peer reviewed publications
1. scharf, d. & oinonen, k. (2020). ontario’s response to covid-19 shows that mental health providers must be integrated into provincial public health insurance systems.
2. kariaparambil-rajan, a., koné, a., scharf, d., & bai, c. (under review). impact of depression on the survival of cancer patients with and without other comorbidities: a population-based retrospective cohort study.
3. kariaparambil-rajan, a., koné, a., scharf, d., & bai, c. (under review). impact of adequate antidepressant refill on the survival of elderly cancer patients with depression.
4. kozik, j., hawkins, j., koné, a., & scharf, d. (under review). care experiences of patients with cancer and multimorbidity in ontario.
5. ferenchik, e., goldman, m. a., scharf, d., spaeth-rublee, b., & pincus, h. a. (under review). putting patients at the center: patient-reported outcome measurement of integrated behavioral health and primary care.
6. goldman, m. l., scharf., d. m., hudson scholle, s., spaeth-rublee, b., & pincus, h. a. (under review). key structural components of integrated behavioral health care models: moving towards consensus for quality measurement.
7. geisel, r. & scharf, d.m. (in preparation). frequency of text messaging and academic achievement in canadian undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
8. scharf, d. & koné, a. (in preparation) comorbidity and complexity of chronic diseases in adults with cancer: a population-based, retrospective cohort study.
9. scharf, d., tzaladasis, r. & lamantia, a. (in preparation). supervisory officer characteristics and qualifications in ontario public education.
10. shadel, w. g., martino, s. c., setodji, c. m., dunbar, m., scharf, d., & cresswell, k. (2019). do graphic warning labels on cigarette packages deter purchases at point-of-sale? an experiment with adult smokers. health education research.
11. hasler, b., bruce, s., scharf, d., ngiri, w., & clark, d. (2019). circadian misalignment and weekend alcohol use in late adolescence: preliminary evidence. chronobiology international, advance online publication.
12. ramanuj, p. p., scharf, d. m., ferenchick, e., spaeth-rublee, b., & pincus, h. a. (2018). measuring efficiency at the interface of behavioral and physical health care. journal of mental health policy and economics, 21(2), 79-86.
13. yu, h., engberg, j., & scharf, d. (2018). one size fits all? disentangling the effects of tobacco taxes, laws, and control spending on adult subgroups in the united states. substance abuse, 7, 1-8.
14. breslau, j. a., bickman, c. b., leckman-westin, e., yu, h., han, b., pritam, r., guarasi, d., horvitz, m., scharf, d., pincus, h. a., & finnerty, m. (2018). impact of a mental health based primary care program on quality of physical health care. administration and policy in mental health and health services research, 45(2), 276-285.
15. breslau, j., leckman-westin, e., han, b., pritam, r., guarasi, d., horvitz-lennon, m., scharf, d. m., finnerty, mt., & yu, h. (2018). impact of a mental health based primary care program on emergency department visits and inpatient stays. general hospital psychiatry, 52, 8-13.
16. pincus, h. a., li, m., scharf, d. m., spaeth-rublee, b., goldman, m. l., ramanuj, p. p., & ferenchick, e. k. (2017). prioritizing quality measure concepts at the interface of behavioral and physical healthcare. international journal for quality in health care, 29(4), 557-563.
17. schell, t. l., farris, c., miles, j. n. v., sloan, j., & scharf, d. m. (2017). the air force deployment transition center: assessment of program structure, process, and outcomes. rand health quarterly, 7(1), 7.
18. breslau, j., yu, h., horvitz-lennon, m., leckman-westin, m., scharf, d. m., connor, k., finnerty, m. (2017). enrollment of specialty mental health clinics in a state medicaid program to promote health services. psychiatric services, 68, 63-69.
19. bauhoff, s., montero, a., scharf, d. (2016). consumer perceptions of e-cigarettes: a comparison of smokers and non-smokers in a mechanical turk sample. american journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 11, 1-13.
20. meeker, d., cerully, j. l., johnson, m., iyer, n., kurz, j., & scharf, d. m. (2016). simcoach evaluation: a virtual human intervention to encourage service-member help-seeking for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. rand health quarterly, 5(3), 13.
21. scharf, d. m., eberhart, n. k., schmidt, n., horvitz-lennon, m., beckman, r., han, b., … burnam, m. a. (2016). general medical outcomes from the primary and behavioral health care integration grants (pbhci) program. psychiatric services, 67, 1226-1232.
22. krupski, a., west, i. i., scharf, d. m., hopfenbeck, j., clayton, c., sugg, b., … & snowden, m. (2016). integration of primary medical care into community mental health centers for a severely mentally ill safety-net population: impact on medical utilization and costs. psychiatric services, 67, 1233-1239.
