antony puddephatt: publications
2017. (edited with bradley h. brewster). microsociological perspectives for environmental sociology. london and new york: routledge press.
2009. (edited with william shaffir and steven w. kleinknecht). ethnographies revisited: constructing theory in the field. london and new york: routledge press.
journal articles
collins-nelsen, r. and a. puddephatt. 2018. “gender, artefacts, and ritual encounters: the case of tomboy tools sales parties,” canadian review of sociology (forthcoming in november issue).
mcluhan, a. and a. puddephatt. 2018. “overcoming analytic interruptus: the origin, development and future of generic social processes,” studies in symbolic interaction (forthcoming in 50th anniversary issue).
puddephatt, a. and a. mcluhan. 2018. “generic social processes: re-imagining a conceptual schema for grounded theory in the contemporary era,” sociological focus. (in press)
alaimo, l., l. chambers, and a. puddephatt. 2018. “images of marie curie: how reputational entrepreneurs shape iconic identities,” engaging science, technology, and society, 4: 8-21.
price, t. and a. puddephatt. 2017. “power, emergence, and the meanings of resistance: the case of open access scholarly publishing in canada,” studies in symbolic interaction, 48: 95-115.
puddephatt, a. and t. price. 2017. “symbolic interactionism, public sociology, and the future of open-access publishing,” qualitative sociology review, 13(4): 142-158.
(with n. mclaughlin). 2015. "critical nexus or pluralist discipline? institutional ambivalence and the future of canadian sociology," canadian review of sociology, 52(3): 310-332.
2013. “toward a radical interactionist account of science,” in studies in symbolic interaction, 41: 53-82.
(with rasi, h.a., a. moula, and t. timpka). 2013. “empowering newly married women in iran: a new method of social work intervention that uses a client-directed problem-solving model in both group and individual sessions,” qualitative social work, 12: 765-781.
(with rasi, h.a., a. moula, and t. timpka). 2013. “empowering single mothers in iran: applying a problem-solving model in learning groups to develop participants’ capacity to improve their lives,” british journal of social work, 43(5): 833-852.
2011. “language and mind in the thought of g.h. mead: challenges from chomsky’s linguistics,” studies in symbolic interaction. 36: 75-106.
2010. (with r.w. nelsen). “the promise of a sociology degree in canadian higher education,”canadian review of sociology, 47(4): 405-430.
2009. “the search for meaning: revisiting herbert blumer’s interpretation of george herbert mead,” the american sociologist, 40(1): 89-105.
2009. (with mousa, a., and t. timpka) “adult-adolescent interaction an adolescents' brain development: integrating pragmatism, interactionism and neuroscience to develop a rationale for adolescents' life-regulation,” sociology compass, 3(1):118-136.
2008. “george herbert mead: an early sociologist of scientific knowledge,” studies in symbolic interaction, 31: 31-60.
2008. “incorporating ritual into greedy institution theory: the case of devotion in organized chess,” the sociological quarterly, 49(1): 155-180.
2007. (with r. prus) “causality, agency, and reality: plato and aristotle meet george herbert mead and herbert blumer,” sociological focus, 40(3): 265-286.
2006. “special: an interview with kathy charmaz: on constructing grounded theory,” qualitative sociological review, 2(3): 6-20. (translated into german and reprinted in in g. mey and k. mruck (eds.) grounded theory reader. verlag.
2006. (with b. kelly and m. adorjan) “unveiling the cloak of competence: cultivating authenticity in graduate sociology,” the american sociologist, 37(3): 84-98.
2005. “mead has never been modern: using meadian theory to extend the constructionist study of technology," social epistemology, 19(4): 357-380.
2003. “chess playing as strategic activity,” symbolic interaction, 26(2): 263-284.
chapters in books
brewster, b.h. and a. puddephatt (forthcoming) “microsociological approaches to environmental sociology,” cambridge handbook of environmental sociology.
price, t. and a. puddephatt. 2018. “opening access to open-access editors: using media synchronicity theory to make sense of technologies for long distance interviews,” in s. kleinknecht, l. van den scott, and c. sanders (eds.) crafting qualitative research. toronto: canadian scholar’s press. (forthcoming)
puddephatt, a. 2017. “george herbert mead: the evolution of mind, self and society through interaction,” pp 95-120 in m.h. jacobsen (ed.) the interactionist imagination. palgrave/macmillan.
van den scott, l.j., sanders, c. and a. puddephatt. 2017. “reconceptualizing users through enriching ethnography,” pp 501-528 in u. felt, r. fouché, c. miller and l. smith-doerr (eds.) handbook of science and technology studies, 4th edition. cambridge, ma: mit press.
brewster, b. and a. puddephatt. 2016. “g.h. mead as a socio-environmental thinker,” pp 144-164 in h. joas and d. huebner (eds.) the timeliness of george herbert mead. chicago, il: university of chicago press.
brewster, b. and a. puddephatt. 2017. “awakening micro-theoretical perspectives in environmental sociology,” pp 1-25 in brewster, b. and a. puddephatt (eds.) 2016. micro-sociological perspectives for environmental sociology. uk: routledge press.
(with moula, a). 2014. “a neuropragmatist framework for childhood education: integrating pragmatism and neuroscience to actualize article 29 of the un child convention,” in t. solymosi and j. shook (eds.) neuroscience, neurophilosophy and pragmatism: understanding brains at work in the world. uk: palgrave-macmillan (in press).
2013. “finding g.h. mead’s social ontology through his engagement with key intellectual influences” pp 93-109 in g. bowden and j. low (eds.) the chicago school diaspora: epistemology and substance. mcgill-queens university press.
(with g.a. fine). 2013. “chess as art, science, and sport,” pp 390-404 in d. andrews and b. carrington (eds.) a companion to sport. maldan, ma and oxford, uk: wiley-blackwell.
2009. (with w. shaffir and s. kleinknecht) “exercises in reflexivity: situating theory in practice,” pp 1-34 in a. puddephatt, w. shaffir, and s. kleinknecht (eds.) ethnographies revisited: constructing theory in the field. uk: routledge.
2009. (with b. arai, n. mclaughlin, and l. tepperman) “sociology: its purposes, theories, and research approaches,” pp 2-29 in lorne tepperman and james curtis (eds.) principles of sociology: canadian perspectives, 2nd edition. don mills, on: oxford university press.
2009. (with r. prus) “american pragmatism: examining everyday life in the making,” pp 69-92 in m.h. jacobsen (ed.) encountering the everyday: an introduction to the sociologies of the unnoticed. palgrave macmillan.
2008. (with n. mclaughlin) “three empirical traditions of sociological theory,” pp 12-37 in l. tepperman, j. curtis, and p. albanese (eds.) sociology: a canadian perspective. toronto, on: oxford press.
2007. (with n. mclaughlin) “the sociology of knowledge,” pp 239-248 in clifton d. bryant and dennis l. peck (eds.) the handbook of 21st century sociology, volume 2. thousand oaks, california: sage publications.
2007. (with n. mclaughlin) “canadian sociology,” pp 69-77 in clifton d. bryant and dennis l. peck’s (eds.) the handbook of 21st century sociology, volume 1. thousand oaks, california: sage publications.
2005. “advancing in the amateur chess world,” pp 300-311 in d. pawluch, w. shaffir and c. miall (eds.) doing ethnography: studying everyday life. toronto: canadian scholar’s press.