leigh potvin
dr. leigh potvin (pronouns: she/her) is the director and associate professor in the school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism. she is an educator with professional training and experience as a teacher at all levels of the education system (k—12; post-secondary). dr. potvin has a strong record of equity and community-based research focused on advocacy for, and allyship with lesbian/gay/bisexual/trans/queer/two-spirit+ (lgbtq2s+) youth in educational contexts. her sshrc-funded community-based food justice research focuses on food systems and local governance models in cape breton. leigh is keenly interested in body politics within outdoor recreation contexts including fat-inclusion in the outdoors and active transportation. her research interests regularly cross and link education, social, and environmental concerns. dr. potvin holds a b.a. in political science and african studies from mcgill university (2003), a b.ed. (2005), m.ed. (2011), and phd in socio/cultural and political contexts of education (2017) from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .