selected publications

refereed chapters in books

2009 children and youth in a medicalized world: young people's agency in mental health treatment in children, youth and social work in transformation: implications for policy and practice, lynn nybell, jeff shook and janet l. finn (eds.) columbia university press.

refereed articles

arts programming as quiet way in: ethnographic perspectives on arts at a psychiatric day treatment service for youth in canada. qualitative health research pending submission

sites of re-enculturation: habitus, hexis corporeal and further anthropological interpretations of a canadian mental health service for youth. medical anthropological quarterly, resubmitting with revisions after peer review.

on becoming healthy - socialized stigma in mental health settings for young an interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health illness and medicine,pending submission.

reports for services and government/funding agencies

ben stride-darnley (2007) "locations of therapeutic benefit: a report of the ethnographic research undertaken at cornerstone." report submitted to administrators and frontline staff at cornerstone youth service, hamilton health sciences.

ben stride darnley (2007) "locations of therapeutic benefit: a qualitative, multi-sited investigation of young people's illness narratives and mental health service provision for canadian children and youth." report submitted to the provincial centre for excellence for child and youth mental health at children's hospital of eastern ontario (cheo).

ben stride-darnley and don buchanan (2005) "the importance of arts in a day treatment program for adolescents with mental health problems" an applied research report submitted to the ontario ministry of culture and recreation / children's mental health ontario.