

janssen, s., tate, m., dantoine, e., filstrip, c., reavie, e., stewart, r., robinson, c., allan, c., robertson, d and krabbenhoft, d. 2024.  connecting tributary mercury loads to nearshore and offshore sediments in lake superior. international journal of great lakes research. in press, published online

stewart, r.m. and bailey, j. 2021.  habitat restoration in the north shore of lake superior:  action and lessons from 30 years of addressing environmental degradation in a resource hinterland.  in hartig, j., munawar, m. (eds.), ecosystem-based management of laurentian great lakes areas of concern. three decades of u.s.-canadian cleanup and recovery. ecovision world monograph series, aquatic ecosystem health and management society, burlington, on, canada.

garnet, r. and stewart, r.m. 2015.  ‘comparison of gps units and mobile apple gps capabilities in an urban landscape’ cartography and geographic information science, 42(1): 1-8.

stewart, r.m. and rashid, h. 2011. ‘blending science and public policies for remediation of a degraded ecosystem: jackfish bay, north shore of lake superior, ontario, canada’ the journal of great lakes research, 37(2): 256-262.

stewart, r.m. 2011. ‘community strategies to improve risk communication and social vulnerability reduction:  a case study from the red river basin, manitoba, canada’ the journal of disaster studies, policy and management, 35(2).

aaron nicholson and stewart, r.m. 2009.  ‘the black bay peninsula archipelago:  pristine perceptions of a sensitive environment’ nature northwest, 63(2): 19-21.

stewart, r.m., olczyck, m., powell-quinn, n., and haque, c.e.  2007.  ‘flood hazards and floodplain management in the red river basin, manitoba’ prairie forum, 32(1): 1-16.

powell-quinn and stewart, r.  2005.  ‘partnering for sustainable floodplain management:  cross-scale institutional linkages to enhance risk knowledge and community’ in the international water resource association’s world water congress: water for sustainable development (new delhi: november 22-25).


technical reports

stewart, r. 2021.  habitat strategy for the thunder bay area of concern.  report prepared for environment canada and climate change and the ontario ministries of environment, conservation and parks, and natural resources and forestry, june 2021.

stewart, r.  2020.  jackfish bay aesthetics index:  ice free season monitoring 2020.  report prepared for environment and climate changes canada, may 2020.

wilson, n. and stewart, r.  2018.  phase ii aquatic contamination assessment:  exposure assessment and human biomonitoring.  report prepared for health canada and biinjitiwaabik zaaging anishinaabek first nation, march 31 2018.

stewart, r.m 2018.  climate change impacts on lake superior watersheds.  discussion paper and conference proceedings prepared for environment and climate change canada, march 31, 2018.

stewart, r.m. 2016. thunder bay harbour aesthetics survey: report prepared for environment canada and climate change.

foster, r., wilson, n. and stewart r.m. 2016. the state of cloud lake and the cloud river watershed: report prepared for the ontario ministry of the environment and climate change

stewart, r. and bailey, j. 2016. lakewide management partnerships in the lake superior basin: report prepared for the ontario ministry of the environment and climate change.

stewart, r. m.  2014. township of nipigon stormwater scoping report. technical report prepared for environment canada and the ontario ministry of the environment.

stewart, r.m., wregget, k, 2012. urban stormwater site reconnaisance for the mcvicar creek and the current river watersheds, technical report prepared for environment canada and the ontario ministry of the environment.

stewart, r.m., mcgoldrick, c. and nicholson, a., 2011. stormwater impacts and remedial actions for the mcvicar river and the current river watersheds, technical report prepared for environment canada and the ontario ministry of the environment.

stewart, r.m., cockerton, s., walsh, k. and jupp, l. 2009.  source water threats in matawa first nation tribal communities report prepared for health canada, september 30th, 2009.

stewart, r.m. 2009. a review of the jackfish bay area of concern delisting criteria, a technical report for the international joint commission, environment canada and the ontario ministry of the environment.

stewart, r.m. and cornwell, a. 2009. climate change impacts and source water protection:  the case of the lakehead region source protection area in chapter 10 of the lakehead region source protection committee’s assessment report for source water protection planning.

stewart, r.m. and nicholson, a. 2009. an assessment of coastal sensitivity to human disturbance in the black bay peninsula archipelago, lake superior report for the interim management committee of the lake superior national marine conservation area.

stewart, r.m. 2006. climate change and flood risk in the red river valley, a technical report for a community-based risk management and adaptations workshop with municipalities of the red river basin, natural resources institute, university of manitoba.

stewart, r.m assessment and perception of flood risk:  risk perception, communication, and partnerships in the red river basin.  report by the canadian constituent to the 2005 united nations international strategy for disaster reduction in kobe japan.


conference contributions

papers/abstracts in non-refereed conference proceedings:

vehling, t., cornwell, a., zaniewski, k. and stewart, r. identifying significant groundwater recharge areas and hydrological function assessment of the neebing river. poster presented at the international association for great lakes research, may 8-13, 2023, toronto, ontario.

hollinger, t., hardy, d. and stewart, r. fish contaminant impacts to first nations commercial fishing in lake nipigon. paper presented at the international association for great lakes research, may 8-13, 2023, toronto, ontario.

