
corporate social responsibility: a legal analysis, 2nd edition (lexisnexis, forthcoming 2014) (with chip pitts, richard janda & michael kerr) 

hanover shoe, retreaded: complexity, courts, and the future of canadian competition law (part two)” global competition litigation review (forthcoming winter 2014)

“going down the illinois brick road (if the hanover shoe fits)? economic complexity and judicial competence in the context of canadian competition law’s possible futures (part one)” global competition litigation review (forthcoming fall 2013)

“double dereliction of duty? judicial oversight of police trickery in r. v. welsh” toronto law journal (forthcoming 2013)

“more “inconvenient indians”? métis and non-status indian status under section 91(24) of the constitution act, 1867 in daniels v. the queen” toronto law journal (june 2013)

“hard cases make bad law, or bad law makes hard cases? the supreme court of canada’s defining-down of duress in r. v. ryan” toronto law journal (june 2013)

“calumny in context: the supreme court of canada upholds the "hallmarks of hate" in saskatchewan (human rights commission) v. whatcott” toronto law journal (april 2013)

“a new order for class actions? the decision in pennyfeather v. timminco limited” toronto law journal (january 2012) (with vaso maric & karin sachar)

comment on the supreme court of canada’s decision in seidel v. telus, 41st annual workshop on commercial and consumer law held at the faculty of law, university of toronto, canadian business law journal (2012) 52(3)

“into the legislative void: using section 15 of the charter to compel government action” toronto law journal (november 2011) (with vaso maric)

“globalive given the greenlight to enter canadian wireless arena” toronto law journal (september 2011) (with raphael t. eghan)

withler or without comparison: the supreme court of canada reshapes the analysis of discrimination under section 15 of the charter” toronto law journal (june 2011) (with vaso maric & patrick lupa)

“thawing the chill of defamation suits? responsible communication on matters of public interest” toronto law journal (february 2010) (with eric presseau)

“csr: a legal analysis” in the conference board of canada spring 2010 corporate social responsibility review, pp. 2-6 (2010) (with michael kerr, richard janda & chip pitts)

“chapter 9: principe 5 - precautionary principle” in corporate social responsibility: a legal analysis (c. pitts, ed., lexisnexis, 2009), pp. 347-416

“chapter 10: principle 6 - accountability” in corporate social responsibility: a legal analysis (c. pitts, ed., lexisnexis, 2009), pp. 417-496

“b.c. court of appeal certifies class action arising from multi-jurisdictional antitrust case” in osler alert (november 12, 2009) (with peter franklyn, tris mallet & christopher naudie)

“too big to compete? who decides?” (2009) 29(4) the lawyers weekly 26

“don’t mandate environmental transparency” (2009) 28(43) the lawyers weekly 15

“carbon trading benefits both the environment and the economy” (2009) 28(34) the lawyers weekly 12

“we need better, not more, securities regulation” (2009) 28(28) the lawyers weekly 15

“i’m sorry, but my apology can’t hurt me in court” (2008) 28(24) the lawyers weekly 15

“stephen lewis talks about ending aids and poverty in africa” (interview, part ii) in the upstream journal (sep/oct 2006), pp. 20-21

“stephen lewis talks about ending aids and poverty in africa” (interview, part i) in the upstream journal (mar/apr 2006), pp. 12-13

“no toilets in park” (2005) 50 mcgill law journal 721 (with roderick a. macdonald)

“taking care of business the canadian way: securing prosperity at home and abroad” in at stake: as prime minister, i would … (g. marsland, ed., magna international, inc., 2004)

“globalization and the failure of the sociological imagination” (2001) 26(3) critical sociology 329

“the new capitalism” in the human project: readings on the individual, society, and culture (c. cockerton & m. chaparian, eds., prentice hall, 2001), pp. 90-104

“book review: maffesoli, michel. the contemplation of the world: figures of community style (1997)” (2000) 26 critical sociology 166