sameshima, p., & faye, r. (2024, april). one cell the world: climate action research & art catalogue. friesen press.
sameshima p., maarhuis, p., & wiebe, s. (2019). parallaxic praxis: multimodal interdisciplinary pedagogical research design. vernon press. (2020 society of professors of education outstanding book award)
sameshima, p., white, b., & sinner, a., (eds.). (2019). ma: materiality in teaching and learning. peter lang. (2020 society of professors of education outstanding book honorable mention award)
sameshima, p., fidyk, a., james, k., & leggo, c. (eds.). (2017, oct.). poetic inquiry: enchantment of place. wilmington, de: vernon press. (2018 society of professors of education outstanding book honorable mention award)
sameshima, p., vandermause, r., chalmers, s., & gabriel. (2009). climbing the ladder with gabriel: poetic inquiry of a methamphetamine addict in recovery. rotterdam, the netherlands: sense. (shortlisted for the 2010 american educational research association qualitative research outstanding book award)
prendergast, m., leggo, c., & sameshima, p. (eds.). (2009). poetic inquiry: vibrant voices in the social sciences. rotterdam, the netherlands: sense.
sameshima, p. (2007). seeing red—a pedagogy of parallax: an epistolary bildungsroman on artful scholarly inquiry. amherst, ny: cambria press. (dissertation winner of 2 university, 2 canadian & 1 us awards)
select publications
clitero-eridon, a., sameshima, p., cameron, e., allison, j., martinez, j. orasi, t., hu, c., strasser, r. (2024, may). deepening understandings of social accountability using the arts and storytelling. education for health, 37(1), 39-49.
lyons, d. l., kumar, p., roan, n., defechereux, p. a., feschotte, c., lange, u., murthy, n., sameshima, p., verdin, e., ake, j. a., parsons, m., nath, a., gianella, s., smith, d. m., kallas, e. g., **villa, t. j., **strange, r., mwesigwa, b., furler o’brien, r. l., nixon, d. f., ndhlovu, l. c., valente., s., & ott, m. (2023, oct.). hiv-1 remission: accelerating the path to permanent hiv-1 silencing. in special issue: regulation of hiv-1 transcription and latency. viruses. (the 3 pis are listed last in this entry)
sameshima, p. (2023, feb). finding my talk: language as protector. in n. honein & m. mckeon (eds.), reclaiming lands, languages, and belongings: a poetic celebration (179-186). vernon press.
cheu, h., sameshima, p., strasser, r., ross, b., clithero-eridon, a., cameron, e., & hu, c. (2022, oct. 26). teaching compassion for social accountability: a parallaxic investigation. medical teacher.
sameshima, p., & orasi, t. (2022 oct.). what’s better than the asynchronous post? journal of applied learning and teaching, 5(2), 1-11.
gladwin, d., horst, r., james, k., & sameshima, p. (2022, july). imagining futures literacies: a collaborative praxis. journal of higher education, theory and practice, 22(7). 1-14.
orasi, t., & sameshima, p. (2022, feb.). virtual reality as a vehicle for reimagining creative literacies, research and pedagogical space. journal of higher education theory and practice, 22(1), 161-174. doi:
sameshima, p (2021, october). falling towers: a letter to my child’s teacher. journal of the canadian association for curriculum studies, 19(1), 1-10.
sameshima, p., katz, r., shariff, s., dietzel, c. (2020, oct.). novel, educational and legal responses to technology-facilitated sexual violence. aoir selected papers of internet research.
sameshima, p. (2020, july). the making of resilience. journal of the canadian association for curriculum studies, 18(1), 1-2.
sameshima, p. (2020, june). foreword. ineffable. in w. zuk, together, love is not lost (pp. 4-7). blurb press.
sameshima, p. (2020, may). foreword. developing critical mass in arts education research. in b. andrews (ed.), perspectives on arts education research in canada, vol. ii: issues and directions (pp. vii-xi). brill sense.
sameshima, p. (2020, february). digging wells, divining a curriculum of hope in slipping fidelities. journal of the canadian association for curriculum studies, 17(2), 1-7.
sameshima, p., & morchel, p. (2019, summer). making practice. visual arts research, 45(1), issue 88, 78-82.
glasser, l., young, e., & sameshima, (2019, july). the supermodel astronaut challenge: traversing frames of mind. qualitative research journal.
sameshima, p. (2019, june). ma, i’m thinking about nothing. in p. sameshima, b. white & a. sinner (eds.), ma: materiality in teaching and learning (pp. 3-16). peter lang.
sameshima, p., wiebe, s., & hayes, m. (2019, may). imagination: the generation of possibility. in b. andrews (ed.), perspectives on arts education research in canada, volume 1: surveying the landscape(pp. 19-35). brill sense.
sameshima, p. (2019, april). “where are you harley dave” in fresh voices 16. toronto, on: the league of canadian poets. accessed from
sameshima, p. (2019, march). “leaves evergreen” in collected haiku [15 poets, competition]. the league of canadian poets.
sameshima, p. (2018, december). the basic understory: a curriculum of interrelation. journal of the canadian association for curriculum studies, 16(2), 1-9.
sameshima, p., miyakawa, m., & lockett, m. (2017, dec.). scholarly engagement through making: a response to arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching. revista vis, 16(2), 45-67. doi.