selected publications

peer reviewed journal articles

  • møller h, baxter r, denton a, french e, hill me, klarner t, nothing w, quequish m, rae j, reinikka k, strickland s, and taylor d. (2023). outcomes from a collaborative project developing and evaluating a community rehabilitation worker program for northwestern ontario first. journal of rural and remote health. june 2023 nations:
  • wilkinson, a., schiff, r., kidd, j., & møller, h. (2023). acknowledging colonialism in the room: barriers to culturally safe care for indigenous peoples. international journal of critical indigenous studies15(2), 143-159.
  • fossum, s, mazimani d. møller, h. bedard m. (2023). development and initial validation of the transportation support scale. american journal of occupational therapy, 77(4).
  • fariba kolahdooz, se lim jang, sarah deck et al. addressing social determinants of health is a priority for managing covid-19 in arctic indigenous communities: results of a scoping review, 30 august 2022, preprint (version 1) available at research square []
  • caughey, a.; kilabuk, p.; sanguya, i.; doucette, m.; jaw, m.; allen, j.; maniapik, l.; koonoo, t.; joy, w.; shirley, j.; sargeant, j.m.; møller, h.; harper, s.l. niqivut silalu asijjipalliajuq: building a community-led food sovereignty and climate change research program in nunavut, canada. nutrients 202214, 1572.
  • gardam. k. møller, h. pearson, e. (2021). older adults and outdoor physical activity equipment: a social ecological analysis. the qualitative report (tqr) 26(8), 2347-2360.
  • caughey, ab., sargeant jm., møller, h., & harper, sll. (2021). inuit country food and health during pregnancy and early childhood in the circumpolar north: a scoping review. international journal of environmental research and public health (issn 1660-4601).
  • churchill, m. smylie, m., wolfe, s., bourgeois c. møller h., & firestone, m. (2020). ‘conceptualising cultural safety at an indigenous-focused midwifery practice in toronto, canada: qualitative interviews with indigenous and non-indigenous clients bmj open 2020;10:e038168. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038168
  • alzghoul, m., møller, h. wakewich, p. dowsley, m. (2020). perinatal care experiences of muslim women in northwestern ontario, canada: a qualitative study, women and birth. available online march 4, 2020:
  • ingemann, s., kvernmo, s., møller, h., moffit, pm., tagalik, s., kuhn, rl., nielsen, se.,  rich, r., and larsen, cv. (2019). symposium on ‘parental education’ at the icch17. international journal of circumpolar health, 78: 1, doi: 10.1080/22423982.2019.1604062
  • møller, h. (2016).culturally safe communication and the power of “language” in arctic nursing. journal etudes/inuit/studies 40(1), 85–104.
  • møller, h., dowsley, m., wakewich, p., bishop, l., burnett, k., & churchill, m. a (2015). qualitative assessment of factors in the uptake of midwifery of diverse populations in thunder bay, ontario, canadian journal of midwifery research and practice. 14, 14-20 & 24-29.
  • møller, h. (2013). sygeplejeantropologisk forskning: et instrument til at fokusere på sundhed og  velvære i arktisk sygepleje (nursing anthropological research: a tool to focus on health and wellbeing in arctic nursing). tikiusaaq. journal for nurses in greenland 21,(2), 52-59.
  • møller, h. (2013). ‘double culturedness’: the ‘capital’ of inuit journal of circumpolar health, volume 72 (2013), suppl. 1.
  • hounsgaard, l., augustesen, m., møller, h., bradley, s. k., & møller s. (2013). women's perspectives on illness in being screened for cervical cancer. international journal of circumpolar health, volume 72 (2013), suppl. 1. 
  • zehbe, i., møller, h., severini, a., weaver b., escott, n., bell, c., crawford, s., bannon, d., &pavaalo, n. (2011). a pilot study to assess feasibility of self-sampling and human pappilomavirus testing for cervical cancer prevention: a pilot study in first nations women from northwest ontario, canada. bmj open.
