications
- invited conference keynote address
- conferences, workshops, and initiatives organized
- yuan, m., n. mcintyre and j. moore (2011). development of a spatial values-based recreation planning framework for canadian crown lands. journal of canadian forestry research. under review.
- fredman, p., u. romild, l., m. yuan, and d. wolf-watz (2011). latent demand and time contextual constraints to outdoor recreation in sweden. forests, 3(1), 1-21.
- fredman, p. and m. yuan (2011). primary economic flows in national park tourism: the case of fulufjallet national park, sweden. scandinavian journal of hospitality and tourism. 11 (1), 1-13.
- yuan, m. and p. fredman (2009). the relationship between recreation experience preferences and revealed activity choice in the north shore lake superior region. tourism in marine environments, 6 (2/3), 23-31.
- fredman, p., u. romild, l. emmilin, and m. yuan (2009). non-compliance with on-site data collection in outdoor recreation monitoring. visitor studies, 12 (2), 1–18
- mcintyre, n, m. yuan and j. moore (2008). a place-based, values-centered approach to managing recreation on canadian crown lands. society and natural resources. 30 (5), 26-33.
- yuan, m. (2005). after september 11th: determining its impacts on canadians’ travel to the u.s. ertr: review of tourism research. 3 (5), 1-3.
- yuan, m. (2004). review of outdoor recreation for 21st century america: a report to the nation, the national survey on recreation and the environment (h. ken cordell). journal of park and recreation administration, 22 (4), 139-142.
- yuan, m. (2001). reoperationalizing the collection of economic impact data. annals of tourism research, 27 (3) 22-29.
- yuan, m., s. m. yuan and p. jane (1998). an examination of university student gambling practices. gaming research and review journal. 3(9)12-21.
- yuan, m. and s.m. yuan (1996). sixteen versus nine expenditure categories in tourism surveys: is there a difference? journal of travel research. 34 (4)18-26
- yuan, m. and n. christensen (1994). wildland-influenced economic impacts of non-resident travel on portal communities: the case of missoula, montana. journal of travel research. 23 (4)26-31.
- polzin, p., m. yuan and e.g. schuster (1993). some economic impacts of the 1988 fires in the yellowstone area. research paper int-418. u.s. forest service, intermountain research station.
- yuan, m. and n. moisey (1992). the characteristics and economic significance of visitors attracted to montana wildlands. western wildlands, 18 (3) 20-23.
- yuan, m. (1990). in the camera's eye. western wildlands, 15(1), 24-25.
- yuan, m. and d. smith (1990). predicting elk mortality from hunter behavior. human dimensions in wildlife, 9 (1), 21-25.
- yuan, m. and d. mcewen (1989). test for experience preference differences among three ros setting classes. leisure sciences, 11(3), 212-224.
monograph books, chapters in books, & encyclopedia entries
- yuan, m. (2004). partnerships. in j. jenkins and j.j. pgram (eds.) routledge encyclopedia of leisure and outdoor recreation. london: routledge, pp. 358-359.
- yuan, m. (2004). performance indicators. in j. jenkins and j.j. pgram (eds.) routledge encyclopedia of leisure and outdoor recreation. london: routledge, pp. 360-361.
- yuan, m. (2004). substitutability. in j. jenkins and j.j. pgram (eds.) routledge encyclopedia of leisure and outdoor recreation. london: routledge, p. 489.
- yuan, s.m., b. maiorano, m. yuan, s. kocis, and g. hoshide (1995). techniques and equipment for gathering visitor use data on recreation sites. usda, forest service, technology and development program: missoula, mt.
- yuan, m., d. snepenger and s.m. yuan (1993). montana tourism primer. institute for tourism and recreation research: montana, missoula, mt.
- yuan, m. (1989). the federal role in linking wilderness and tourism. in d.w. lime (editor), managing america’s enduring wilderness resource. university of minnesota: minneapolis, mn.
technical reports
- yuan, m., n. mcintyre, j. moore, and l. hunt. (2010). reducing uncertainty of wood supply through better understanding of recreation use. final report submitted to the enhanced forest projectivity science program, forestry futures trust. school of outdoor recreation, parks & tourism, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay, on, 44 pp.
- yuan, m. (2009). nature tourism in north america. in turism i natur- definitioner, omfattning, statistik, fredman, p., reinius, s.w., & lundberg, c. (editors). forskningsprogrammet friluftsliv i förändring, rapport nr. 2009-4. european tourism research institute, pp 89-105.
- fredman, p., u. romild, l. emmilin, and m. yuan (2009). who are the non-compliants: an analysis of non-compliance with on-site registration methodology at fulufjallet national park, sweden. forskningsprogrammet friluftsliv i förändring, rapport nr. 2009-1. european tourism research institute. 24 pp.
