selected publications
molto, j.e., joe d. stewart, denise ens, ben kaminski, and harumi fujita
in press bcs-1, a burial cave in baja california sur: archaeological and osteological investigations. pacific coast archaeological society quarterly (2004).
in press preliminary results of a stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes paleodietary study of a late shang dynasty site at anyang, henan, prc. international journal of osteoarchaeology(2003).
molto, j.e.
2005 treponematoses in the pre-contact and post-contact pericue of the cape region of baja california, sur. in the myth of syphilis: treponematosis in pre-columbian north america,edited by m.l. powell and d.c. cook. university press of florida.
tocheri, m.w., t.l. dupras, p. sheldrick, and j.e. molto
2005 roman period fetal skeletons from the east cemetery (kellis 2) of kellis, egypt. international journal of osteoarchaeology 15(5):326-341.
molto, e., p. sheldrick, a. cerroni, and s. haddow
2003 late roman period human skeletal remains from the areas d/6 and d/7 tomb 1 at kellis. in oasis papers 3: proceedings of the third international conference of the dakhleh oasis project, edited by gillian e. bowen and colin a. hope, pp. 345-363. dakhleh oasis project monograph 14, oxbow press, oxford, england.
stewart. j.d., e. molto and p. reimer
2003 the chronology of kellis 2: the interpretive significance of radiocarbon dating of human remains. in oasis papers 3: proceedings of the third international conference of the dakhleh oasis project, edited by gillian e. bowen and colin a. hope. pp. 373-378. archaeological research at kellis: preliminary reports, oxbow press, oxford, england.
lahti, a, f. mallory, s. hamilton, c. matheson, and e. molto
2002 molecular genetics and the canidae connection: a pilot study. tempus 7: 221-227.
molto, j.e.
2002 bio-archaeological research of kellis 2: an overview. in dakhleh oasis project: preliminary reports on the 1994–1995 to 1998–1999 field seasons, edited by c.a. hope and g.e. bowen, pp. 239-255. volume iii, oxbow press, oxford.
molto, j.e.
2002 leprosy in roman period skeletons from kellis 2, dakhleh, egypt. in proceedings of the 3rd international congress on the evolution and paleoepidemiology of the infectious diseases. the past and present of leprosy, edited by charlotte a. roberts, mary e. lewis, and k. manchester, pp. 183-196. british archaeological reports international series 1054, archaeopress, oxford.
tocheri, m., and e. molto
2002 aging fetal and juvenile skeletons from roman period egypt using basiocciput osteometrics. international journal of osteoarchaeology 12:356-363. graver, a., e. molto, r. parr, r. praymak, s. walters, and j. maki
2001 r. mitochondrial dna research in the dakhleh oasis, egypt: a preliminary report.ancient biomolecules 3:239-253.
molto, j.e.
2001 the comparative skeletal biology and paleoepidemiology of population samples from the ein tirghi and kellis cemeteries, dakhleh oasis, egypt. in the oasis papers i, proceedings of the first conference of the dakhleh oasis project, edited by c.a. marlow and a.j. mills, pp. 81-100. monograph 6: oxbow press, england.
fairgrieve, s., and e. molto
2000 cribra orbitalia in two temporally disjunct population samples from the dakhleh oasis, egypt. american journal of physical anthropology 111:319-331.
molto, e.
2000 humeral varus deformity in burials from kellis 2, dakhleh, egypt. american journal of physical anthropology 113:103-109.
aufderheide, a.c., m. zlonis, l. cartmell, m.r. zimmerman, p. sheldrick, m. cook, and j.e. molto
1999 human mummification practices at ismant el-kharab. journal of egyptian archaeology85:197-210.
molto, e., j.d. stewart, and p. reimer
1998 the chronology of las palmas culture: new radiocarbon dates on non-human terrestrial materials from william massey’s cave burial sites. pacific coast archaeological society quarterly 34(4):1-19.
molto, e., j.d. stewart, and p. reimer
1997 problems in radiocarbon dating of human remains from the cape region of baja california. american antiquity 62(3):489-507.