teaching supervisions
graduate supervisions:
- completed:(12) mscf, (1) phd, (1) pdf
- in progress: (1) mscf, (3) phd, (0) pdf
- in progress (committee memberships):(2) mscf, (1) phd
masters of science in forestry completed:
- anderson, a. 2003. seasonal changes in ecophysiological traits of seedling jack pine (pinus banksiana), black spruce (picea mariana) and white spruce (picea glauca) growing on an ontario boreal mixedwood site. co-supervisor - k.m. brown.
- arvonio, a. 2000. black spruce (picea mariana [mill.] b.s.p.) boreal ecosystems: how tree-length and full-tree harvesting affects soil microbial populations. co-supervisor - d.m. morris.
- cowie, t. 2009. assessing above- and belowground competitive effects in pure and mixed stands of jack pine (pinus banskiana) and black spruce (picea mariana). co-supervisor - d. reid
- dampier, j.e.e. tree diversity and treatment cost effectiveness responses of vegetation release ten years after treatment. co-supervisor - f.w. bell
- davies, g. 2009. identification of boreal mixedwood forest structure cohorts in northwestern ontario using ontario's forest resource inventory, abitibi-bowater's continuous forest inventory and stepwise discriminant function analyses. co-supervisor - r. pulkki
- hoepting, m.k. 2006. carbon and nitrogen dynamics associated with post-wildfire stand development of boreal mixed conifer ecosystems: application of data in model validation and refinement. co-supervisor - d.m. morris
- homagain, k. 2011. economic analysis of vegetation management alternatives in ontario. committee member.
- kuzyk, r. 2012. terrestrial lichen abundance in relation to stand structure and silvicultural history. co-supervisors - d. reid, a. rodgers.
- lawrence, d. 2011. characterization of rooting patterns in mixedwood forests of white spruce and trembling aspen: is competition reduced belowground? co-supervision - l. meyer, c. shahi, s. newmaster
- letang, d. 2009. relating genecological variation in white spruce to ecological classification in central canada. committee member.
- luke, s. 2007. riparisn vegetation patterns and links with surface waters in the boreal forest. co-supervisors - e.e. prepas, h. chen
- neufeld, b. 2011. investigating productivity and foliar nutrient status in second growth white spruce (picea glauca) and trembling aspen (populus tremuloides). co-supervisors - d. reid, c. shahi
- simpson, l. 2012. growth and photosynthetis responses of white spruce seedlings to levels of trembling aspen and red raspberry cover. co-supervisors - f.w. bell, a. groot
- symonds, j.t. 2011. moisture reduction and nutrient retention associated with field-drying forest harvest residues on clearcut sites in northwestern ontario, canada. co-supervisors - d.m. morris, r. pulkki.
- wrigley, a. d.e. 2007. changes in soil nutrient status and seedling performance in response to harvest intensity on upland, shallow site types in northwestern ontario: 10th year results. co-supervisor - d.m. morris.
masters of science in forestry in progress:
- sevean, r.
phd in forest sciences completed:
- hart, s. 2013. charcoal in north american boreal forests: implications for carbon storage and management. co-supervisors - d.m. morris and l. meyer. external reviewer - dr. c. preston, cfs retired.
- wiebe, s. 2012. the distribution and role of downed woody debris in nutrient retention and cycling during early stand establishment. co-supervisors - d. m. morris, l. meyer and d. reid. external reveiwer - dr. c. prescott, ubc
phd in forest sciences in progress:
- dampier, j.
- homagain, k.
- carr, s.