  • møller, h. (2010). tuberculosis and colonization: current tales about tuberculosis in nunavut. journal of aboriginal health, 5(1), 38-48.
  • møller, h. (2006). tales about tuberculosis and colonization: the socio-cultural experience of tuberculosis in nunavut. proceedings of the 13th international congress on circumpolar health, novosibirsk, russia, june 12-16, 2006, in alaska medicine supplement, 49(2), 178-183.
  • berger p., epp, j., & møller, h. (2006). the predictable influences of colonialism, culture clash, and current practice on punctuality, attendance, and achievement in nunavut schools. canadian journal of native education, 29(2), 182-205.
  • møller, h. (2003). about the use of narrative: how individual illness stories can be useful for the illumination of inuit perceptions of health and illness, treatment, healing and cure. (translation from danish by author). nordnytt: kultur på tværs (northern news: culture across), 88, 35-57.

other publications

book chapters



  • møller h. (2021/01/07). supporting elders living with frailty in remote indigenous communities in northwestern ontario: developing, and evaluating the community rehabilitation facilitator curriculum. qualitative findings report. module 1 and 2. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . thunder bay, on.
  • møller h. (2021/01/07). supporting elders living with frailty in remote indigenous communities in northwestern ontario: developing, and evaluating the community rehabilitation facilitator curriculum. qualitative findings report. module 3 and 4 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . thunder bay, on.
  • campbell, s., schiff, r., møller, h., scharf, d. kozorys, m. (2019). housing insecurity and justice system involvement among women in the tb region. elizbeth fry society of tb. tb, on. 72 pages
  • møller, h., alzghoul, m., wakewich, p., & sameshima, p. (2018)  prenatal knowledge xchange: for equity in birthing experiences and outcomes.  a report for women’s x- change. 7 pages
  • møller h., (may 2018). leadership, communication, knowledge, and stigma about mental health: key factors in workplace mental well-being in thunder bay and district. thunder bay, ontario: thunder bay district health unit. 40 pages

creative outputs

  • sameshima, p. (with m. alzghoul, h. møller [pi] & p. wakewich). (2021, september 17 - march 31, 2023). arise, crush, reflection [a series of three 2’ x 3’ paintings]. heart of healthcare gallery. healthcare excellence canada.
  • benwell, b. (2020, november). gaps in access [mixed media, wearable art]. research project with p. sameshima, h. møller (pi), m. alzghoul, & p.  wakewich. learning and teaching: artful narratives of transformation [special issue]. canadian journal for the study of adult education. 32(2), 2.
  • sameshima, p. (2020, november). crush [2x3’ painting]. research project with h.  møller [pi],  m. alzghoul, p. wakewich, & b. benwell. learning and teaching: artful narratives of transformation [special issue]. canadian journal for the study of adult education. 32(2), 23.
  • møller, h. (2019). equity in birthing experiences and outcomes. [introduction and video]. research and innovation week. the space, cases building, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • møller, h., alzghoul, m, p, wakewich, p. sameshima, p., gupta, n. benwell, b., hassan, m.  (2018). prenatal knowledge x-change for equity in birthing experiences and outcomes. video. access through: youtube:
  • sameshima, p. (2019, feb-aug). belated gallop series [3 paintings]. based on research from research project: h.  møller (pi), m. alzghoul, & p. wakewich, sameshima, p. prenatal knowledge x-change for equity in birthing experiences and outcomes. the space, cases building, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • sameshima, p. (2018, december 28). belated gallop series [3 paintings]. based on research from research project: h.  møller (pi), m. alzghoul, & p. wakewich. p. sameshima, prenatal knowledge x-change for equity in birthing experiences and outcomes. lakehead community report event. tb, on.
