honours & funding
2024 recipient of the lakehead distinguished researcher award
2024 recipient of a lakehead merit award in research for 2021-2023
2022 recipient of the ontario art education association’s post secondary teacher of the year award
2022 recipient of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 teaching innovation award. the award recognizes the development and implementation of innovative pedagogical practices and technologies.
2022 recipient of lakehead merit award in research for 2019-2021
2021. co-recipient of the arts, researchers teachers society special interest group publication award for reconceptualizing teacher identity through design thinking: a montreal case study. canadian art teacher, 17(1), 24-38. by carter et al. (2020)
2020. inducted to the college of new scholars, artists and scientists of the royal society of canada
2020. co-recipient of a 2020 society of professors of education outstanding book award for parallaxic praxis
2020. co-recipient of a 2020 society of professors of education outstanding book honourable mention award for ma: materiality in teaching and learning
2020. recipient of lakehead building research capacity award
2020. recipient of lakehead merit award in research for 2017-2019
2019. recipient of the lakehead contributions to research award
2018. co-recipient of the society of professors of education outstanding book honourable mention award for poetic inquiry: enchantment of place
2018. recipient of lakehead merit award in research for 2015-2017
2017. recipient of a social sciences and humanities research council term 2 canada research chair 5-year renewal award
2012. recipient of the faculty excellence in civic engagement award, washington state university
2010. recipient of the critical issues in curriculum and cultural studies early career award, america educational research association
2010. shortlisted for the outstanding book award: climbing the ladder with gabriel (2009, sense publishers, with r. vandermause, s. chalmers, & gabriel), qualitative inquiry special interest group: american educational research association
2009. recipient of the alhadeff teacher of teachers’ award, washington state university, college of education
2008. recipient of the excellence in collaboration & networking award, washington state university, college of education
2008. recipient of the alhadeff teacher of teachers’ award, washington state university, college of education
2007. recipient of the outstanding dissertation of the year award. american educational research association, arts based educational research
2007. recipient of the outstanding dissertation of the year award, canadian society for the study of education. canadian association of curriculum studies, arts researchers and teachers society
2007. recipient of the dissertation of excellence award, canadian society for the study of education, canadian association of teacher education
2007. recipient of the ted t. aoki prize: outstanding dissertation in curriculum studies, university of british columbia
2007. recipient of the gordon and marion smith prize in art education for most promising artist and educator, university of british columbia
2006. recipient of the washington state university, college of education, alhadeff teacher of teachers’ recruitment award
select funding
2021 - 2026. national institutes of health. martin delaney collaboratories: hope: hiv obstruction by programmed epigenetics: 16 international sites working on 3 streams of hiv cure. gladstone institutes (pi: m. ott, s. valente, l. ndhlova and team)
2019-2022. social science and humanities research council of canada: new frontiers. the transformative potential of socially accountable education: understanding global and local perspectives (pi: e. cameron; co-investigators: j. allison, h. cheu, a. clithero-eridon, p. sameshima, t wolley & b. ross, p. sameshima, r. strasser. funded)
2019-2022. social science and humanities research council of canada: aid to scholarly journals journal of the canadian association for curriculum studies (applicant: p. sameshima, funded)
2018-2019. ontario ministry of education: réseau de savoir sur l’Équité / equity knowledge network (rsekn) (pi: ruth kane, co-pis: nicholas ng-a-fook (eastern ontario), jacqueline specht (southern ontario), vidya shah (greater toronto), pauline sameshima (northern ontario), funded)
2018-2019. social science and humanities research council of canada: institutional connections grant: 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
community connections showcase (pd: p. sameshima; co-investigators: christopher mushquash, david greenwood, max haiven, charles levkoe & elaine wiersman; collaborator: phebeann wolframe, funded)
2017-2022. canada research chairs secretariat program: chair, sshrc tier 2 chair support (pi, funded)