polzer j, wakewich p. 2021. mothers who know best: narratives of motherhood and epistemological anxieties in vaccine hesitancy discourse. in neil brooks and sarah blanchette (eds.), narrative art and the politics of health. london, uk: anthem press, pp. 95-116.
alzghoul m, moeller h, wakewich p, dowsley m. 2020. perinatal experiences of muslim women in northwestern ontario, canada: a qualitative study. women and birth. refereed. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2020.02.021
wakewich p, olsen c, hill me, mushquash cj, spadoni m, nadin s, zacharias bezanson r. 2018. towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for kenora district. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
wakewich p, olsen c, hill me, mushquash cj, spadoni m, nadin s, zacharias bezanson r. 2018. towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for northern district. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
wakewich p, olsen c, hill me, mushquash cj, spadoni m, nadin s, zacharias bezanson r. 2018. towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for thunder bay city. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
wakewich p, olsen c, hill me, mushquash cj, spadoni m, nadin s, & zacharias bezanson, r. 2018. towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for thunder bay district. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
wakewich p, olsen c, hill me, mushquash cj, spadoni m, nadin s, zacharias bezanson r. 2018. towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: engagement results for rainy river district. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
wakewich p, olsen c, hill me, mushquash cj, spadoni m, nadin s, zacharias bezanson r. 2018. towards a northern centre of excellence for addiction and mental health: results of a northwestern ontario engagement process. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research (technical report). report available here
mushquash cj, hill me, wakewich p, spadoni m, minore b, nadin s, zacharias bezanson r. 2018. evaluating the continuum of prescription drug abuse recovery in matawa first nations. thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research. (technical report).
møller h, alzghoul m, wakewich p, sameshima p. 2018. prenatal knowledge xchange: for equity in birthing experiences and outcomes: executive summary. a report for women's x-change.
zehbe i, wakewich p, king a.d, morriseau k, tuck c. 2017. self-administered sampling for human papillomavirus testing versus health care provider-directed papanicolaou cytology: first nations women’s perspectives. bmj open 7(8)1-9. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/7/8/e017384 refereed.
sameshima p, slingerland d, wakewich p, morriseau k, zehbe i. 2017. growing wellbeing through community participatory arts: a canadian anishinaabek first nations women cervical cancer screening study. in georgina barton and margaret baguley, eds. the palgrave handbook of global arts education. brisbane: palgrave macmillan, pp. 399-416. peer reviewed.
hill me, raftis d, wakewich p. 2017. strengthening the rural dietetics workforce: examining early effects of the northern ontario dietetic internship program on recruitment and retention. rural and remote health 17:1-11 http://www.rrh.org.au/articles/subviewnew.asp?articleid=4035 refereed.
rahmathansari s, chambers l, wakewich p. 2016. defying racism: muslim women’s experiences with the hihab in canada. women’s studies international forum 58:34-40. [epub ahead of print: doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2016.06.001] refereed.
zehbe i, wakewich p, wood b, sameshima p, banning y, little j, and on behalf of the accss group. 2016. engaging canadian first nations women in cervical screening through education. international journal of health promotion and education 54(5):255-264. [epub ahead of print http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14635240.2016.1169942] refereed.
wakewich p, chambers l, roth j, wolframe p.a. 2016. women’s studies study group, women’s studies advisory committee, women’s studies department, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . in wolframe p.a, gilbert l, leggatt, j., o’reilly g., eds. 40 fabulous feminists & amazing activists of northwestern ontario. thunder bay: northwestern ontario women’s centre, pp. 101-105.
wakewich p, wood b, davey c, laframboise a, zehbe i, and on behalf of the accss group. 2016. colonial legacy and the experience of first nations women in cervical cancer screening: a canadian multi-community study. critical public health 26(4):368-380. refereed.
zehbe i, wood b, wakewich p, maar m, escott n, jumah n, little j, and on behalf of the accss group. 2016. teaching tools to engage anishinaabek first nations women in cervical cancer screening: report of an educational workshop. health education journal 75(3):331-342. refereed.
maar m, wakewich p, wood b, severini a, burchell a, little j, ogilvie g, zehbe i. 2016.strategies for increasing cervical cancer screening amongst first nations communities in northwest ontario, canada. health care for women international 37(4):478-495. refereed.
moeller h, wakewich p, dowsley m, burnett k, bishop, l. 2016. facilitators and barriers to positive birth experiences for indigenous women in northwestern ontario. abstracts from the 16th international circumpolar conference on health. int j circumpolar health, 75(1). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ijch.v75.33200.
moeller h, dowsley m, wakewich p, bishop l, burnett k, churchill me. 2015. a qualitative assessment of factors in the uptake of midwifery of diverse populations in thunder bay, ontario. canadian journal of midwifery research and practice - revue canadienne de la recherche et de la pratique sage-femme. 14(3):14-20. refereed.
moeller h, bishop l, burnett k, dowsley m, wakewich p. 2015. birthing experiences in the borderland of 'citizen-status' in north-western ontario, canada. hyperdiversity in health care: comparative perspectives from the u.s., canada and europe: proceedings of the american anthropological association annual meeting. denver, co: american anthropological association.
moeller h, burnett k, dowsley m, wakewich p. 2015. "i'd have to feel safe [with my birth attendant]": facilitators and barriers to positive birth experiences for indigenous women in north western ontario. proceedings of the 16th international congress on circumpolar health icch16. oulu, finland: international union for circumpolar health.