  • benwell, b. (2018, december 28). 2 wearable art pieces. based on research from research project: h.  møller (pi), m. alzghoul, & p. wakewich. p. sameshima, prenatal knowledge x-change for equity in birthing experiences and outcomes. lakehead community report event. tb, on.

conference presentations (* denotes 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 )

  • møller, h., taylor, d., ray, j., (panel) (2023.06.06). aging in place: implementing the local community rehabilitation worker role to support elders living with frailty in remote indigenous communities in northwestern ontario. c2u expo june 5-8, 2023. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . thunder bay.
  • cameron, e., chevrette, l-a., buetti, d., fitzgerald, m., møller, h. gillespie, r. (panel) kendall (moderator) (2023.06.07). bilateral transformation through community-campus engagement. c2u expo june 5-8, 2023. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . thunder bay.
  • taylor d, pavelich k. møller, h. et al. (2023). (podium) supporting elders living with frailty in remote indigenous communiies in treaties 5 & 9: implementing the role of a community rehabgilitation worker. nosm u northern constellations may 5-6, 2023.
  • taylor d, klarner t. møller, h. et al. (2023). (podium) supporting elders living with frailty in remote indigenous communiies in treaties 5 & 9: implementing the role of a community rehabgilitation worker. nosm u northern connections may 12-13. 2023.
  • møller, h., melchiorre, h., lee, n., taylor, d., rae, j., baxter, r., sakchekapo, n. et al. (2023).(podium). supporting elders living with frailty in remote indigenous communities in northwestern ontario: implementing the role of a community rehabilitation worker. st. joseph’s care group research day, thunder bay.
  • møller h. taylor, d. rae, j., nothing w. (may 6, 2022). developing a community rehabilitation worker role and training in remote indigenous communities in northwestern ontario. 2022 gta rehab network’s best practices day conference. virtual conference.
  • møller, h., baxter, r., nothing, w., quequish, m., rae, j., taylor, d. et al. (2022). recipients of award of excellence – indigenous partnership research award – for the project: supporting elders living with frailty in remote indigenous communities in northwestern ontario: developing the role of a community rehabilitation worker.
  • møller, h., baxter, r., nothing, w., quequish, m., rae, j., taylor, d. et al. (2022.02.07) supporting elders living with frailty in remote indigenous communities in northwestern ontario: developing the role of a community rehabilitation worker. st. joseph’s care group research show case. february 7, 2022.
  • møller. h., schiff, r. keynote speakers (2022.02.07). health and healthcare in northern canada. st. joseph’s care group research show case.
  • taylor d, rae j.. møller, h., (2022).  (online). developing a community rehabilitation worker role and training in remote indigenous community in northwestern ontario. ottawa stroke summit.
  • møller h., baviskar, s. (2021, november 24) udsatte grønlændere: hverdagsliv, vold og fællesskaber. moesgård, Århus, denmark.
  • sameshima, p., alzghoul, m., chisholm, j., møller h. (pi), & wakewich, p. (2021, june 1). moral imagination and challenges in doing interdisciplinary arts-integrated research. canadian society for the study of education. edmonton, ab (virtual).
  • møller h. (2021.03.05). individual presentation: why participate in a voluntary local review (of the sdg); panel discussion: developing a voluntary local review process for sustainable development goals in thunder bay. research showcase:  the role of research and innovation in achieving un sustainable development goals. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 research and innovation week march 1-5, 2021.
  • møller h. & berger p. (2020, september 11). climate change and  climate disruption, health and the role of healthcare providers. thunder bay medical society summer school september 11, 2020.
  • campbell, s., schiff, r., møller, h., scharf, d. kozorys, m. (2020). housing insecurity and justice system involvement among women in the tb region. st joseph’s care group research showcase conferene. february 7, 2020,thunder bay ontario.
