completed research support

completed research support

1. scharf, d., koné, a., & klein, r. (principal investigator). adolescent exposure to cannabis marketing: an ecological momentary assessment. senate research committee. (02/2019 – 09/2020): $7,000cad.

2. scharf, d., & koné, a. (principal investigator). crisis service delivery: analysis of cmha-thunder bay administrative data. canadian mental health association. (12/2019 – 01/2020). $1,800cad.

3. scharf, d., & koné, a. (principal investigator). joint mobile crisis response team program evaluation and cost analysis. canadian mental health association, thunder bay. (04/19 – 12/19): $10,000cad.

4. scharf, d. (principal investigator). joint mobile crisis response: community consultations. canadian mental health association, thunder bay. (03/19): $1,800cad.

5. schiff, r., moeller, h., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). justice system involvement in the context of homelessness and housing insecurity among women: assessment of legal issues and program needs in thunder bay. law foundation of ontario. (06/2018 – 11/2019): $15,000cad.

6. koné, a., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). health system performance research network (hsprn): support for complex cancer patients with multimorbidity navigating efficiently between the cancer and public health systems. ministry of health and long-term care. (10/2018 – 12/2019): $74,000cad.

7. pincus, h. a., & scharf, d. (consultant). advancing the implementation of primary care and behavioural health integration for patients with complex care needs. commonwealth fund. (1/2018 – 12/2019): $247,000usd.

8. nielsen, h., & scharf, d. (co-principal investigator). assessing the impact of a circles program on poverty related indicators for low income residents in the northern rural region of simcoe county. local poverty reduction fund, ministry of housing. (11/2016 – 10/2019): $297,000cad.

9. brown, j., blyler, c., & scharf, d. (consultant). evaluation of the primary and behavioral health care integration grants program. samhsa. (10/2015 – 09/2019): $2,100,000usd.

10. scharf, d. (principal investigator). evaluation of the thunder bay and kenora situation tables and the northwestern ontario centre of responsibility (nw-cor). canadian mental health association – thunder bay. total costs (3/2018 – 10/2018): $5,000cad.

11. scharf, d. (principal investigator). preparing for the oregon certified community behavioral health center (ccbhc) initiative. cascadia behavioral healthcare. total costs (07/2016 – 12/2018): $10,000usd.

12. shadel, w. g., & scharf, d. (consultant). testing the impact of tobacco product graphic warning labels at retail point-of-sale. national institutes of health. total costs (07/2015 – 12/2018): $1,969,100usd.

13. scharf, d. (principal investigator). building of the training and technical assistance centre – primary and behavioural health care integration (pbhci): cost analysis classroom. center for integrated health solutions. total costs (11/2017 – 09/2018): $7,725usd.

14. breslau, j., & scharf, d. (consultant). costs of integrating primary healthcare into specialty behavioral health clinics. national institutes of health. total costs (09/2014 – 09/2018) $1,899,870usd.

15. tan, a., delaloye, n., walker, i., myhre, d., & scharf, d. (consultant). program evaluation of the pathways to medicine (p2m) scholarship program: process evaluation for year 1 implementation using mixed methods. cumming school of medicine, university of calgary 2016 – 2017 ohmes (office of health sciences and medical education scholarship) health science and medical education research and innovation funding competition. total costs (01/2017 – 12/2017): $6,195cad.

16. shadel, w. g., & scharf, d. (consultant). reducing the effect of tobacco powerwall displays at retail point-of-sale. national cancer institute (r01ca175209). total costs (09/2013 – 09/2017): $2,206,304usd.

17. hasler, b., & scharf, d. (consultant). circadian alignment, reward function, and alcohol use during late adolescence. national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. total costs (08/2014 – 07/2017): $404,250usd.

18. pincus, h., & scharf, d. (consultant). quality indicators targeted at the quality of care for high-need, high-cost patients at the interface of behavioral and general healthcare. commonwealth fund. rand costs (03/2015 – 12/2016): $55,010usd.