hill me, wakewich p, graham k, raftis d. 2015. tracking study for the northern ontario dietetic internship program: cohort vi (2013). thunder bay, ontario: centre for rural and northern health research, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
zehbe i, wakewich p, sameshima p, magajna b & on behalf of the accss working group. 2015. aboriginal cervical cancer screening study community update report 2015. http://www.accssfn.com/uploads/1/4/1/6/14167096/accss_report_cihr.pdf
hill m e, wakewich p, graham k, raftis d. 2014. tracking study for the northern ontario dietetic internship program: first five cohorts (2008-2012). thunder bay, ontario: cranhr, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
smith h, wakewich p. 2013. trans/forming the citizen body in wartime: national and local public discourse on women’s bodies and ‘body work’ for women during world war two. in p. gentile and j. nicholas, eds. contesting bodies and nation in canadian history. toronto: university of toronto press, pp. 305-327. refereed.
smith h, wakewich p. 2012. regulating body boundaries and health during world war two: nationalist discourse, media representations and the experiences of canadian women war workers. gender & history 24(1):56-73. refereed.
leipert b, landry t, mcwilliam c, kelley ml, forbes d, wakewich p, george j. 2011.rural women’s health promotion needs and resources: a photovoice perspective. in j. kulig and a. williams, eds. health care in rural canada. vancouver: ubc press, pp. 481-502. refereed.
adelson n, wakewich p, eds. 2007. troubling ‘natural’ categories. a festscrift for margaret lock. proceedings of the canadian anthropology society symposium. cd-rom publication. toronto: york university, october 2007 isbn 978-1-55014-489-5
wakewich p. 2007. troubling the terrain of insider/outsider embodiment and health in the ‘white’ north. in n. adelson and p. wakewich, eds. troubling ‘natural’ categories: a festschrift for margaret lock. proceedings of the canadian anthropology society symposium. toronto: dept. of anthropology, york university, pp. 11-17.
wakewich p, smith h. 2006. ‘the politics of ‘selective’ memory: re-visioning canadian women’s wartime work in the public record. oral history 34(2):56-68. refereed.
smith h, wakewich p. 2005. “i was not afraid of work”: female war plant employees and their work environment. in robert c. thomsen and nanette l. hale, eds. canadian environments: essays in culture, politics and history, canadian studies no. 2. bruxelles: p.i.e.-peter lang, pp. 229-247. refereed.
wakewich p. 2005. changing perceptions of health and body image over the life course. in c. lesley biggs and pamela j. downe, eds. gendered intersections: a collection of readings for women’s and gender studies. halifax: fernwood press, pp. 335-340. (abridged reprint). refereed.
sutherns r, wakewich p, parker b, dallaire c. 2004. canadian rural, remote and northern women’s health: a literature review and thematic bibliography [orig. feb. 2003] project #3 of the national rural and remote women’s health study. in rebecca sutherns, marilou mcphedran and margaret haworth-brockman, eds. summary report: rural, remote and northern women’s health: policy and research directions. winnipeg: centres of excellence for women’s health, pp. e1 to e57. refereed
wakewich p, parker b. 2003. rural and remote women’s health in canada. in p. van esterik, ed. head, heart and hands: partnerships for women’s health in canadian environments. toronto: inanna press, pp. 265-290. peer reviewed
wakewich p, parker b. 2003. health effects of woman abuse in intimate relationships as it relates to the rural community. ottawa: healthy communities division, health canada. refereed
ironstone-catterall p with mcdonough p, robertson a, payne b, rahder b, shaver f and wakewich p. 2003. feminist research methodology and women’s health. in p. van esterik, ed. head, heart and hands: partnerships for women’s health in canadian environments. toronto: inanna press, pp. 59-89. peer reviewed
wakewich p, parker b. 2002. mapping research on women and health in northwestern ontario. nnewh working paper series. toronto: national network on environments and women’s health. peer reviewed
wakewich p. 2001. “the queen of the hurricanes”: elsie gregory macgill as aeronautical engineer and women’s advocate. in s. cook, l. mclean and k. o'rourke, eds. framing our past: constructing canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. montreal and kingston: mcgill-queen’s university press, pp. 396-401. (canadian association of founders in education 2002 book award.) refereed.
wakewich p, smith h, lynes j. 2001. women’s wartime work and identities: a case study of women workers at canadian car and foundry co. limited, fort william, ontario, 1938-1945. in s. cook, l. mclean and k. o'rourke, eds. framing our past: constructing canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. montreal and kingston: mcgill-queen’s university press, pp. 409-416. (canadian association of founders in education 2002 book award.) refereed.
wakewich p. 2000. contours of everyday life: women's reflections on embodiment and health over time. in b. miedema, j. stoppard and v. anderson, eds. women's bodies/women’s lives: health, well-being and body image. toronto: sumach press, pp. 237-253. refereed.
smith h, wakewich p. 1999. “beauty and the helldivers”: regulating women's work and identities in a warplant newspaper. labour/le travail 44 (fall):71-107. refereed.
robertson a, wakewich p, biggs l, and the nnewh body projects group. 1999. social science perspectives on the body: a bibliography. nnewh working paper no. 9. toronto: national network on environments and women’s health. peer reviewed
grant k, adelson n, armstrong p, biggs l, de grosbois s, de koninck m, downe p, eakin j, feldberg g, lippman a, messing k, payne b, wakewich p. 1999. integrating the social sciences and humanities in the canadian institutes for health research. position paper prepared for the social sciences and humanities research council and the canadian health services research foundation under the health institutes design grants competition.
catterall p, mcdonough p, robertson a, clarke j, rahder b, shaver f and wakewich p. 1998. feminist research methods and women's health: a review of the literature. nnewh working paper no. 2. toronto: national network on environments and women's health. peer reviewed.
smith h, wakewich p. 1997. representations of women and wartime work in the canadian car and foundry company newspaper, the aircrafter. papers & records xxv:64-71. refereed.