  • møller, h, & baviskar, s.  (2019, october 4th). the strategy for socially marginalized greenlanders in denmark: project leaders and front-line workers perspectives on impacts and outcomes 21st inuit studies conference. montreal, que. october 3-6, 2019
  • kassandra, f., møller, h. gardam, k.* (2019).walking, health and social relations. exploring the impact of a free, community-based indoor walking initiative in thunder bay. st. joseph’s care group health research showcase, thunder bay, on, canada. february 8  2019.
  • møller, h., sameshima, p., alzghoul, m., wakewich, p., gupta, n.(2018).uptake and impact of prenatal education in northwestern ontario: mother’s perspective. 17th international circumpolar conference on health [icch17], copenhagen, denmark. august 12-15 2018
  • møller, h. & baviskar, s.  marginalized greenlanders in denmark project workers’ perspectives on challenges to and successes of the strategy: effective support to marginalized greenlanders17th international circumpolar conference   on health [icch17], copenhagen, denmark. august 12-15 2018
  • h. møller (may 11, 2018). equity in access to quality pre, peri and post-natal care and experiences in northwestern ontario. workshop on regional centres and the sustainability of canada’s rural and northern landscapes. thunder bay, on.
  • benwell, b*. hassan, m*.  p.sameshima, møller, h., m. alzghoul, p.wakewich, *nancy gupta (april 13, 2018). gaps in prenatal education through an arts-integrated perspective. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 - feminisms conference, thunder bay on
  • møller, h., gupta, n., alzghoul m., et al. (march 2, 2018). gaps in prenatal education: indigenous mothers’ perspective st. joseph's caregroups research showcase 2017.
  • wakewich p., alzghoul m, møller h., bishop l., burnett k., dowsley, m. (2017.06.20). improving equity in northern and rural midwifery care: the role of access, information and culturally appropriate care. 31st griennial congress, toronto canada 18-22 june, 2017.
  • alzghoul, m., møller h., wakewich p., burnett, k., dowsley m. (2017, 02.03) muslim women’s perspectives on birthing in northwestern ontario. st. joseph's caregroups research showcase 2017.
  • gardam k.* ,møller h. influences of older adult participation in an outdoor adult playground: a social ecological approach. st. joseph's caregroups research showcase 2017.
  • fernandes, k*. møller h. exploring older adult male participation in a free, biweekly, group-based, indoor walking initiative. st. joseph's caregroups research showcase 2017.
  • lowey, j*. .. and  møller, h. st. joseph's age and sex influences on health care utilization   through otn. st. joseph's caregroups research showcase 2017
  • møller,  h. (november 19, 2015). birthing in the borderland of citizen status. hyperdiversity in health care: comparative perspectives from the u.s., canada and europe: american anthropological association annual meeting. denver, colorado (usa). november 18-22, 2015
  • møller, h. (presenter), burnett, k., dowsley, m., wakewich, p. (2015). “i’d have to feel safe [with my birth attendant]”: facilitators and barriers to positive birth experiences for indigenous women in north western ontario. 16th international congress on circumpolar health icch16.  oulu, finland. june 8-12, 2015.
  • wakewich, p. (presenter), burnett, k., dowsley, m., møller, h. (2014.). internal and external “risk” constructions as barriers to birthing choices for indigenous women:  findings from a comparative study in northwestern ontario. challenging health inequities. indigenous health conference. university of toronto conference centre. toronto. november 20-21, 2014.
  • møller, h (presenter)., bishop, l. burnett, k., dowsley, m., & wakewich, p. (2014). barriers and facilitators to midwifery for women in thunder bay. st. joseph’s care group health research showcase. thunder bay. february 7, 2014.
  • møller, h. (2014). adult playgrounds: their impact on physical activity among adults 60 years of age and older. st. joseph’s care group health research showcase. thunder bay. february 7, 2014.
  • møller, h. (2013). sygeplejeantropologisk forskning: et instrument til at fokusere på sundhed og velvære i arktisk sygepleje (nursinganthropological research: a tool to focus on health and well being in arctic nursing),nunamed a greenlandic conference on health. nuuk, september 7-9, 2013.