23. fillo, j., staplefoote, b. l., martinez, a., sontag-padilla, l., shadel, w. g., martino, s. c., … & scharf, d. (2016). simplified novel application (snapp) framework: a guide to developing and implementing second-generation mobile applications for behavioral health research. translational and behavioral medicine: practice, policy and research, 6, 587-595.
24. troxel, w. m., hunter, g., & scharf, d. (2015). say “goodnight”: frequency of adolescent texting at night. sleep health: journal of the national sleep foundation, 1, 300-303.
25. shadel, w. g., martino, s., setodji, c., scharf, d., kusuke, d., sicker, a., & gong, m. (2016). hiding the tobacco power wall reduces cigarette smoking risk in adolescents: using an experimental convenience store to assess tobacco regulatory options at retail point-of-sale. tobacco control, 25, 679-684.
26. ayer, l., farris, c., farmer, c. m., geyer, l., barnes-proby, d., ryan, g. w., … scharf, d. m. (2015). care transitions to and from the national intrepid center of excellence (nicoe) for service members with traumatic brain injury. rand health quarterly, 5(2), 12.
27. pedersen, e. r., eberhart, n. k., williams, k. m., tanielian, t., batka, c., & scharf, d. m. (2015). public-private partnerships for providing behavioral health care to veterans and their families: what do we know, what do we need to learn, and what do we need to do? rand health quarterly, 5(2), 18.
28. scharf, d. m., breslau, j., hackbarth, n. s., kusuke, d., staplefoote, b. l., & pincus, h. a. (2014). an examination of new york state’s integrated primary and mental health care services for adults with serious mental illness. rand health quarterly, 4(3), 13.
29. scharf, d. m., eberhart, n. k., hackbarth, n. s., horvitz-lennon, m., beckman, r., han, b., … burnam, m. a. (2014). evaluation of the samhsa primary and behavioral health care integration (pbhci) grant program: final report. rand health quarterly, 4(3), 6.
30. stein, b. d., leckman-westin, e., okeke, e., scharf, d. m., sorbero, m., chen, q., … & wisdom j. p. (2014). the effects of prior authorization policies on medicaid-enrolled children's use of antipsychotic medications: evidence from two mid-atlantic states. journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 24, 374-381.
31. connor, s., scharf, d., jonkman, l., & hebert, m. (2014). focusing on the 5 a’s: a comparison of homeless and housed patients' access to and use of pharmacist-provided smoking cessation treatment. research in social and administrative pharmacy, 10, 369-377.
32. setodji, c. m., martino, s. c., scharf, d. m., & shadel, w. g. (2013). quantifying the persistence of pro-smoking media effects on college 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ smoking risk. journal of adolescent health, 54, 474-480.
33. scharf, d., martino, s., setodji, c., & shadel, w. (2013). middle and high school 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ exposure to alcohol- and smoking-related media: a pilot study using ecological momentary assessment. psychology of addictive behaviors, 27, 1201-1206.
34. scharf, d., eberhart, n., schmidt, n., vaughan, c., dutta, t., pincus, h., burnam, a. (2013). integrating primary care into community behavioral health settings: programs and early implementation experiences. psychiatric services, 64, 660-665.
35. shadel, w. g., martino, s., setodji, c., & scharf, d. (2013). exposure to pro-smoking media in college 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 : does type of media channel differentially contribute to smoking risk? annals of behavioral medicine, 45, 387-392.
36. setodji, c., martino, s., scharf, d., shadel, w. (2013). friends moderate the effects of pro-smoking media on college 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ intentions to smoke. psychology of addictive behaviors, 27, 256-261.
37. shadel, w. g., martino, s., setodji, c., scharf, d. (2012). exposure to pro-smoking media on college 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ future smoking risk. health psychology, 31, 460-466.
38. martino, s., scharf, d., setoji, c., shadel, w. (2012). measuring exposure to pro-tobacoo marketing and media: a field study using ecolocial momentary assessment. nicotine and tobacco research, 14, 398-406.
39. shadel, w. g., martino, s., setodji, c., haviland, a., primack, b., scharf, d. (2012). motives for smoking in movies affect future smoking intentions in middle school 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 : an experimental investigation. drug and alcohol dependence, 123, 66-71.
40. yu, h., scharf, d., engberg, j., & schultz, d. (2012). the effects of arkansas master settlement spending on disparities in smoking. american journal of public health, 102, 732-738.
41. weinick, r. m., beckjord, e. b., farmer, c. m., martin, l. t., gillen, e. m., acosta, j., … scharf, d. m. (2012). programs addressing psychological health and traumatic brain injury among u.s. military servicemembers and their families. rand health quarterly, 1(4), 8.
