selected recent publications

(see full publication list)

  • long, z. and e.e. prepas. 2012. scale and landscape perception: the case of refuge use by boreal toads (anaxyrus boreas boreas) can. j. zool. 90:1015-1022.
  • macdonald, r.l., j.m. burke, h.y.h. chen, and e.e. prepas. 2012. relationship between aboveground biomass and percent cover of ground vegetation in canadian boreal plain riparian forests. for. sci. 58: 47-53.
  • li, x., m.h. nour, d.w. smith, and e.e. prepas. 2010. neural networks modelling of nitrogen export: model development and application to unmonitored boreal forest watersheds. environ. tech. 31(5):495-510.
  • ·         long, z.l., e.e. prepas, and m.j. lannoo. 2010. assessment of intracoelomic implantation and waistband harness radiotransmitter attachment on woord frogs (lithobates sylvaticus) and boreal toads (anaxyrus boreas boreas). herpetol. rev. 41: 315-318.
  • chen, h., j.m. burke, t. mosindy, p.m. fedorak, and e.e. prepas.  2009.  cyanobacteria and microcystin-lr in a complex lake system representing a range of nutrient concentrations and thermal mixing regimes: lake of the woods, ontario, canada. j. plankton res. 31: 993-1008.
  • pelster, d.e., r.k. kolka, and e.e prepas.  2009.  overstory vegetation influence nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon flux from the atmosphere to the forest floor: boreal plain, canada. for. ecol. manage. 259: 210-219.
  • godin, p., j.s. russell, j.d. macdonald, g. putz, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  development of opinion-based generic reforestation regimes and their application in vegetation management and water modelling in the upper and lower foothills of alberta. j. environ. eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1):23-33.
  • kiniry, j.r., j.d. macdonald, a.r. kemanian, b. watson, g. putz, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  plant growth simulation for landscape-scale hydrological modelling. hydrol. sci. j. special issue: advances in ecohydrological modelling with swat. 53:1030-1042.
  • li, x., m.h. nour, d.w. smith, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  modelling nitrogen composition in streams on the boreal plain using genetic adaptive general regression neural networks. j. environ. eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1):109-125.
  • li, x., m. nour, d.w. smith, e.e. prepas, g. putz, and b. watson.  2008.  incorporating water quantity and quality modelling into forest management. for. chron. 84:338-348.
  • macdonald, j.d., j.r. kiniry, g. putz, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  a multi-species, process based vegetation simulation module to simulate successional forest regrowth after forest disturbance in daily time step hydrological transport models. j. environ. eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1):127-143.
  • nour, m.h., d.w. smith, m. gamal el-din, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  effect of watershed subdivision on water-phase phosphorus modelling: an artificial neural network modelling application. j. environ. eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1):95-108.
  • nour, m.h., d.w. smith, m. gamal el-din, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  towards a generic neural network model for the prediction of daily streamflow in ungauged boreal plain watersheds. j. environ.eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1):79-93.
  • pelster, d., j.m. burke, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  runoff and inorganic nitrogen export from boreal plain watersheds six years after wildfire and one year after harvest. j. environ. eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1):51-61.
  • pelster, d., j.m. burke, k. couling, s.h. luke, d.w. smith, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  water and nutrient inputs, outputs and storage in canadian boreal forest wetlands: a review. j. environ. eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1):35-50.
  • prepas, e.e., j.m. burke, g. putz, and d.w. smith.  2008.  dissolved and particulate phosphorus concentration and export patterns in headwater streams draining boreal plain watersheds one year after experimental forest harvest and post-harvest silvicultural activities. j. environ. eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1): 63-77.
  • prepas, e.e., g. putz, d.w. smith, j.m. burke, and j.d. macdonald.  2008.  the forward project: objectives, framework and initial integration into a detailed forest management plan in alberta. for. chron. 84:330-337.
  • russell, j.s., d.w. smith, g. putz, and e.e. prepas.  2008.  science and the industrial planning process in the western canadian boreal forest: a case study. j. environ. eng. sci. 7 (suppl. 1):1-12.
  • chen, h., j.m. burke, w.p. dinsmore, e.e. prepas, and p.m. fedorak.  2007.  first assessment of cyanobacterial blooms and microcystin-lr in the canadian portion of lake of the woods. lakereserv. manage. 23:169-178
  • couling, k., e.e. prepas, and d.w. smith.  2007.  improved estimation of wetland cover in western canadian boreal forest watersheds. lake reserv. manage. 23:245-254.
  • luke, s.h., n.j. luckai, j.m. burke, and e.e. prepas.  2007.  riparian areas in the canadian boreal forest and linkages with water quality in streams. environ. rev. 15:79-97.
  • zurawell, r.w., j.i. goldberg, c.f.b. holmes, and e.e. prepas.  2007.  tissue distribution and oral dose effects of microcystin in the freshwater pulmonate snail lymnaea stagnalis jugularis (say). j. toxicol. environ. health part a. 70:620-626.