  • møller, h. (2013). physical activity among older adults: the impact of free local physical activity initiatives in denmark and canada. moving public health forward: evidence, policy, practice. canadian public health association annual conference. ottawa, june 9-12, 2013.
  • møller, h. (2012). ‘double culturedness’: a pre-requisite for inuit nurses. 15th international congress on circumpolar health. fairbanks ak, united states, august 5-10, 2012.
  • møller, h. (2012). the capital of inuit nurses. canadian anthropological society (casca). u niversity of alberta, edmonton, canada, may 9-12, 2012.
  • møller, h. (2012).the impact of capital and habitus on inuit postsecondary education. aera. university of british columbia, vancouver, canada, april 16, 2012.
  • møller, h. (2011). ’doubleculturedness’ – a prerequisite for university education for inuit. the seventh international congress of arctic social sciences icass vii, university of akureyri, akureyri, iceland, june 22-26, 2011.
  • møller, h. (2010). double cultural capital as a predictor of success in the arctic nursing educations. aboriginal nurse’s association of canada 2010 national conference – linking our knowledge through diverse interests, toronto, ontario, october 25-27, 2010.
  • møller, h. (2010). kultural kapital: kilden til success for inuit og grøndlanske sygeplejsker (cultural capital: source of success for inuit and greenlandic nurses). nunamed (greenland’s medical conference), nuuk, greenland, september 4-6, 2010.
  • møller, h. (presenter), zehbe, i., escott, n., severini, a., weawer, b., crawford, s., paavola, n., & bell, c. (2010). pilot undersøgelse af first nations kvinders viden om og tilgang til livmoderhalskræft og screening samt introduktion af hpv self-test. (pilot project about first nations women’s knowledge of, and approach to, cervical cancer and screening and the introduction of an hpv self-test). nunamed (greenland’s medical conference), nuuk, greenland, september 4-6, 2010.
  • møller, h. (2009).“when i work i am white”: the experience of being an inuit nurse in a western health care setting. northern health research conference. northern ontario school of medicine, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay, ontario, may 29-30, 2009.
  • møller, h. (2009). nursing in the arctic: greenlandic nurse’s perspectives. 14th international circumpolar conference on health, yellowknife, nwt, july 11-16, 2009.
  • møller, h. (2009). “i have told my colleagues: when i work i am white”. 14th international circumpolar conference on health, yellowknife, july 11-16, 2009.
  • møller, h. (2008). the experience of inuit and greenlandic people who are nurses and nursing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in western education and healthcare settings. international congress on arctic social sciences vi, nuuk, greenland, august 22-26, 2008.
  • møller, h. (2008). they leave their stories everywhere: current perspectives on tb in nunavut. canadian anthropology society canadienne anthropologi [casca] conference – ethnography: entanglements and ruptures, carlton university, ottawa, ontario, may 8-10, 2008.
  • møller, h. (2008). how inuit and greenlandic nurses and nursing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 experience and negotiate their roles in western education and healthcare settings. casca conference ethnography: entanglements and ruptures, carlton university, ottawa, ontario, may 8- 10, 2008.

 conference presentations posters:

  • kent, a., møller, h.,  chisholm, j., alzghoul, m., sameshima, p., benwell, b. (2020 february 7) - acting on what mothers told us: evaluating the hope app to support the mental health of pregnant and postpartum women in northwestern ontario. st joseph’s caregroup research showcase conferene. februare 7, 2020,thunder bay ontario
  • akhtar*, s., møller, h., lowey, j., fraser, l., armstrong, s., kristman, v.l. (2018, march). leadership, communication and knowledge about mental health: key factors in workplace mental well-being in thunder bay and district
  • benwell, b*, hassan, m* sameshima, p, møller, h., m. alzghul, p. wakewich, n. gupta* (march 6, 2018). gaps in prenatal education through an arts-integrated perspective presentation of preliminary partial project findings). 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 - research and innovation week - poster presentation, thunder bay on.