42. shadel, w. g., martino, s. c., setodji, c., cervone, d., witkiewitz, k., beckjord, e., scharf, d., & shih, r. (2011). lapse-induced increases in craving predict relapse in adult smokers: an experimental investigation. health psychology, 30, 588-596.
43. scharf, d., fabian, t., fitcher-desando, c., & douaihy, a. (2011). nicotine replacement prescribing trends in a large psychiatric hospital, before and after implementation of a hospital-wide smoking ban. nicotine and tobacco research, 13, 466-473.
44. chandra, s., scharf, d., & shiffman, s. (2011). within-day temporal patterns of smoking, withdrawal symptoms, and craving. drug and alcohol dependence, 117, 118-125.
45. dunbar, m., scharf, d., shiffman, s., & kirchner, t. (2010). are some cigarettes craved more than others? analysis of situational effects on craving. nicotine and tobacco research. 12, 226-234.
46. shiffman, s., kirchner, t.r., ferguson, s.g., & scharf, d. (2009). patterns of intermittent smoking: an analysis using ecological momentary assessment. addictive behaviors, 34, 514-519.
47. kolko, d., scharf, d., herschell, a., et al. (2008). national survey of juvenile firesetter intervention programs: the role of a state-wide coalition. american journal of forensic psychology, 26, 41-66.
48. scharf, d., dunbar, m., & shiffman, s. (2008). smoking during the night: prevalence and smoker characteristics. nicotine and tobacco research, 10, 167-78.
49. chandra, s., shiffman, s., scharf, d., dang, q., & shadel, w. (2007). daily smoking patterns, their determinants, and implications for quitting. experimental and clinical psychopharmacology, 15, 67-80.
50. shiffman, s., scharf, d., shadel, w., gwaltney, c., dang, q., paton, s., clark, d. b. (2006). analyzing milestones in smoking cessation: an illustration from a randomized trial of high dose nicotine patch. journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 74, 276-285.
51. kolko, d., herschell, a., & scharf, d. (2006). education and treatment for children who set fires. journal of emotional and behavioral disorders, 14, 227-239.
52. campbell, t., lavoie, k., bacon, s., scharf, d., aboussafy, d., & ditto, b. (2006). asthma self-efficacy, high frequency heat rate variability, and airflow obstruction during emotional stress in daily life. international journal of psychophysiology, 62, 109-114.
53. scharf, d., & shiffman, s. (2004). are there gender differences in smoking cessation, with and without bupropion? pooled- and meta-analyses of clinical trials of bupropion sr. addiction, 99, 1462-1469.
technical reports
1. scharf, d., docherty, m., spaeth-rublee, b. et al (in press). financially sustainable integrated care: state and mco innovations. commonwealth fund.
2. docherty, m., ferenchik, e., scharf, d., (in press). how providers are advancing the implementation of integrated behavioural health, primary care and social need interventions. commonwealth fund.
3. hawkins, j., scharf, d., & kone, a. (may, 2020). joint mobile crisis response team (jmcrt) evaluation and cost analysis. prepared for canadian mental health association, thunder bay.
4. scharf, d., kariaparambil-rajan, a. & koné, a. (2019, june). rapid intervention services kenora (risk): a continuous quality improvement report for the kenora situation table. prepared for canadian mental health association, kenora.
5. breslau, j., sorbero, m. j., kusuke, d., yu, h., scharf, d. m., hackbarth, n. s., & pincus, h. a. (2019, march). primary and behavioural health care integration program: impacts on health care utilization, cost and quality (research reoprt no. rr-1601-aspec). prepared for the u. s. department of health and human services.
6. scharf, d., hyslop, j., stubbings, t., leblanc, e., & maddock, m. (2019, march). enhanced crisis services: thunder bay and district community consultations. prepared for the canadian mental health association, thunder bay.
7. scharf, d., koné, a., & kariaparambil-rajan, a. (2019, january). thunder bay situation table continuous quality improvement report. prepared for canadian mental health association, thunder bay.
8. schell, t. l., farris, c., miles, j. n. v., sloan, j., & scharf, d. (2016). the air force deployment transition center: assessment of program structure, process and outcomes (research report no. rr-918). prepared for the office of the secretary of defense.
9. schell, t. l., farris, c., miles, j. n. v., sloan, j., & scharf, d. (2016). the air force deployment transition center: assessment of program structure, process and outcomes (research report no. pr-1610-osd). prepared for the office of the secretary of defense.
10. shadel, w. g., martino, s., setodji, c. m., scharf, d. m., kusuke, d., sicker, a., & gong, m. (2015). can big tobacco’s power wall be breached? (research report no. rb-9879). prepared for rand corporation.
11. meeker, d., cerully, j. l., johnson, m., iyer, n., kurz, j., & scharf, d. m. (2015). simcoach evaluation: a virtual human intervention to encourage servicemember help-seeking for ptsd and depression (research report no. rr-505-osd). prepared for the office of the secretary of defense.
