dr. cheryl lousley
- ph.d (environmental studies) york university
- ma university of toronto
- hbasc (arts and science) mcmaster university
2019-2021 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 research chair in environmental humanities
2018 fulbright canada research chair, university of california, santa barbara
2018 environmental humanities fellow, institute for advanced studies in the humanities, university of edinburgh
2010 carson fellow, rachel carson center for environment and society, munich
2009-2010 sshrc postdoctoral fellow, school of english, university of leeds
2008 international council for canadian studies postdoctoral fellowship, school of english, university of leeds
she has also worked professionally in publishing, serving from 2002-2004 as executive editor of alternatives journal, a canadian environmental magazine that brings together academic, activist and professional audiences.
dr. lousley researches in the areas of environmental literary and cultural studies, contemporary canadian literature, globalization and global studies, feminist studies, and social and cultural theory. she is interested in the relationship between rhetorical and narrative forms and environmental politics and justice, particularly the representation and distribution of environmental risk at imagined scales of the local, national, worldly, and planetary.
her research in ecocriticism and contemporary canadian literature has been published in the oxford handbook of ecocriticism, canadian literature, studies in canadian literature/Études en littérature canadienne, topia: canadian journal of cultural studies, environmental philosophy, canadian poetry, essays on canadian writing, interdisciplinary studies in literature and environment, and elsewhere. the canadian authors she studies include larissa lai, margaret atwood, dionne brand, barbara gowdy, thomas king, matt cohen, david adams richards, sheldon currie, and douglas coupland.
her research on cultural forms and practices of global identity during the rise of globalization and sustainable development has been published in globalizations, environmental communication, resilience, global ecologies and the environmental humanities: postcolonial approaches, emotion, space & society, and popular representations of development: insights from novels, films, television, and social media.
cheryl lousley is also the series editor for the environmental humanities book series published by wilfrid laurier university press: https://www.wlupress.wlu.ca/series/e/environmental-humanities.