  • møller, h. (2014). the impact of free initiatives on physical activity among adults 60 years of age and older: do free initiatives increase the existing inequality gaps? (poster). 22nd nordic congress of gerontology (22nkg). gøteborg, sweden. may 25-27.


other presentations/workshops

  • møller, h. (march 16, 2023. 12-1pm- invited). the determinants of health and health care in northern canada. nosm division of human sciences speaker series. nosm thunder bay.
  • møller, h. (february 17, 2023 12:30-2:30). the power of language in everyday living and in research. phd seminar. dept of health sciences lakehead, thunder bay.
  • taylor, d, quequish d., møller, h. et al. (2023). community rehabilitation worker- a new role to support elders and home and community care cleints to remain in community. northern ontario home and community care gathering.
  • møller, h. kent, a. (may 2, 2022). maternal mental health in the north. a research project. mental health week speaker series may 2-8. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 alumni.
  • møller h. schiff, r. (2022.03.10) presentation of book: health and healthcare in northern canada. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 research and innovation week.
  • møller. h. presenter and panelist. (2021.10.12). health (in)equity in northwestern ontario and beyond. ‘facts’ research and teaching. health research town hall: health equity. october 12, 2021, virtual session.
  • møller h. (2021.03.11).reflexivity, 3 hr. phd seminar. department of health sciences. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • møller, h. (2021, january 15, invited talk).  the strategy for socially marginalized greenlanders in denmark. project leaders and front-line workers perspectives on impacts and outcomes. enhancing prevention of injury and disability @ work research institute speaker series. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , tb, on
  • martin, l., møller, h., throupe, k., schiff, r. (2020, may 29). covid-19 impacts on 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 : courses, research and practicums. the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 department of health sciences covid-19 conversations: responses, big picture thinking and the social determinants of health. via zoom. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • møller, h. (2019, november 25, invited talk).key factors in workplace mental health and wellbeing in thunder bay and district: employee perspectives. enhancing prevention of injury and disability @ work research institute speaker series. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , tb, on.
  • møller, h. baviskar, s. (2019, october 8- invited talk). marginalized greenlanders in denmark, support strategies, successes, and challenges. department of social and preventative medicine research centre, university of laval. quebec, canada. 50%
  • møller, h. workshop:  (december 19, 2018). the influence of history and culture on parental practices when their child is admitted to hospital (in danish). for nurses and physicians working in the neurological pediatric department at copenhagen university hospital (rigshospitalet),  copenhagen denmark.
  • møller, h. & alzhgoul, m. (may 15, 2018).  workshop: uptake and impact of prenatal education in northwestern ontario: mother’s perspective. for maternal care providers and stakeholders thunder bay, on.
  • møller, h & alzhgoul, m (may 8, 2018). workshop: uptake and impact of prenatal education in northwestern ontario: mother’s  perspective. for maternal care providers and stakeholders. sioux lookout, on.
  • alzhgoul, m & møller, h. (may 7, 2018). workshop: uptake and impact of prenatal education in northwestern ontario: mother’s perspective. for maternal care providers and stakeholders. kenora, on.
  • møller. h. (talk. march 20, 2018). uptake and impact of prenatal education in northwestern ontario: mother’s perspective. project presentation and discussion of project and results. thunder bay prenatal coalition. thunder bay, on.
  • møller, h. (invited talk, sunday january 14, 2018). senior physical activity among seniors in north western ontario: who are active among seniors? why? what can we do to support physical activity among all seniors? senior fitness instructor course lead by lisa guerts at the 55+ centre on river street thunder bay.
  • møller, h. (invited talk, february 15, 2018 ). superior mental wellness @ work; focus group results. thunder bay district health unit. thunder bay, on.
