recent publications
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gélineau, m., russell, c., & korteweg, l. (2024). “invasive” species discourse in ontario elementary and secondary curricula: a critical and decolonial analysis. canadian journal of environmental education, 26, 176-193.
gough, a., ho, y. c. j., lloro, t., russell, c., walters, s., & whitehouse, h. (2024). ecofeminisms and education: repositioning gender and environment in education. gender and education, 36(4), 299-311.
riedeger, n., waugh, a., parker, b., russell, c., & bombak, a. (2024). exploring student perspectives of the dietetics profession using a professional socialization lens. canadian journal of dietetic practice and research. e-first.
bombak, a., adams, m., garofalo, s., russell, c., robinson, e., parker, b., riedeger, n., & cameron, e. (2024). the framing of food in university classrooms: a preliminary analysis of undergraduate human nutrition sciences, dietetics, and food studies syllabi. canadian food studies, 11(1), 211-236.
russell, c., chandler, p., & dillon, j. (2023). humour and environmental education. environmental education research, 29(4), 491-499.
russell, c., sarick, t., & kennelly, j. (2021). queering environmental education redux. in j. russell (ed.), queer ecopedagogies: explorations in sexuality, nature, and education (pp. 19-35). springer.
cameron, e., & russell, c. (2021). fattening education: an invitation to expand on the nascent field of fat pedagogy. in c. pausé & s. r. taylor (eds.), the routledge international handbook of fat studies (pp. 120-131). routledge.
kennedy, j., & russell, c. (2021). hegemonic masculinity in outdoor education. journal of adventure education and outdoor learning, 21(2), 162-171.
breunig, m., & russell, c. (2020). long-term impacts of two secondary school environmental studies programs on environmental behaviour: the shadows of patriarchy and neoliberalism. environmental education research, 26(5), 701-715.
russell, c. (2020). fat pedagogy and the disruption of weight-based oppression: toward the flourishing of all bodies. in s. steinberg & b. down (eds.), the sage handbook of critical pedagogies (pp. 1516-1531). sage.
boileau, e., & russell, c. (2020). insect and human flourishing in early childhood education: learning and crawling together. in a. cutter-mackenzie, k. malone, & e. barratt hacking (eds.), research handbook on childhoodnature: assemblages of childhood and nature research (pp. 1323-1338). springer.
lemelin, r. h., boileau, e. y. s., & russell, c. (2019). entomotourism: the allure of the arthropod. society and animals, 27(7), 733-750.
russell, c., & spannring, r. (2019). so what for other animals? environmental education research after the animal turn. environmental education research, 25(8), 1137-1142.
bell, a., & russell, c. (2019). beyond human, beyond words: anthropocentrism, critical pedagogy, and the poststructuralist turn. in a. nocella, c. drew, a. george, s. ketenci, j. lupinacci, i. purdy, & j. leeson-schatz (eds.), education for total liberation: critical animal pedagogy and teaching against speciesism (pp. 27-43). peter lang. [reprint of 2000 article]
russell, c. (2019). an intersectional approach to teaching and learning about humans and other animals in educational contexts. in t. lloro-bidart & v. banschbach (eds.), animals in environmental education: interdisciplinary approaches to curriculum and pedagogy (pp. 35-52). palgrave macmillan.