recent publications

  • te hiwi, b. (2017). “unlike their playmates of civilization, the indian children’s recreation must be cultivated and developed”: the administration of physical education at pelican lake indian residential school, 1926–1944. historical studies in education/revue d'histoire de l'éducation, 29(1), 99-118.
  • te hiwi, b. and forsyth, j. (2017). “a rink at this school is almost as essential as a classroom:” hockey and discipline at pelican lake indian residential school, 1945-1951.” canadian journal of history 52(1), 80-108.
  • harris, s., tomkins, j. w. and te hiwi, b. (2016). call to action: a new path for improving diabetes care for indigenous peoples, a global review. diabetes research and clinical practice 123, 120-133.