selected publications
beaulieu, michel s., david k. ratz, thorold j. tronrud, and jenna kirker. thunder bay and the first world war, 1914-1919. thunder bay: thunder bay historical museum society, 2018.
thunder bay quiz book 2: 101 more fascinating questions about our history. thunder bay: thunder bay historical museum society, 2011.
thunder bay quiz book: 101 fascinating questions about our history, with dave nicholson. thunder bay: thunder bay historical museum society, 2005.
piovesana, roy, beth boegh, and thorold j. tronrud. paper and people: an illustrated history of great lakes paper and its successors, 1919-1999. thunder bay: thunder bay historical museum society, 1999.
tronrud, thorold j. and a. ernest epp, eds. thunder bay: from rivalry to unity.thunder bay: thunder bay historical museum society, 1995.
tronrud, thorold j. guardians of progress. boosters and boosterism in thunder bay, 1870-1914. thunder bay: thunder bay historical museum society, 1993.
articles and book chapters
"exhibit design in the community museum." muse xvii:1 (1999).
"william armstrong, art and enterprise." in william armstrong, 1822-1913, 40-59. thunder bay: thunder bay art gallery, 1996.
“building the industrial city.” in thunder bay: from rivalry to unity, ed. thorold tronrud and a. ernest epp, 99-119. thunder bay: thunder bay historical museum society, 1995.
“class, ethnicity and urban competition.” in thunder bay: from rivalry to unity ed. thorold tronrud and a. ernest epp, 204-226. thunder bay: thunder bay historical museum society, 1995. (with a.w. rasporich)
“the search for factories in a staple economy: thunder bay’s manufacturing industries, 1880-1980.” research report #28, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 centre for northern studies, 1991.
"thunder bay's suffragists. the anne j. barrie papers." tbhms papers and records xix (1991): 21-34.
"buying prosperity. the bonusing of factories at the lakehead, 1885-1914." urban history review xix (june 1990): 1-13.
"frontier social structure: the canadian lakehead, 1871 and 1881." ontario history lxxix (june 1987): 145-165.
"the response to poverty in three english towns, 1560-1640." social history xviii (may 1985): 9-27.
"dispelling the gloom. the extent of poverty in tudor and early stuart towns: some kentish evidence." canadian journal of history xx (april 1985): 1-21.
plus hundreds of museum exhibitions between 1983 and 2013.