  • møller, h. (october 28, 2016). equity in access to maternal care and education in nw ontario”. invited talk centre for rural and northern health research 2016-17 speaker series: innovative approaches in health research. centre for rural and northern health, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . thunder bay.
  • møller, h. (september 23, 2016). invited presentation: birthing experiences and stakeholder perspectives on equity in access to maternal care across northwestern ontario. thunder bay pre-natal coalition.
  • møller h. & alzhgoul, m. ( september 18, 2016). presentation. birthing experiences and care provider and stakeholder perspectives on equity in access to maternal care across northwestern ontario. thunder bay district health unit prenatal group.
  • møller h. alzhgoul m. & bishop, l. (february 9, 2016.). cross cultural birthing experiences in northwestern ontario: barriers and facilitators to midwifery care. midwifery coalition, thunder bay
  • møller, h. (7:30-9:30 pm. november 25, 2014). presenter and panellist for: science in canada’s north. how will climate change affect health? science north’s science café – the laughing budda café, sudbury.
  • møller, h. (7:00-9:00 pm. november 26, 2014). presenter and panellist for: science in canada’s north. how will climate change affect health? science north’s science café – the finlandia club, thunder bay.
  • møller, h. (2014). invited research update presentation. free local outdoor activities and physical activity among adults 60 years of age and older. city of thunder bay parks division, september 5, 2014, 2-4pm. city of thunder bay. thunder bay.
  • møller, h. (2014). physical activity among adults 60 years of age and older: what is the impact of free local outdoor initiatives? invited presentation tuesday april 8, 2 - 3pm thunder bay district health unit. thunder bay.
  • møller, h. (2013). invited talk. the impact of free initiatives on physical activity among adults 60 years of age and older: can we avoid widening the existing inequality gaps?  november 27, 2013. cranahr. thunder bay, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • møller, h. (2013). free local outdoor activities and physical activity among adults 60 years of age and older: invited presentation october 18th, 2013, 2-4pm. city of thunder bay parks division, city of thunder bay. thunder bay.
  • møller, h. (june 7th, 10am -12 pm, 2013). invited public presentation. active journey and active older adults. fabtastic, a gathering of fun active babes. invited by nancy angus, community program developer – older adults city of thunder bay recreation & culture division older adult unit. thunder bay 55+ centre, river st, thunder bay.
  • møller, h. (may 8, 2012). invited public presentation: “doubleculturedness” a prerequisite for inuit nurses: the importance of celebrating inuit nurses and nursing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and using   their knowledge and experience in education and health. nunavut research institute iqaluit, nunavut, canada, may 8, 2012.
  • møller, h. (may 7, 2012). invited presentation “doubleculturedness” a prerequisite for inuit nurses: the importance of celebrating inuit nurses and nursing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and using their knowledge and experience in education and health. nunavut department of health and social services. iqaluit, nunavut, canada, may 7, 2012.
  • møller, h. (october 5, 2011). invited presentation “to verdener i en: et antropologisk syn på sygepleje i grønland og nunavut” (two worlds in one: an anthropological view on nursing in greenand and nunavut). greenlandic medical society, nuuk, greenland.
  • møller, h. (october 4, 2011). invited presentation “to verdener i en: et antropologisk syn på sygepleje i grønland og nunavut” (two worlds in one: an anthropological view on nursing in greenand and nunavut. department of nursing and health research, university of greenland, nuuk, greenland.
  • møller, h. (june 23, 2011). co-chair and organiser of session 09.1 schooling in the arctic. the seventh international congress of arctic social sciences icass vii, university of akureyri, akureyri, iceland, june 22-26, 2011.
  • møller, h. (september 28, 2010). social and cultural capital as a resource among nurses in the greenlandic health care system. katuaq (nuuk cultural centre), nuuk, greenland. invited presentation to the community of nuuk in the government of greenland’s agency of culture, education, research and church “meet your researcher” series.
