poster presentations

boyd, m., hamilton, s. gibson, t. and surette, c.
  2010 martin-bird revisited: geophysical and archaeological prospecting of a mound-campsite complex in northwestern ontario.  poster presented at the 43nd annual meeting of the canadian archaeological association, calgary, alberta.
lints, a. and surette, c.
  2010 archaeological residues: a practical guide to recovery and handling in the field.poster presented at the 43nd annual meeting of the canadian archaeological association, calgary, alberta.
hamilton, s., surette, c., and syms, e. l.
  2009 analysis of plant processing tools from the late pre-contact snyder ii site, sw manitoba.  poster presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the canadian archaeological association, thunder bay, ontario.
surette, c. and boyd, m.
  2009 the identification of diagnostic opal phytolith morphotypes for wild rice (zizania spp.). poster presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the canadian archaeological association, thunder bay, ontario.
hamilton, s., boyd, m., nicholson, b.a., and surette, c.
  2007  “how far north? assessing the northerly extent of pre-contact horticulture in ne plains.”  poster presented at the canadian archaeological association annual meeting, memorial university, newfoundland.
surette, c. and boyd, m.
  2007  wild rice (zizania spp.) identification in archaeological contexts: a new perspective. poster presented at the canadian quaternary association annual meeting, carleton university, ottawa.