19. scharf, d., burnam, m. a., pincus, h. a., & breslau, j. (principal investigator). evaluation of the primary and behavioral health care integration grants program: cost study. department of health and human services, assistant secretary for planning and evaluation (da-10-021). total costs (10/2013 – 09/2015): $446,860usd.

20. timbie, j., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). aca impact on public health services (phs) programs. department of health and human services, assistant secretary for planning and evaluation. total costs (01/2014 – 09/2015): $564,331usd.

21. scharf, d. (principal investigator). transformative analysis of research and programs to improve department of defense psychological health and traumatic brain injury services. forces and resources policy center – national defense research institute. total costs (09/2014 – 09/2015): $800,000usd.

22. farmer, c., & scharf, d. (co-principal investigator). innovative practices for supporting psychological health and traumatic brain injury. defense centers of excellence for psychological health and traumatic brain injury. total costs (09/2009 – 09/2015): $9,000,000usd.

23. scharf, d., & breslau, j. (principle investigator). community mental health center cost and payment. department of health and human services, assistant secretary for planning and evaluation. total costs (01/2015 – 08/2015): $405,669usd.

24. scharf, d., martino, s., shadel, w., & setodji, c. (principal investigator). adolescent sexual communications with peers: a multimodal, in vivo assessment. national institute of child health and development. total costs (10/2011 – 09/2015): $401,912usd.

25. scharf, d., & pincus, h. (principal investigator). an examination of new york state’s community behavioral health center-based integrated primary and behavioral healthcare services for adults with serious mental illness. new york state health foundation. total costs (05/2013 – 09/2014): $257,383usd.

26. scharf, d. (principal investigator). data collection and evaluation technical assistance. center for integrated healthcare solutions. total costs (04/2011 – 09/2014): $76,000usd.

27. burnam, a. m., & scharf, d. m. (co-principal investigator). evaluation of the samhsa primary and behavioral health care integration grant program (rfq/rfto os42345). substance abuse and mental health services administration. total costs (09/2010 – 09/2015): $1,886,360usd.

28. scharf, d. (principal investigator). helping grantees understand the costs of integrated behavioral health and primary care: technical assistance to the center for integrated healthcare solutions. center for integrated health solutions. total costs (07/2013 – 09/2013): $22,500usd.

29. weinick, r., morganti, k., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). healthcare innovation awards evaluation design. cms. total costs (07/2012 – 07/2013): $2,245,946usd.

30. engberg, j., tharp-taylor, s., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). arkansas tobacco settlement evaluation. arkansas tobacco settlement evaluation. total costs (03/2011 – 12/2013): $390,000usd.

31. shadel, w., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). in vivo assessment of young adults’ exposure to cigarette advertising. national cancer institute (r21 ca137286). total costs (06/2009 – 05/2011): $210,815usd.

32. sherborne, c., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). partnered research center for quality care. rand corporation. total costs (01/2011 – 06/2011): $20,000usd.

33. scharf, d. (principal investigator). program evaluation of a respiratory health program for the underserved. school of pharmacy, university of pittsburgh. total costs (04/2010 – 06/2011): $16,000usd.

34. kahan, j., engberg, j., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). arkansas tobacco settlement evaluation (#4500160544). arkansas tobacco settlement evaluation. total costs (03/2009 – 12/2010): $764,081usd.

35. keyser, d., & scharf, d. (co-investigator). developing an evaluation design for the primary and behavioral health care integration grant program (hhsp23320095649wc). department of health and human services. total costs (09/2009 – 09/2010): $301,369usd.

36. shiffman, s., &scharf, d. (trainee). understanding emerging patterns of non-daily smoking: field and lab assessments (ro1 da020742-01a1). national cancer institute. total costs (07/2006 – 06/2011): $375,147usd.

37. scharf, d., & shiffman, s. (trainee pi). preliminary adaptation of a preload taste-test for smokers. andrew mellon doctoral fellowship, university of pittsburgh. total costs (09/2006 – 08/2008): $35,000usd.

38. scharf, d., & shiffman, s. (trainee pi). milestone framework for smoking cessation (752-2002-0161). social sciences and humanities research council of canada. total costs (09/2002 – 08/2006): $72,000cad.