- lindhagen, a., p. fredman, k. sandell, k., m. yuan and u. romild. (2008). statistikprogram för friluftsliv. submitted to naturvardsverket, swedish environmental protection agency, stockholm sweden. 43 pp.
- yuan, m. (2006). a comparison of non-resident visitors to the thunder bay region to the tourism industry’s perception of their primary target market. centre for parks, recreation & tourism research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay, on, 30 pp.
- carlson, g. and m. yuan. (2006). a study of northwestern ontario tourism operator’s perceptions of marketing and segmentation. centre for parks, recreation & tourism research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay, on, 28 pp.
- yuan, m., n. mcintyre, r. payne and j. moore. (2004). development of a spatial values-based recreation planning framework for canadian crown lands. volume i final report submitted to the living legacy trust. centre for parks, recreation & tourism research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay, on, 150 pp.
- mcintyre, n., m. yuan, and j. moore. (2004). a place-based, value-centred, approach to recreation planning in the dog-river-matawin forest. volume ii final report submitted to the living legacy trust. centre for parks, recreation & tourism research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay, on, 26 pp.
- yuan, m., and s. yuan (2000). crowley's ridge - dunklin county federal corridor management plan. research report 00-1. southeast missouri tourism advisor council, cape girardeau, mo, 210 pp.
conference & workshop publications (since 2000)
- yuan, m. 2010. the relationship between stated choice for recreation experience preferences and revealed activity choice. proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas. wageningen, netherlands, 30 may - 2 june, 2010.
- fredman, p., romild, u, and yuan, m. 2009. diversity in outdoor recreation participation: activity type segments in sweden versus u.s. proceedings of the 15th internationals symposiums on society and resource management, vienna, july 5-9, 2009.
- yuan, m. and fredman, p. 2008. a call for a broad spatial under-standing of outdoor recreation use. in: raschi, a. & trampeti, s. (eds.) management for protection and sustainable development. proceedings of the fourth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas. montecatini terme, italy, 14-19 october, 2008.
- yuan, m. (2008). knowledge gaps: small scale tourism providers understanding of markets in ontario, canada. proceedings from the small scale sustainable tourism conference, ostersund, sweden. april, 2007. access online at:
- yuan, m. (2007). beyond parks and protected areas: understanding macro level resource based tourism supply in canada. proceedings from the 2007 europarc conference on sustainable tourism in protected areas of nordic and baltic countries, fulufjallet national park, sweden, may 2007. access online at:
- yuan, m. (2007). comparison of expressed tourism demand and industry perception of market demand in northwestern ontario. book of abstracts from the 2007 issrm conference, park city, utah, june 2007, p. 103.
- yuan, m., n. mcintyre and j. moore. (2006). reoperationalizing the ros – incorporating the concept of spatial valuation zones. book of abstracts from the 2006 issrm conference, vancouver, b.c, june 2006, p. 53.
- yuan, m. (2004). a swot analysis of northern ontario's nature-based tourism industry: a group discussion. conference summary from the 2004 eco-north conference. november 24-27, thunder bay, on, 14 pp.
- yuan, m. (2004). a vision for nature-based tourism: a group discussion. conference summary from the 2004 eco-north conference. november 24-27, thunder bay, on, 4 pp.
- yuan, m., n. mcintyre, r.j. payne and j. moore. (2004). development of a values-based recreation planning framework for canadian crown lands. book of abstracts from the 2004 issrm conference, golden, co, june 2004, p. 106.
- mcintyre, n., m. yuan, r.j. payne, and j. moore. (2004). development of a values-based approach to managing recreation on canadian crown lands. in t. sievanen, j. errkonen, j. saarinen, s. tuulentie & e. virtanen (eds.), proceedings of the second international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreation and protected areas. june 16-20 2004, rovaniemi, finland. working papers of the finnish forest research institute 2, pp. 285-293.
- yuan, m., n. mcintyre, r.j. payne, and j. moore. (2004). development of a spatial values-based recreation planning framework for canadian crown lands. in t. sievanen, j. errkonen, j. saarinen, s. tuulentie & e. virtanen (eds.), proceedings of the second international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreation and protected areas. june 16-20 2004, rovaniemi, finland. working papers of the finnish forest research institute 2, pp. 93-99.
- payne, r.j., n. mcintyre, m. yuan, j. moore, l. bradford, and s. elliott. (2004). recreation experience preferences and activity profiles in a crown forest landscape in ontario, canada. in t. sievanen, j. errkonen, j. saarinen, s. tuulentie & e. virtanen (eds.), proceedings of the second international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreation and protected areas. june 16-20 2004, rovaniemi, finland. working papers of the finnish forest research institute 2, pp. 164-170.