hollinger, t., stewart, r. and wilson, n. fish contaminant impacts to first nations commercial fishing in lake nipigon. paper presented at the lake superior binational program annual meeting, june 7-8, 2023, thunder bay, ontario.

tate, m., janssen, s., dantoin, e., stewart, r., robinson, c., an assessment of how climate change may alter mercury loads and sources in tributaries and sediments of lake superior, paper presented at the st. louis river summit, march 8-13 2023 university of wisconsin.

hoffman, j and stewart, r. 2022. big lake, big changes: key insights and recommendations    for science and monitoring priorities in the lake superior basin.  paper presented at the joint aquatic science meeting, may 14-20, 2022, grand rapids, michigan.

stewart, r.m.  2018.  defining water security and sustainability in a water abundant region:  addressing current contaminants and emerging water-related threats through environmental remediation and watershed planning on the north shore of lake superior. paper presentation at the regional centres and the sustainability of canada’s rural and northern landscapes workshop, thunder bay, ontario, may10th and 11th, 2018.

stewart, r.m.  2018.  watershed planning and climate change adaptation.  presentation at the red rock indian band workshop for northern lake superior, march 2018.

stewart, r.m.  2017.  climate change impacts on the lake superior watersheds.  presentation and panel chair at the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 climate change forum, september 28-29, 2017.

wilson, n. and stewart, r.m.  2016. cloud lake assessment of phosphorous and lake productivity. presentation at the lake superior watershed stream science symposium, ashland minnesota.

wilson, n. and stewart, r.m.  2016. cloud lake assessment of phosphorous and lake productivity. paper presentation at the prairie association of geographers, kenora, ontario, october 25-27, 2015.

stewart, r.m., nicholson, a.a. and strickert, g.e.h. 2011. ‘coming down from the ivory tower:  can universities balance the research and applied governance needs of remedial action plans?  a case study from the north shore of lake superior’. paper presentation at the the 54th annual conference on great lakes research, duluth, minnesota, june 3-8, 2011.

kaurin, k.t. and stewart, r.m. ‘monitoring for success in stream restoration:  a case study of the kama creek, north shore of lake superior’. poster presented at the 2nd annual upper midwest stream restoration symposium, oconomowoc, wisconsin, february 27 to march 2, 2011.

sorensen, h., and stewart, r.m. ‘citizen-based monitoring in the lake superior basin:  an inventory of local indicators, decisions and partnerships to enhance lakewide management and the international year of monitoring’. poster presentation at the the 54th annual conference on great lakes research, duluth, minnesota, june 3-8, 2011.

stewart, r.m. ‘threats assessment and source water protection in remote first nation communities of northern ontario. paper presented at the matawa environmental conference for northern ontario, thunder bay, ontario, october 5th, 2011.

stewart, r.m. ‘source water protection planning for safe drinking water’. paper presented at the matawa environmental conference for northern ontario, thunder bay, ontario, october 28, 2010.

mcgoldrick, c., adams, m., stewart, r.m. nicholson, a., needham, r. and singh, j.  ‘building community capacity for stream naturalization: a case study of thunder bay, on’. poster presentation at the 4th international conference on natural channel systems, mississauga, ontarioseptember 27-28, 2010.

stewart, r.m. ‘area in recovery:  criteria, process, pros and con’s:  a panel discussion’ the 2010 great lakes rap implementation workshop, environment canada, january 25-27th, 2010, niagara on the lake, ontario.

stewart, r.m., nicholson, a.a., and adams, m.a., ‘challenges on the road to delisting great lake‟s areas of concern: case studies from the north shore of lake superior’. paper presentation at the the 53rd annual conference on great lakes research, toronto, ontario, may 17-21, 2010.

stewart, r.m. 2009. ‘status report for the jackfish bay area of concern, lake superior’ presented at the lake superior binational forum, may 8-9th, 2009, terrace bay, ontario.

stewart, r.m. transboundary dialogue on climate change and water in the great lakes basin: exploring the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of first nations peoples, march 27th, 2009 at six nations polytechnic, ohsweken, ontario.

stewart, r.m.  ‘mainstreaming climate change impacts and adaptation into the lakehead region source water protection planning process’ presented to the lakehead region source protection authority, march 4th, 2009 at the lakehead region conservation authority.

stewart, r.m. ‘rural community vulnerability assessment in the red river valley manitoba’, paper presented at the 2006 canadian association of geographers, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay, june 3-6.

haque, e. and stewart, r.m (2004) ‘community vulnerability reduction’ canadian climate impacts and adaptation research group workshop, held in winnipeg manitoba, february 2004.

stewart, r.m. ‘risk communication in the red river valley’.  paper presentation and panel member at the environmental studies association of canada annual conference, june 2004.

stewart, r.m. and powell, n. ‘assessment and perception of flood risk:  risk perception, communication, and partnerships in the red river basin’.  paper presentation at the institute for catastrophic loss reduction’s ‘water and disasters’ international workshop - dec. 12th-14th, 2004.

stewart, r.m. ‘idea generating strategies (igs) concerning flood hazards and floodplain management in the red river basin’.  paper presentation at the canadian association of geographers (prairies division) annual conference, october, 2003.