  • møller, h. (september 29, 2010). social and cultural capital as a resource among nurses in the greenlandic health care system. presentation to the department of health, government of greenland, nuuk, greenland.
  • møller, h. (september 5, 2010). det tværkulturelle aspekt af grønlands sundhedsvæsen. (the cross cultural aspect of the greenlandic healthcare system). three hour workshop facilitation at nunamed (greenland’s medical conference), nuuk, greenland, september 4- 6, 2010.
  • zehbe i. & møller, h. (march 18, 2010). self-sampling and hpv testing for cervical cancer screening: what is next? invited presentation to the thunder bay regional research institute, thunder bay, ontario.
  • møller, h. & zehbe, i. (february 9, 2010). self-sampling and hpv testing for cervical cancer screening: what is next? invited presentation to the dilico family health team. fort william first nation, ontario.
  • berger, p. & møller, h. (june 17, 2009). residents teaching patients. workshop for family medicine residents at the northern ontario school of medicine, thunder bay, ontario.
  • møller, h. (april 2, 2009). “when i work i am white”: the experience of being an inuit nurse in a western healthcare setting. invited presentation to the department of nursing, university of iceland, reykjavik, iceland.
  • møller h. (march 26, 2009). “healthcare people do not treat patients with respect”: tuberculosis of the past and its effects on inuit experiences today. invited presentation to the medical historical society at the northern ontario school of medicine, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay, ontario.
  • møller, h. (september 24, 2008). the experience of being an inuit nurse in a western health        care setting. invited presentation to the greenland ministry of culture, education, research and church, nuuk, greenland.
  • møller, h. (april 23 & 24, 2008). the history of tb in nunavut and the effect of the disease on inuit health and healing today. two one and a half hour guest lectures for maaki kaakik to mental health program 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , nunavut arctic college, iqaluit, nunavut.
  • møller, h. (december 17, 2007). tværkulturel pleje og behandling (cross cultural health care). three hour workshop for social and medical personnel caring for greenlandic patients in denmark. det grønlandske patienthjem (the greenlandic patient home), brønshøj, denmark.
  • møller, h. (september 9, 2007). tværkulturel pleje og behandling (cross cultural healthcare). three hour workshop invited by nunamed (greenland’s medical conference), nuuk, greenland. workshop resume published on greenland’s department of health web site in danish and greenlandic.
  • møller, h. (february 19, 2007). a. pilot project: epistemologies in health: how canadian first nations 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in health experience and negotiate their roles in euro-canadian educational and health systems; b. tales about tuberculosis: the socio-cultural experience of tuberculosis in nunavut; c. planned phd project: knowing what counts as knowledge: about how inuit and greenlandic nurses and nursing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 experience and negotiate their role in western educational and health care settings. presentations to the department of nursing, centre for health education, nuuk, greenland.
  • møller, h. (march 21 & 23, 2007). planned phd project: knowing what counts as knowledge: about how inuit and greenlandic nurses and nursing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 experience and negotiate their role in western educational and health care systems. presentation to nunavut arctic college, iqaluit, nunavut, canada. 
  • møller, h. (april 2, 2007). a. pilot project: epistemologies in health: how canadian first nations 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in health experience and negotiate their roles in euro-canadian educational and health systems; b. planned phd project: knowing what counts as             knowledge: about how inuit and greenlandic nurses and nursing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 experience and negotiate their role in western educational and health care settings. invited presentations to the college of the north atlantic, department of nursing, happy valley goose bay, labrador, canada.


  • møller h. & campbell, s. (2020). cbc news interview – interviewer heather kitching. housing insecurity and justice system involvement among women in the tb region. february 10, 2020 afternoon show up north out of sudbury. interviewees møller, h. and campbell, s.
  • møller, h. & kent a. (2020). chronicle journal article app to serve maternal health needs in north. based on interview conducted on march 10, 2020 – interviewer/writer julio heleno gomes. interviewees møller, h. and kent, a.