12. pedersen, e. r., eberhart, n. k., williams, k. m., tanielian, t., epley, c., & scharf, d. m. (2015). public-private partnerships for providing behavioral health care to veterans and their families: what do we know, what do we need to learn, and what do we need to do (research report no. rr-970-cmhsa). prepared for the new york state health foundation and the california mental health services association.
13. ayer, l., farris, c., farmer, c. m., geyer, l., barnes-proby, d., ryan, g. w., … scharf, d. m. (2015). care transitions to and from the national intrepid center of excellence (nicoe) for service members with traumatic brain injury (research report no. rr-653-osd). prepared for the office of the secretary of defense.
14. scharf, d. m., breslau, j., schmidt hackbarth, n., kusuke, d., staplefoote, b. l., & pincus, h. a. (2014). caring for brain and body: integrating care for adults with serious mental illness in new york state (research report no. rb-9806). prepared for the new york state health foundation.
15. scharf, d. m., breslau, j., schmidt hackbarth, n., kusuke, d., staplefoote, b. l., & pincus, h. a. (2014). an examination of new york state’s integrated primary and mental health care services for adults with serious mental illness (research report no. rr-670). prepared for the new york state health foundation.
16. scharf, d. m., eberhard, n. k., schmidt-hackbarth, n., horvitz-lennon, m., beckman, r., han, b., … burnam, m. a. (2014). improving the physical health of adults with serious mental illness. (research report no. rb-9789). prepared for rand corporation.
17. scharf, d. m., eberhard, n. k., schmidt-hackbarth, n., horvitz-lennon, m., beckman, r., han, b., … burnam, m.a. (2014). evaluation of the samhsa primary and behavioral health care integration (pbhci) grant program: final report (task 13) (research report no. rand rr-546-dhhs). prepared for the department of health and human services.
18. farmer, c. m., scharf, d. m., & weinick, r. m. (2014). improving programs that address psychological health and traumatic brain injury: the rand toolkit (research report no. rand rb-9674-osd). prepared for the office of the secretary of defense.
19. ayer, a., farris, c., farmer, c., geyer, l., barnes-proby, d., ryan, g., … scharf, d. m. (2014). improving assessment and treatment for service members with traumatic brain injury: evaluation of the national intrepid center of excellence (nicoe) (research report no. rr-653-osd). prepared for the office of the secretary of defense.
20. engberg, j., scharf, d., lovejoy, s., yu, h., & tharp-taylor, s. (2012). evaluation of the arkansas tobacco settlement program: progress through 2011 (research report no. rand tr-1261). prepared for the arkansas tobacco settlement commission.
21. weinick, r. m., beckjord, e. b., farmer, c., martin, l. t., gillen, e. m., acosta, j., … scharf, d. m. (2011). programs addressing psychological health and care for traumatic brain injury among u.s. military servicemembers and their families (research report no. tr-950-osd). prepared for the office of the secretary of defense.
22. farmer, c. m., burns, r. m., farris, c., gillen, e. m., krull, h., martin, l. t., osilla, k. c., ramchand, r., scharf, d. m., schell, t. l., singh, r., tanielian, t., & williams, k. m. (2011). psychological health, mental health care and family programs: context and environmental analysis. prepared for the office of the secretary of defense.
23. weinick, r. m., beckjord, e. b., farmer, c. m., martin, l. t., gillen, e. m., acosta, j., … scharf, d. m. (2011). programs addressing psychological health and traumatic brain injury among u.s. military servicemembers and their families (research report no. tr-950). prepared for rand corporation.
24. weinick, r. m., beckjord, e. b., farmer, c. m., martin, l. t., gillen, e. m., acosta, j., … scharf, d. m. (2011). addressing psychological health and traumatic brain injury among servicemembers and their families: existing department of defense programs and options for improvement (research report no. rb-9606). prepared for rand corporation.
books / chapters
1. scharf, d. m., ferguson, s. g., tindle, h. & shiffman, s. (2016). smoking cessation. in j. c. norcross, g. r. vandenbos, and d. k. freedheim (eds-in-chief), n. pole (assoc. ed.). apa handbook of clinical psychology: vol 4. psychopathology and health (pp. 535-549).
2. shadel, w. g., & scharf, d. (2012). interactions and the addictions. in h. j. shaffer, d. a. laplante, & s. e. nelson (eds.), apa addiction syndrome handbook (pp. 211-228). washington, dc: american psychological association.
3. shiffman, s., ferguson, s., & scharf, d. (2006). exploring behavioral mechanisms of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation. in novartis foundation (eds.), understanding nicotine and tobacco addiction (pp. 219-234). chichester: wiley.