- mcintyre, n., m. yuan, and j. moore (2004). development of a values-based approach to managing recreation on canadian crown lands. in vi jornados nacionales de investigacion- accion en turismo. “la investigacion en turismo: el desafio del nuevo milenio” ushuaia, tierra del fuego patagonia, 22-24 april, 2004. cd format, unpaged.
- yuan, m. (2004). ethics of ecotourism research. proceedings from the eco/adventure tourism conference, dorset, on, november, 2003.
- yuan, m. (2004). role of ethics in shaping ecotourism. proceedings from the eco/adventure tourism conference, dorset, on, november, 2003.
- mcintyre, n., r.j. payne and m. yuan (2003). eliciting and mapping protected area values: a case study from canada (investigando y mapeando las riquezas de las Áreas protegidas: un caso de estudio de canadá). in las areas protegidas y la gente (assoication argentian de estudios canadienses), nuequen, argentina, may 2003, resumen 37.
- yuan, m. and r. riley. (2003). quetico provincial park: an analysis of american use, proceedings from the 2003 prfo conference, london, on, may, 2003
- yuan, m. (2002). the state of crown land recreation and tourism supply. proceedings from the eco/adventure tourism conference, dorset, on, november, 2002.
- yuan, m. (2002). the future of ecotourism in ontario. proceedings from the eco/adventure tourism conference, dorset, on, november, 2002.
- yuan, m. (2000). the use of scenic byways as a catalyst for regional tourism development. proceedings from the 2000 international recreation and tourism trends conference. lansing, michigan.
invited conference keynote address (since 2002)
- outdoor recreation participation patterns: north america. 2011 scandinavian outdoor summit. are sweden, 30 april - 2 may, 2011.
- the great divide: knowledge gaps and tourism decision making. the northern growth plan-tourism technical table. north bay, on, january, 2009.
- superior by design: the realities of our tourism target markets. second northwestern ontario tourism development conference, thunder bay, on, march, 2006
- linking tourism to economic development. first northwest ontario development network conference, thunder bay, on, november 2004
- beyond parks and protected areas: understanding recreation supply in northwest ontario. protected areas resources forum of ontario, prfo, thunder bay, on, may, 2004
- 20/20: developing a northwestern ontario tourism vision. northwestern ontario tourism development conference, thunder bay, on, march, 2003
- the state of crown land recreation and tourism supply. eco/adventure tourism conference, dorset, on, november, 2002
conferences, workshops, & initiatives organized
- friluftsliv i förändring (outdoor recreation in change). member of a team of researchers from across sweden on a six year project to understand outdoor recreation in sweden (2007 to 2012).
- developed, organized and planned the second northwest ontario tourism conference, jointly sponsored by northern ontario heritage fund and all the major tourism agencies and ngos in the region, thunder bay, on, february, 2006
- south america upcd workshop series, april 13 - may 3, 2004. series of six public workshops throughout region 9 and 10, patagonia chile and six public workshops throughout the lakes region, patagonia argentina
- living legacy trust operational review workshop, thunder bay, ontario, october 29-30, 2003
- served as a member of canadian delegation to argentina to examine national park issues. development of multi-agency and multi-disciplinary international canadian international development agency grant with comahue university in neuquen, argentina, in conjunction with brock university, and parks canada, 2003
- conceptualized the development of cooperative studies unit with parks canada at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 (with faculty of forestry). trying to secure permanent funding from parks canada for lu to serve as a research service centre, 2003
- developed, organized and planned the northwest ontario tourism conference jointed sponsored by northern ontario heritage fund and all the major tourism agencies and ngos in the region, thunder bay, on, february, 2003
- facilitator for ministry of tourism strategic tourism plan development, invited by ministry of tourism, frank klees, to help facilitate the development of regional strategic tourism plan
- developed, organized and planned the southeast missouri national scenic byways initiative, a multi-year effort to establish state and national byways in the region. led to the establishment of crowley’s ridge national scenic byway. cape girardeau, mo, 1998-2001
- assisted in the planning of the third annual southeast missouri tourism conference, cape girardeau, mo, august, 2000
- developed, organized and planned the second annual southeast missouri, tourism conference, cape girardeau, mo, april, 1999
- developed the comprehensive recreation management planning process for the missouri and madison river system. a series of workshops from 1993 through 1995
- national rural tourism economic development project, series of workshops throughout 1991-1992
- development of comprehensive recreation policies on the missouri - madison river system, 1991-1992
- comprehensive recreation information management workshop, seattle, wa, august 1992
- implan workshop, missoula, mt, july 1992
- montana tourism research workshops, dillon, mt, october 4, 1990 and missoula, mt, april 15, 1989
- estimating elk mortality from hunter behavior workshop, missoula, mt, june 6, 1990
- national wilderness conference, minneapolis, mn, sept. 15-20, 1989
- montana fish, wildlife and parks' montana - russian exchange program for the environment