selected publications
journal manuscripts:
- lemelin, r.h., koster, r., & youroukos, n. (2015). tangible and intangible indicators of successful aboriginal tourism initiatives: a case study of two successful aboriginal tourism lodges in northern canada. tourism management, 47: 318-328
- lemelin, r.h., koster, r., bradford, l., stricket, g., & molinksy, l. (2015). people, places, protected areas and tourism: place attachment in rossport ontario canada. scandinavian journal of hospitality and tourism. 15:1-2, 167-82. doi: 10.1080/15022250.2015.1006391
- weirsma, e. & r.l. koster (2014) "it's not only for sick people": the place of the hospital in a rural northern community. the canadian geographer / le géographe canadien 58(3): 341-354 doi: 10.1111/cag.12085.
- weirsma, e. & r.l. koster (2013) vulnerability, voluntarism, and age-friendly communities: placing rural northern communities into context. journal of rural and community development. 8(1): 62–76
- bennett, n., lemelin, r. h., koster, r., & budke, i. (2012). a capital assets framework for appraising and building capacity for tourism development in aboriginal protected area gateway communities. tourism management, 33(4), 752-766. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2011.08.009
- carson, d. & koster, r. (2012) addressing the problem of indigenous disadvantage in remote areas of developed nations: a plea for more comparative research. journal of rural and community development 7(1): 110–125.
- koster, r., lemelin, r.h. & baccar, k. (2012). 'moving from research on, to research with and for indigenous communities: a critical reflection on community-based participatory research', the canadian geographer. 56(2): 195–210, doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0064.2012.00428.x
- hardie t., koster r., & zahaf m. (2011), assessing the impacts of community service learning on business and non-business student perceptions and grades. review of business research, 11(1):163-172.
- lemelin, r.h., koster, r.l., woznicka, i., metansinine, k., & pelletier, h. (2010) voyages to kitchi gami: the lake superior national marine conservation area and regional tourism opportunities in canada’s first national marine conservation area. tourism in marine environments 6(2/3): 101-118
- koster, r. l. & lemelin, r. h. (2009) appreciative inquiry in rural tourism. tourism geographies. 11(2): 256-269.
book chapters:
- koster, r.l. (2017). preface: community based research. in virginia santamarina campos; mª angeles carabal montagud; maría de miguel molina; blanca de miguel molina (eds.). conservation, tourism and identity of contemporary community art: a case study of felipe seade’s mural “allegory to work”. apple academic press – taylor & francis, isbn 978-1-77188-400-6
- koster, r.l. & baccar, k. (2016). “rural first nations tourism: examining the relationship between sustainable tourism and capacity”. in lars k. hallström, mary beckie, glen hvenegaard, and karsten mündel (eds.) sustainability planning, and collaboration in rural canada: taking the next steps. editors: university of alberta press. chapter 10, pp. 217-240
- carson, d.a., & koster, r.l. (2015). theoretical perspectives on rural tourism development. in k. bricker & h. donohoe (eds.), demystifying theories in tourism (pp. 46-63). wallingford: cabi.
- olsen, d., koster, r.l. & yourkos, n. (2012). last chance tourism? public sector views of marketing endangered tourism destinations in north america in r.h. lemelin, j. dawson and e. steward (eds). last chance tourism: adapting tourism opportunities in a changing world. abingdon, oxon: routledge. chapter 8, pp.105-116.
- koster, r. l., lemelin, r. h. and agnew, k. (2010). frolicking in the fringe: an assessment of the state of exurban tourism in canada, in beesley, k. (ed.) rural-urban fringe in canada: conflict and controversy. rural development institute: brandon, manitoba. (144-157).
- koster. r.l. (2010). local contexts for community economic development strategies: a comparison of rural saskatchewan and ontario communities, in dick g. winchell, doug ramsey, rhonda koster and guy m. robinson, (eds.) geographical perspectives on sustainable rural change. chapter 26. rural development institute: brandon, manitoba.(461-483)
- koster, r.l. & carson, d.a. (editors) (2019). perspectives on rural tourism geographies: case studies from developed nations on the exotic, the fringe and the boring bits in between. swizterland, springer.
reports: (unpublished)
- baccar, k. and koster, r. (2019) red rock indian band chalet lodge operational plan. prepared for the rrib under contract. (80 pages)
- koster, r.l., eskawkogan, k., capay, j., debassige, n., marcil, l. maclachlan, d., mclaren, b. (2019). methods of indigenous consultation for resource-based research: moving from tokenism to relationship building in the ‘duty to consult’ for resource-based developments, a case study of tourism in northern ontario. position paper for the social sciences and humanities research council, national dialogue ottawa, march 2019. (10 pages).
- wiersma, e.c., & koster, r.l. (2011). the experiences of aging in northwestern ontario: economic transition and rural communities.
- youroukos, n., koster, r.l.& gammon, s. (2011) top of superior summer cruising report, 2010. prepared for the top of superior community association.
- metansinine, k., koster, r. l., & lemelin, r.h. (2009). experiential tourism in aboriginal communities: assesment handbook. prepared under contract for parks canada
- metansinine, k., koster, r. l., & lemelin, r.h. (2009). developing experiential tourism in lake helen region: a foundational document. prepared under contract for parks canada.
- koster, r.l. & lemelin, r.h. (2007). an examination of the potential for aboriginal tourism in northwestern ontario: phase 1. prepared under contract for parks canada.