randle w. nelsen

professor emeritus
academic qualifications: 

b.a.(honors), sociology ,willamette university ,1965
m.a., sociology, university of hawaii,1967
ph.d., sociology, mcmaster university, 1975

research interests: 



2017  degrees of failure:  university education in decline.  toronto:  between the lines.

2012 life of the party: a study in sociability, community, and social inequality. toronto: between the lines.

 2007  fun & games & higher education:  the lonely crowd revisited.    toronto:  between the lines.

 2002  schooling as entertainment:  corporate education meets popular culture.  kingston, ontario:  cedarcreek publications. 

1997 inside canadian universities:  another day at the plant.  kingston, ontario:   cedarcreek publications.  editor and contributor.

1996 the training trap:  ideology, training and the labour market. winnipeg/halifax.  society for socialist studies/fernwood publishing.  co-editors thomas dunk and stephen mcbride.

1991 miseducating:  death of the sensible.  kingston, ontario:  cedarcreek publications.

1978 reading,writing, and riches:  education and the socio-economic order in  north america.  kitchener:  between the lines press.  co-editor david a.  nock.

chapters in books

2012 the military-industrial-university complex and social science: a brief history and current update of a professional contribution to war. pp. 148-162 in paul r. carr & brad j. porfilio (eds.) educating for peace in a time of permanent war: are schools part of the solution or the problem? london: routledge.

2011  the community college con: "changing your life through learning." pp. 259-275 in stephen e. bosanac & merle a. jacobs (eds.), work, occupations & professionalization. whitby, ontario: de sitter publications.
reprint with revisions.

2006  the community college con:  "education that works"?  pp. 336-357 in merle jacobs and stephen e. bosanac (eds.), the professionalization of work.  whitby, ontario: de sitter publications.

1997 "reading, writing and relationships among the electronic zealots:  distance education and the traditional university."  in randle w. nelsen, ed., inside canadian universities.  kingston:  cedarcreek, pp. 184-210.

1997 "marking time in computopia:  the edubusiness university revisited."  a reprint of a previously published journal article in randle w. nelsen, ed., inside canadian universities.  kingston:  cedarcreek, pp. 26-37.

1996 "deviance and discipline in the classroom."  in bernard schissel and linda  mahood, eds., social control in canada:  issues in the social construction of deviance.  toronto:  oxford, pp. 373-402.

1995 "on the social construction of deviancy and normalcy."  in bin-ky tan, ed., the human individual and social organization.  kingston, ontario:  cedarcreek, pp. 86-96.

1993 "schooling and inequality."  in p. li and s. bolaria, eds., contemporary sociology.  toronto:  copp clark pitman, pp. 328-351, (co-author david  a. nock).

1988 "books, boredom, and behind bars:  an explanation of apathy and  hostility in our schools."  in alice l. boberg, ed., exploring the  teaching milieu.  calgary:  detselig, pp. 133-157.  reprint.

1987 "books, boredom, and behind bars:  an explanation of apathy and hostility in  our schools".  in terry wotherspoon, ed., the political economy of canadian  schooling.  toronto:  methuen, pp.117-140.  reprint.

1978 "growth and celebration of the american multiversity" in reading, writing, and  riches, pp. 120-135.

1978 "the education-as-autonomous argument and pluralism:  the sociologies of  burton r. clark, david riesman, and christopher jencks" in reading, writing  and riches, pp. 40-66.

journal articles

2010    "the promise of a sociology degree in canadian higher education,"  canadian review of sociology, 47(4): 405-430.  co-author antony puddephatt.   

2007  "tailgating,"  the semiotic review of books 17(1):  7-10.

2004   "replaying reuel denney,"  the semiotic review of books 14(2): 1-3.

2003   "remembering reuel denney:  sociology as cultural studies,"  the american sociologist 34(3): 25-39.

1996 "the training trap:  ideology, training and the labour market" (introduction to the book), socialist studies bulletin, no.43 (january-march), pp. 15-25.  co-authors thomas dunk and stephen mcbride.

1993 "after the mill closed:  retraining for what?," our times:  canada's    independent labour magazine, vol. 12, no. 3.  co-author thomas dunk.

1990 "marking time in computopia:  the edubusiness university revisited,"
society/société, vol.14, no.3, pp.15-22.

1990 "saying 'no' to computers in the classroom," canadian journal of educationalcommunication, vol.19, no.2, pp 139-149.

1987 "the corporate promotion process and the hidden curriculum of class and gender:  a reply to wexler."  human affairs, no.13, pp.168-177.  co-author   jan mayer.

1986 "schooling never ends:  a study of job promotion among corporate office workers," human affairs, no. 10, pp. 32-54.  co-author jan mayer.

1985 review essay--"the end of childhood:  technological change, parenting and the school," canadian review of sociology and anthropology, vol.   22, no. 2, may, pp. 303-310.

1985 "books, boredom and behind bars:  an explanation of apathy and hostility in our schools," canadian journal of education, vol. 10, no. 2, spring, pp. 136-  160.

1984 "the limits of bureaucratized scientistic professionalism and the potential of humanistic social science, part two," human affairs, no. 7, fall, pp. 81-101.

1984 "the limits of bureaucratized scientistic professionalism and the potential of humanistic social science," human affairs, no. 6, spring, pp. 1-16.

1982 "science, ideology, and reading, writing and riches," the journal of    educational thought, vol. 16, no. 2, august, pp. 73-88.  co-author david a.  nock.

1981 "reading, writing and relationship:  towards overcoming the hidden    curriculum of gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic class," interchange, vol.   12-2/3, september, pp. 229-242.

1980 "atikokan is everywhere," the last post, vol. 7, no. 7, february,  pp. 16-24.    co-author graham saunders.

1979 "employer insurance:  workmen's compensation," ontario report, vol.   3, no. 4, february, pp. 9-12. co-author sandra steinhause.

1978 "science as capitalist ideology:  the sociology of max weber reconsidered,"  alternate routes:  a critical review, vol. 2, pp. 34-72.

1977 "education and politics in liberia and the united states:  a socio-economic comparison of colony and colonizer," umoja:  a journal of black studies, vol.  i, no. 1, spring, pp. 55-71.   co-author stephen s. hlophe.

book review

1993  review of julie white, mailand female:  women and the canadian union of postal workers in the canadian journal of sociology 17:3, pp.   362-364.