selected publications

c. zhang, l. liu, p. yan, l. zhang, the stability analysis of a predator-prey model with nonlinear trophy transfer, acta mathematicae applicatae sinica, 31 (2015),  235 - 246.

c. m. chen, m. křížek, l. liu, numerical integration over pyramids, advances in applied mathematics and mechanics, 5 (2013), 309 - 320.

c. t. zhang, l. liu, research on coordination mechanism in three-level green supply chain under non-cooperative game, applied mathematical modelling, 37 (2013), 3369 - 3379.

l. liu, k. b. davies, m. křížek, l. guang , on higher order pyramidal finite elements , advances in applied mathematics and mechanics,  3 (2011), 131 - 140.

l. liu, m. huang, k. yuan, m. křížek, numerical approximation of a nonlinear 3d heat radiation problem,   advances in applied mathematics and mechanics 1 (2009), 125 - 139.

y. cao, m. huang, l. liu, y. xu, hybrid collocation methods for fredholm integral equations with weakly singular kernels, applied numerical mathematics, 57 (2007), 549 - 561.

l. liu, t. liu, m. křížek, tao lin, s.  zhang, global superconvergence and a posteriori error estimators of the finite element method for a quasilinear elliptic boundary value problem of nonmonotone type, siam j. numer. anal., 42 (2004), 1729 - 1744.